VOA OFOGH : Crown Prince Reza speaks on Call for National Council to Oppose IRI


VOA OFOGH : Crown Prince Reza speaks on Call for National Council to Oppose IRI
by Darius Kadivar

VOA’s OFOGH’s Siamak Deghanpour interviews Crown Prince Reza on the petition for the creation of a « Shorayeh Melli » (i.e : National Council). 

Crown Prince Reza speaks Iran’s Crisis and Opposition to IRI :

(Video Courtesy : voacapitol, Ofogh TV)

Related Website:


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Related Blogs on Crown Prince Reza’s Interviews:

Q&A with Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi on Radio Farda

Reza Pahlavi Submits Demand for Ali 
Khamenei’s Indictment to UN Security Council

PALTALK: Heshmat Raisi interview with
 Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi

ROYAL PROFILE: Dutch TV Coverage on 
Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi

Akbar Ganji: “Learn From Reza 
Pahlavi, Heir to the Peacock Throne”

REZA's CALL: "Don't Bomb My
 Country" say's Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi

 speaks to "shahrvand" Reza Pahlavi

Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi's Analysis
 on IRI "plot" to Kill Saudi Envoy

Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi at Paris' 
European American Chamber of Commerce

Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi at CAPE
 Press Conference in Paris

Banisadr On Risks and Conditions Of
 Seeing Reza Pahlavi Restored


more from Darius Kadivar

This is a very powerful and timely interview. With many gems

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

He cleary says that he is opposed to war against IRI.  As are the vast most of Iranians & Monarchists.

He discusses that US support & policy for Democrats within Iran is not clear from one moment to the next.  And does not give any more support to Romney than Obama, with whom he is clearly disappointed and has many reasons to be.

He clarifies that the USA has continuously made the work of democratic forces within Iran more difficult.

He discusses the nature of the IRI regime and the laughable policy of speaking with such a regme for 8 years and then making a case for war or worse lending support to sepratists and extremists within like the MeK.  He clearly brought up the views of MeK members and the incorrect way that the USA/EU countries removed them from a terrorist list by not making it based on requiring them to move away from violence or basing their decision on proof of them stopping terrorist activities. 

Governments and RP know of the MeK's ongoing terrorism and extremism and being removed without proof of change, just words saying they denounce it allows Western governments to can claim ignorance when the fbi later on reveals the truth.  As in Khomeini's case/ though that has been deeply covered up, the USA knew exactly the type of extremist they were supporting and had no illusions that he was a peaceful ghandhi like figure, though they lied about this to fool ther own people and ours, to reach their real aims, which unfortunately based on this interview we can all judge from the US/EU side has not changed at all, since supporting khomeini. 

He made clear the signatures were from leaders in iran all coming together, not monarchists, but people from universities, jails, workers groups, cities all across Iran.  He is endorsing these young Iranians of various views because they are leaders that represent grass roots groups and they meet critera for secular democratic forces.

He said that Iranians may not have a chance again to do something, as the options the west is pursuing give the people little time or chance to help make a secular democratic change for the progress of Iran.  If your #1 goal is to help remove the IRI, this is your chance to do so, supporting Iranian democrats on the front lines.

My own insight reading between the lines of his answers, RP feels its our duty to give our best effort with the goal of bringing down the IRI, yet RP knows the West still loves the IRI and since there has been zero support only obstacles from the west for iranians democratic aspirations, iranians may have to work extra hard to bring down the IRI on their own.  If you take this challenge for democracy do not expect obama/romney to even condemn the IRI as they execute and torture iranians opposing the regime.  NOW is the time to help each other remove IRI, regardless of outside help, before the west implements its own plans without our consent, potentially committing worse civil war carnage than syria, with a break up of Iran.    


Great Project - A Very important step !

by Shemirani on

 Prince Reza Pahlavi said it all when he said "Iran's worse ennemy is our indifference !".......... we must change  that !!!

 Getting out of this inertia state is a must !!! Being real actors of our future, getting organized, being united in accordance with basics wills (16 articles ) and Finally  Having a National council who represant us and works for Iran's Interest is what we terribly need for a better future !

Great Speech, ! PRP is a very Brilliant man, a great Patriot !!!






Very effective speech

by JustAnIranian on

This man is the best. 



Thx shahrvand

by Rea on

Hope this time he will go a step further than just issuing a statement on his website.

Will share the link. Starting right away in one of the ex-Yu social forums.

Ex-Yu is a fertile soil, we are numerous, at home and abroad. Unfortunately, numerous are as well those who, for one reason or another, support AN, the greatest anti-imperialist ever. Che in person, lol.


