The fact that the US did not attack Iran militarily does not change the equation
The President of Carnegie Corporation, Vartan Gregorian (an Iranian-American), suggested in 2009 that President Obama should send a letter of friendship to Tehran. About the American response to the 1979–1980 hostage crisis he proposed that President Obama should write that “[n]o country, certainly no country in possession of the vast power of the United States, would have failed to act under such circumstances. But we restrained our response, because the powerful have the option not to exercise their power…out of a sense of responsibility.”
در حدود یک سال پیش بود که به کمک اینترنت و جادوی یوتیوب چند قطعه موسیقی جدید شنیدم. کارها مخلوطی بود از موسیقی کلاسیک ایرانی با کمی موسیقی جاز. از یکی از این کارها خیلی خوشم آمد. تنظیم و ورسیون جدیدی بود برشعرمشهوروقدیمی" خوابم یا بیدارم " ایرج جنتی عطایی که سالها پیش توسط گوگوش اجرا شده بود. بعدتر کارهایی بیشتری از این گروه شنیدیم
Sepideh Khosrowjah’s new play, "It’s Not About Pomegranates"
Khosrowjah has recreated that seminal debate in her play about a play, and like Sean and Atoosa, each of us will come away with a different judgment about the characters. Some would say she slept with him to get her play produced. A favor for a favor. Others, like me, would see two people looking for an excuse to fall in love. Still others may favor their attention on the intellectual dialogs about how East and West typecast each other
Middle East's religious and cultural reformation
The current grassroots uprising against the theocratic scrooges or autocratic puppets and their hegemonic linchpins, spanning from North and the horn of Africa, to Southeast Asia supports such a re-awakening paradigm. The fundamentalist crypto-theocracy has also remained an impending predicament in several countries against the organic aspirations of the masses yearning to establish the rule of law, security and sovereignty, modernity, justice and equality, transparency, equality, and peace
این مهمان ناخوانده
دردیست در آرنج چپم
که حدود بیست سال است
هر از گاه سری به من میزند
Photo essay: Life in Iran
by Ghazale Ghazanfari
حلاج چه کرده که باید کشته شود؟
هیچ کس شک ندارد که حسینبن منصور حلاج (309ــ 244 هـ . ق) اولا در دورهی معینی از زندگی خود شروع به گفتن این جمله کرد: "اناالحق" و ثانیاً توسط مقتدر عباسی در بغداد به دار آویخته شد. جز این دو مورد، بر سر دیگر مسائل مربوط به زندگی این شخصیت نیمه افسانه ای مابین گذشتگان و امروزیان به یک نسبت اختلاف وجود دارد. علی شریعتی او را دیوانه میخوانَد و علی میرفطروس کم مانده تا او را مارکسیست بخواند. از قدما نیز گروهی او را موحد و برخی ملحد می خواندند
The murmur in my ear brought me back to the real world. I could feel the fingertips of another human being moving up and down my thighs and getting all over my flesh. I was not dead and certainly have not gone to heaven but I have felt paradise for hours the previous night. I knew I was not alone in bed but had no inkling of time and place at the time. Then I could feel another warm breath on my nose and upper lips. And another set of fingers on my arms and shoulders and breasts. I woke up to find myself in bed with two men
چند درس جنده بازی در تهران
چادرش رو که ور داشت، بجای هلو بیشتر به هندونه میزد. بدک نبود، اما از برآمدگی شکمش میشد حدس زد که یک دو باری زاییده. سی و چند ساله، با موی قهوهای و چشمان میشی ... صورت گرد و پوست سفیدش جذاب بود و دلنشین. تعارف کردم که؛ "چیزی میل دارید؟ شربت، شیرینی یا شراب؟"
جای لبهای تو جانم به لب آید چه کنم؟
روز را سر کنم اینگونه، شب آید چه کنم؟
شب نگو بی تو شبی صد شب یلداست مرا
شب نیاید گل من، لرز و تب آید چه کنم؟
Waiting for her people to return to her
by Morteza Baharloo
Shahyad stands tall, proud and clad in white, as if she were the Bride of Iran. When conceptualized, she was to represent the grandeur of Iranian civilization and also provide a gateway welcoming visitors into the capital. Iranians, known for their obsessive hospitality, created an “arch of triumph,” or
taq-e nosrat, located adjacent to the airport to greet every visitor. Like many historic Iranian monuments, the expansive grounds surrounding the tower were intended as a venue for celebrations, parades and other cultural events and activities
صبحی بر می خیزی و می بینی که زمین مانند بستری شده از پر قو
دلم می خواهد که تو بهار قشنگ شهر مرا ببینی. آی که چه لذت بخش است. به اندک زمانی شاخه های ترد باریک و خشکیده گره گره می شوند. این گره ها بزرگ می شوند چنانچه تو خیال می کنی هر شاخه تسبیح بلندی ست با دانه های گرد منفصل. و راستی که تسبیح اند. خوبتر که نگاه کنی و دل به دانه ها بدهی تسبیح آن جوانه های کوچک مچاله را می شنوی که آرام آرام سر از سجده کردگار برمی دارند و در رقص آرام سبکشان در شکفتن، شادی می پراکنند
اندوه، مرگ و كینه
دستِ اهرمن پر است همیشه اما
با چهار دستِ خالی ما
عشق را تكخالِ دل بودیم
فرقی نمی کند که روز پنجم فروردین است
یا روز بیست و چهارم مارچ
سرزمین مادری که نیست
اینجا درختان شکوفه هم که می دهند
نمیدانند که نوروز با فدمهای با شکوهش
به آنها جلوه داده است
It was a happy decision, but not too many people saw it that way
One summer I worked at a summer school. It was a good job, because there were kids. There was also a young mother of one of the boys who had to stay in the class in the morning otherwise the boy would feel too terrible. The boy was five. His name was Benny. He was a great man when his mother stayed in the class. He never got in anybody's way and he could join in with what anybody was doing. He didn't draw any distinctions, between boys and girls, between the boys who played sports outside and the ones who looked for ants