Tir is all about family, home, your heritage. Tir energy tells us to act based on what you have done over and over again out of habit
The administration of this website exerting selective censorship over this site’s participants in the manner we have just witnessed to impede the polite and free expression of opinion is unconscionable
روانشناس و کارشناس علوم اجتماعی
The premise is that “job creators” do not actually create jobs and giving them more money does not improve the economy
Threats of violence on Iranian.com and the site's editorial policy: Does this site foster a climate of intimidation to deter certain users from participating?
در این قسمت به معرفی ناصر مکارم شیرازی می پردازیم
The recent news "IAEA, Iran Reach Accord On Atomic Inspections" is a positive development for two reasons
گمانه زنی بر سر مذاکره برنامه اتمی ایران در بغداد همه گیر شده
Zuckerberg got married today, Islamic Retards still live in 7th century, and what have YOU ACCOMPLISHED in the past 1400 years?
گفتگو با یک زوج همجنسگرا ساکن سانفرانسیسکو
Jewish settlers open fire on stone-throwing Palestinian protesters in the West Bank, wounding one of them. The incident comes days after an equally shocking death of a sunni cleric in neighbouring Lebanon
دخیل بستگان هاج و واج که این چه بوالعجی است
A new wave of mass demonstrations to save Lake Urmia was violently suppressed by Iranian security forces and riot police in streets of Azerbaijani cities