Great speech

by Shirzadegan on

درود بر رضا پهلوی پادشاه قانونی‌ ایران زمین

در احتزاز و بر افراشته با د پرچم ۳ رنگ شیرو خورشید ما

پاینده و سر بلند با د سرزمین آریای ما ایران

First Amendment


by First Amendment on

In a nutshell he's saying that because he knows some people in high places, then he should be the king...............As a matter of fact Forbes which is close to high places around the world, has dedicated a very substantial article to him and his cause........you can read it HERE...........thanks for your interest in our royal affairs...........



by shahrvand2 on


French / English translation

by Rea on

..... anywhere to be found ?

Michelin man

آهای نفس‌کش

Michelin man



جاوید شاه.جاوید رضا شاه دوم.من در خدمت همه دوستان و سروران عزیزم هستم که
شیکم سفره کنم، چشم باباقوری کنم. خلاصه همین‌جور که ایشون میفرمان لت و
پار کنم هرچی‌ جاکش بدخواه اعلیحضرت همایونی دسته گٔل خاندان سلطنت را.
کمونیست ممنیست و اینجور قرتی بازیا‌م سرم نمی‌شه، یعنی‌ خداییش حوصله‌
سبک‌سنگین کردن حریف را ندارم. فقط لازمه‌ش اینه که این دوستمون که اینجا
تشریف دارند فقط یه اشاره بکنن که یعنی‌ طرف جاکشه. دگه بقیه‌ش با
نوکرتونه.به ولای علی‌ همون شبونه والاحضرت را شاهش می‌کنیم که هیشکی نتونه
جیکش در بیاد. فقط یه اما داره. این دوستمون اینجوری که میگن زمان
بچگیاشون مثل اینکه قاطی جاکشا و قرمساقا زیاد لولیدن، واسه همین خوب
میشناسنشون. اشاره از ایشون که یعنی‌ طرف جاکشه، یا اینکه این دوستمون بگه که یه خاطره ناخوشایند مربوط به زمان بچگیش از اون یارو داره یا اینکه طرف شاهدوست نیستش. که فقط دوست دارم اونجا باشی‌ و
ببینی‌ که چه جوری دل‌ و روده طرف رو جوری قلفتی در میارم که ماتحتش سرود
شاهنشی بخونه.


این بهترین پیشنهاد عملی است که در این سی و چند سال شنیده ایم.



کاش به خاطر کشور و مردمش وقت را از دست نمی دادیم و تا مرحله

 براندازی و  انتخابات آزاد با هم همکاری می کردیم.

فرصت کم ست و تهدید ها جدی.

هیچ ایرانی بجز"آزادی ایران" نخواست
گرچه چپ باشد، میان رو، یا که راست


راهی روشن
برای مبارزان راستین


Darius Kadivar

Thanks for him Souri Jan

by Darius Kadivar on

Good Sport !


Appreciate it ! 


No, don't delete Faramrz comments please

by Souri on

Then my comments will seem to be  nonsense. My last comment which was a response to him, got deleted for  no obvious reason.

Please don't do that again. Thanks.

Darius Kadivar

Don't see why Faramarz comment was Flagged ?

by Darius Kadivar on

I saved it in case it's deleted !



John cleese on international communism









Thanks Vildemose jan, you are right....man faghat goftam

by Souri on

نگران نباش فرامرز جان.

اون "...." هائی که تو منتظر مالوندنشون هستی‌، الان دیگه همه مثل خودت پیر و از کار افتاده شدن. اگه "مردی" برو جلوی جوان‌ها رو بگیر.

به قول پابلو نرودا :

اگر تمام گلها را هم بشود از شاخه چید، نمی توان جلوی آمدن بهار را گرفت


Faramarz khan: dar shaen

by vildemose on

Faramarz khan: dar shaen shoma nist kalamayeh 'J...sh' ro be kar bebarid... har chand khodetoon midoonid.


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


یا قمر بنی‌ هاشم!


دوستان، اقلا اول بذارید از شر آخوند‌ها خلاص بشیم، قبل از اینکه به جون هم دیگه بیفتیم. وگرنه خدای نکرده یک آدم بدبین در میاد میگه:

"این آخوند‌ها حقتونه. نوش جون!"


آخ آخ یواش‌تر فرامرز جان....ترسیدم!


انقدر سریع هایپر نشو عزیز. فعلا که تنها کسی‌ که اینجا پوزه داره خود شمایی...یعنی‌ از عکست که اینطوری برمیاد :)


dear admin: Why not

by vildemose on

dear admin: Why not feature this blog because of its important content in the spirit of bipartisnship? Thanks.


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


Why should he be the only

by vildemose on

Why should he be the only one who is making any sense??


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir