ماندگاری شايسته ترين

پايداری آيين های ايرانی حاصل «تنازع بقا» است

26-Mar-2009 (2 comments)
چرا؟ راستی چرا؟ چرا به هر بهانه و به هر دليلی که برای مردم آورده می شود آنها بی اعتنا به اهداف حکومت نوروز را به عنوان «بزرگترين عيد» ايرانيان گرامی می دارند. حکومت برای برگزاری هر کدام از جشن های مذهبی، از تولد پيامبر اسلام گرفته تا عيد غدير و فطر و قربان، ميليون ها خرج می کند، راديو ـ تلويزيون هايش صبح تا شب در بوق و کرنا می دمند و کسبه وادار می شوند تا به رقابت با يکديگر در و ديوار را چراغانی کنند. اما همين حکومت برای عيد نوروز هيچ کاری صورت نمی دهد و فقط دنبال يک شهادت و مرگ و مير مذهبی است تا بتواند عيش مردم را تعطيل کند. اما، هر سال، با پيچيدن بوی بهار در سينه های ايرانيان، مردمان اين عيد را با شکوه گسترده و بيشتری گرامی می دارند و آیین های آن را مفصل تر از گذشته بجای می آورند>>>


سال نو در کنار کورش

سال نو در کنار کورش

Photo essay: Cyrus the Great showered with flowers

by Farzad
24-Mar-2009 (130 comments)



Bad start

Open letter to President Barack Hussein Obama

24-Mar-2009 (65 comments)
Mr. President, Leaders in the Islamic republic denounce everything that has to do with Iranian origin, as the name suggest it is an Islamic regime which identify itself with the Islamic ideals. I have full understanding that you do not pursue the happiness of the Iranian people nor do you care about human right violations under this barbaric regime. Your job is to secure American interest and how much you are willing to appease a terrorist regime is for you to decide. When looking to establish a connection with the regime you should use the Islamic path by quoting from Quran during an Islamic holiday. >>>


I'll call it NOWRUZ, if you call him OWBAWMO

NOROOZ is the most phonetically correct spelling

24-Mar-2009 (75 comments)
One of the signs that the new year is upon us, is the continued debate surrounding the Yarshater camp (more on that later) spelling of NOWRUZ. And every year it seems, someone brings me flawed data to support this aberration and attempt to amend common English phonetic rules. Now don't get me wrong. Here's my point:
- I am in no way suggesting you must spell it my way or that I even have a "way".
- I say that NOWRUZ isn't as successful a spelling as is possible.
- I do not think we need to have one correct spelling. Just look at Hannukah >>>


Supreme President Khamenei

Ahmadinejad's unpopularity does not necessarily weaken his chances of being re-elected

20-Mar-2009 (7 comments)
The decision of former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami not to seek the presidency again has revealed how muddled Iranian presidential politics now is. In trying to sort out this muddle, the most important thing to keep in mind is not so much who will be elected, but what that choice will reveal about the intentions of the country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Unfortunately, the most likely outcome will be continuing transformation of the Islamic Republic from a civil government into a garrison state in which the military plays a major role in determining political and economic matters>>>


اغتشاش در فعالیت‌های انتخاباتی

رأی‌گیری خردادماه آینده به دلایل مختلفی به یكی از مهمترین رأی‌گیری‌های جمهوری اسلامی تبدیل شده است

18-Mar-2009 (one comment)
رأی‌گیری خردادماه آینده به دلایل مختلفی به یكی از مهمترین رأی‌گیری‌های جمهوری اسلامی تبدیل شده است. تجربه دوره چهارساله ریاست جمهوری احمدی‌نژاد گرچه برای حامی ‌اصلی ‌او در ساختار قدرت یعنی آقای ‌خامنه‌ای رضایت‌بخش بوده، ولی در ورای آن موفقیت چندانی نداشته است. توخالی درآمدن شعارهای عوامفریبانه او در بردن نفت بر سر سفره‌های مردم كه در پیروزی‌اش در سال ۱۳۸۴ نقش داشت به ریزش شدید حمایت قشرهای آسیب‌پذیر اقتصادی از او منجر شده است. گرایش‌های مختلف جناح اصلاح‌طلب در هدف «احمدی‌نژاد، نه» به یك اتحاد استراتژیك رسیده‌اند. و از همه مهمتر، این كه بخش عمده‌ای از هم‌پیمانان او در جناح اصولگرا نیز حمایت خود را از او پس گرفته‌اند و در برابر او به صف‌آرایی پرداخته‌اند. >>>


In so many words

In so many words

Photo essay: Signs and banners in Tehran

by Negar Mortazavi
16-Mar-2009 (9 comments)



We take a stand

Prominent academics call for end to Bahai persecutions

16-Mar-2009 (17 comments)
We, the undersigned scholars and academic specialists in the fields of Middle Eastern and Iranian studies, call on the Islamic Republic of Iran to put an end to human rights abuses against Bahais in Iran, which have been greatly escalating in recent months, and grant them full civil rights and freedoms as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Social and Economic Rights, to which Iran is a signatory. We note with great concern evidence of an ongoing campaign to deprive the Bahais of Iran of their fundamental human rights>>>


مردمی كردن درآمدهای نفت

منابع طبیعی باید از كنترل حكومت بیرون بیایند و در اختیار صاحبان اصلی آن یعنی‌ مردم قرار گیرند

14-Mar-2009 (13 comments)
آقای احمدی‌نژاد البته در طرح شعارهای عوامفریبانه اقتصادی تجربه دارد. در دوره پیش، او قرار بود كه «نفت را به پای ‌سفره مردم» ببرد، ولی در دوره چهارساله حكومتش نه فقط از تحقق این وعده خبری‌ نشد و بلكه درآمدهای ‌سرسام‌آور نفت كشور در این دوره برای مردم نتیجه‌ای جز فقر و تورم بر جای نگذاشته است. آقای ‌كروبی نیز در دوره گذشته با شعار عوام‌پسند مشابهی یعنی پرداخت ماهی‌ پنجاه هزارتومان به هر خانواده ایرانی به صحنه آمد. این شعار گرچه ظاهرا توانسته بود آرایی را برای او كسب كند ولی به دلایلی برای موفقیت او در رأی‌گیری كافی نبود. علاوه بر این، هیچ‌گاه معلوم نشد كه او چگونه می‌خواسته یا می‌توانسته است این شعار را متحقق كند. احمدی‌نژاد و كروبی هر دو در رأی‌گیری پیشین شعارهای اقتصادی فریبنده‌ای را مطرح كردند - شعارهایی كه هیچ پایه اقتصادی و عملیاتی نداشتند از این رو چیزی جز صرفا شعارهای عوامفریبانه نبودند>>>


Culprit by Default

I still continue to be the target of hasty judgment, imaginary offense

14-Mar-2009 (21 comments)
Working in a restaurant when I was a student in the early 1970s wasn’t officially authorized under my student visa, but it provided me with a badly needed income. Earning a salary by the hour was something unheard of for me since there was no payment system like that back home in Iran. Even though the minimum wage rate in those days was not all that high in nominal terms, it was a considerable amount of money for me since I use to live on a very small stipend. In addition to its monetary reward, the job had non-monetary benefits. I was able to take home the restaurant’s unsold leftover baked potatoes every night because I believe that health department regulations did not allow the potatoes to be saved>>>


زندگی های نزیسته

مبارزه برای زیست و جان سالم در بردن از مرگ اجتماعی

14-Mar-2009 (2 comments)
من پر از این زندگی های نزیسته ام: زندگی آن دختر نوجوانی که نمی توانست موهایش را به آفتاب بنمایاند، زندگی آن دختر ده ساله ای که دلش می خواست روسری بپوشد و دست پدر به زور و با خشونت آنرا از سرش می کشید و بهش می گفت کلاغ سیاه، زندگی آن نوجوانی که نمی توانست در دریا کنار پدرش شنا کند، زندگی آن دختر یازده ساله ای که نمی توانست در کوچه ها کنار پسر های همسالش دوچرخه سواری کند، زندگی آن دختر نوجوانی که نمی توانست احساساتش را به دوستان دخترش نشان بدهد، زندگی آن دختر نوجوانی که نمی توانست دوست پسر داشته باشد، زندگی آن دختر نوجوانی که نمی توانست فعالیت سیاسی داشته باشد، زندگی آن دختری که نمی خواست دوستانش در زندانها بمیرند، زندگی آن دختری که می خواست با معلم دینی بحث کند و نمی توانست، >>>


Preventing a Cascade of Instability

U.S. Engagement to Check Iranian Nuclear Progress

10-Mar-2009 (19 comments)
The international community's prolonged hesitance to intervene has allowed Iran to acquire the industrial capability to enrich uranium. Iran has sufficient yellow cake -- uranium that has been milled, the first step toward enrichment -- to produce enough highly enriched uranium to fuel fifty nuclear weapons. Moreover, Iran's path toward nuclear weapons capability is facilitated by its access to Pakistan's nuclear know-how. The unpopularity of the Iranian regime affords the United States a renewed opportunity to exercise leadership. Washington must promote stiffer economic and financial sanctions, including those that jeopardize Iran's ability to export oil and import refined petroleum products>>>


I’m Wrong, You’re Right, Alright?

Many times I have come across people who simply want to prove that they are right

08-Mar-2009 (102 comments)
Over 30 years ago in Tehran, I worked with an American who was a native of Virginia and had spent most of his life in the Middle East working on engineering projects. He had lived and worked in such countries as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and many Persian Gulf States. We used to discuss many topics from life in America to historical sites in Iran, and of course politics. He showed a great deal of interest in Iran and the people of Middle East. I asked him after spending so many years in Iran and the region, what he thought was the biggest problem facing the people? His answer amazed me to this date>>>


The best way

Iranian people cannot tolerate any more of such ill-driven policies

04-Mar-2009 (112 comments)
We would like to congratulate you on your becoming the 44th President of the United States of America as such historic event of unprecedented proportion has now transpired. In your inaugural address, you eluded to extending a dialogue with Iran. Most Americans including many in the Iranian-American Community of nearly a million strong keenly welcome this noble idea. It is, therefore, in the spirit of supporting your bold leadership to reinvigorate the American credibility worldwide, including the Near East, albeit Iran, that we the undersigned scholars would take the opportunity a few key suggestions that we believe when implemented in our rapprochement should mutually benefit both nations:>>>


Moral Victory

Shirin Ebadi's struggle in defense of human rights

04-Mar-2009 (3 comments)
30 years ago, Dr. Shirin Ebadi, the first female judge in Iranian history, was removed from her post when religious authorities in Iran declared that all women serving in the country as judges were “unfit” to perform their duties. She was then immediately demoted to a position as administrative clerk in the courtroom where she once presided. Dr. Ebadi was hit then by the inequities of women’s rights and inequality in Iran, but she did not let that stop her. During a time marked by political and religious upheaval, Shirin Ebadi found her path and continued her journey by becoming a human rights advocate and attorney serving the public as she helped those who looked to her to provide counsel on the interpretation of rights under Iranian law>>>