AIN’T NO ‘SUGAR BOY’: Khosro Fravahar Slams Esmail Nooriala's Call to Curb Revolutionary Zeal


AIN’T NO ‘SUGAR BOY’: Khosro Fravahar Slams Esmail Nooriala's Call to Curb Revolutionary Zeal
by Darius Kadivar



Constitutionalist From Austria Khosro Fravahar responds to Jomhurykhah Esmaïl Nouriala’s  suggestion that Iranians should moderate their revolutionary demands. He also slams BBC Persian’s Staff particularly Pooneh Ghoddoosi and Enayat Fani for also discouraging revolutionary zeal amongst Iranians. 

Khosro Fravahar : ‘Zendeh Bad Enghelab’:


Go to 7 Min 50 approx : 

Khosro Fravahar : 'I ain't no sugar to be dissolved in a tea'

« Aghayeh Nooriala meegeh Enhelal Talab Basheem … »

« Mageh Man Ghandam Keh Mano Bendazam too chayee hal Besham ? … »

DISCLAIMER: Views expressed in this program (as well as critics towards the people mentioned) are those of Khosrow Fravahar and don’t necessarily reflect my views.


Related Article:

Shorayeh Melli Dar Tarazooyeh
 Sanjesh by Esmail Nooriala (

Related Blogs:

VOA OFOGH : Crown Prince Reza speaks
 on Call for National Council to Oppose IRI

Constitutionalist Khosro Fravahar 
Blasts Esmail Nouriala For Hypocritical Jomhurykhah Bias

Other Constitutionalists Blogs by Khosro Fravahar :

Khosro Fravahar: Who Betrayed the Constitution in 1953 The Shah or Mossadegh?

Khosro Fravahar Challenges Abbas Milani & ex-Maoist “Comrads” to an Open debate on Shah’s Rule

UN APOLOGETIC MONARCHIST: Khosro Fravahar interviewed on Israeli Radio Radis

Khosro Fravahar: How Green Movement Jumped on Bandwagon of
 Gene Sharp’s Theory

Khosro Fravahar 
Responds to Hassan Shariatmadari’s 
Comments on Secularism & Monarchy


BOOBOOLI': Bahram Moshiri 
Mocks & insults Shah’s Executed Generals

 MATTERS: Khosro Fravahar say’s Iranian Jomhurykahs live in denial

 Khosro Fravahar Blasts Esmail Nouriala For Hypocritical Jomhurykhah Bias

Constitutionalist Blasts BBC Persian For Left Wing Bias towards 
Pahlavi Rule


 Khosro Fravahar Responds to Bahram Moshiri’s Assessments on Pahlavi Rule 

Constitutionalist activist debates with Green activist Omid Dana On RP 2's Leadership 

 Constitutionalist Explains why he Favors Monarchies over Republics 

Constitutionalist's Critics of Shamlou's deemed 'Insults' towards Ferdowsi's Shahnameh

Homayoun Slams Former Pahlavi Era Ministers for Lack of Loyalty




more from Darius Kadivar

hey Dk I just finished listening to RP on VOA

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Please put up a log on it.

The Interview was excellent and Powerful


by the way dk, you ever travel to Landan?

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

You should come over and hang out with me, ali mostofi and anglophile.  None of us have met yet, it would be nice to do so, interested in travel?  Need a place to stay or any other excuses I can remove, let me know.  This is a fine place we should all go to, //




LOL DK on being political LOL

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

First off lovely guy, needs to stay on message like a trial lawyer defending a case and not lose composure and sound angry or disrespectful to anyone, as he loses control to emotions, rather than use them to inspire and motivate action. 

expressed in this program (as well as critics towards the people
mentioned) are those of Khosrow Fravahar and don’t necessarily reflect
my views.

I have a dislaimer too, incase the IRI is looking out for me or anyone else, the views expressed under my handle amirparvizforsecularmonarchy don't necessarily reflect my views either they are just ment to get you to think.



 dk: Please advise him

by vildemose on

 dk: Please advise him that no supporter of monarchy should ever lose composure and sound angry or disrespectful to anyone. His message becomes ineffective as he sounds out of control, emotional or too peturbed no matter how valid. Act like statesmen when defending the monarchy or just shut up.


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir