Tehran has done a far better job of painting itself as the enemy of the U.S. than anyone else could have done
Evidence that Iran has been involved in “efforts to master the technology needed for atomic weapons” can’t simply be ignored or dismissed by the international community. Ten different intelligence agencies contributed to the Atomic Energy Agency's carefully vetted findings, which were leaked yesterday. Although the chances of war remain small, the diplomatic and economic consequences of this latest report could be extremely serious for the Islamic Republic
برخورد نهایی و خلأ اپوزیسیون
آقای احمدینژاد گفته «برخورد نهایی نزدیک است». این سخن صرف نظر از اشاره به ظهور قریبالوقوع امام زمان (که احمدینژاد قبلا وعده آن را داده) میتواند به یکی از دو صحنه درگیری این نظام و یا هر دوی آنها مربوط باشد. یکی به نقطه تصادم رسیدن روابط ایران با غرب، و دیگری رویارویی نهایی دو جناح حاکم. آقای احمدینژاد احتمال برخورد نهایی یا عدم آن را پیش نمیکشد
Mirkarimi has always had a fond spot in his heart for Law Enforcement
Ross (Rostam) Mirkarimi became the first Iranian American Sheriff of San Francisco County and history last night in the local elections that also selected the first Chinese-American mayor of San Francisco. Mirkarimi a longtime City Supervisor, and veteran politician, puzzled many local Iranians and friends and supporters when he chose to run for the Sheriff spot over running for mayor
French-Iranian journalist's book inspired by his experience in the Islamic Republic
by Armin Arefi
“Welcome to the Islamic Republic,” he laughs. “Paradise on Earth, as long as you can afford it.” Omid forces a smile, for he himself—a student from Tehran—was far from born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He owes his invitation to this dream party to Morteza, a rich friend. Luckily for him his real identity remains a secret, or he would never have had the slightest chance of hooking up with the beautiful Helya; even the evening’s delights, however, cannot cover up his deep depression
This poem saw in horror
the burst of the still horizon
that shook the foundation of
Mashi and Mashiana’s shelter
Current and former Iranian student activists appeal to U.S. president
by Activists
We would like to explicitly state that we are not seeking your military assistance against the Islamic Republic. Considering the consequences of military action on the current situation in Iran, we strongly warn against it. In order to help the Iranian people, please focus on: Placing sanctions against human rights violations, high-ranking Iranian regime members, and IRGC commanders and members of their immediate families
Unwavering defence of Persian ‘superiority’
by Alireza Asgharzadeh
Those Iranian/Persian intellectuals who studiously avoid discussions of difference and diversity can hardly touch the surface of oppressive and exclusionary power relationships in contemporary Iran. They are likely to offer at best partial, at worst misleading contributions to the struggle for democracy. Their constant talk of democracy and human rights are nothing more than ideological slogans serving as a façade for power and privilege
Only good for that much needed, much sought after, highly prized "ME!" time
I have tried and tried and tried, and for the life of me have not been able to figure out what use Facebook has, and why we should all be on it. Iranians though, seem to be on it a lot. I'll toss some Ahvazi-naft on the fire right away and suggest that first, Iranians love anything free, second they love anything trendy, so that's why I think Iranians are on Facebook
می سوزند و پژمرده می شوند
بر خاک می افتند.
و فریادهای رسایشان
در سکوت درد گستر جانم
خاموش می شود
Israel's mens' men who are threatening Iran are the real cowards' cowards
by Gideon Levy
If Iran dares mount a nuclear attack against Israel, Iran will be committing public, painful, mass suicide. Israel will respond, and the world will not be silent. Jerusalem knows that and, more importantly, so does Tehran. But in Tehran, so we are told from morning to evening, the "crazy" leadership could shuffle the deck. And so Israel is threatening to bomb Tehran before it is too late, making one suspect that it is actually here, in Israel, that lunacy prevails
Is Netanyahu serious about bombing Iran?
Should the latest episode of Israeli calls for bombing Iran be taken seriously, or is it – like the many cases prior to it – yet another (politically motivated) false alarm? Like clockwork, Israeli alarm bells have gone off in the past fifteen years with predictable regularity. Bellicose statements by Israeli officials have been followed by alarmist analyses describing military measures as both necessary and inevitable. And then, without any explanation, the bellicosity recedes and Iran and Israel return to their more normal levels of animosity
Do I want to get out soon? Yes, sooner than later!
I don’t know if I should cry or laugh these days. I have cried quite a lot since losing a dear friend so now I want to laugh a bit. Like many Iranians I am also on Facebook. Frankly, there are times when I want to get out for good. It is a waste of time if you think about it. Though at times, it is nice to be in touch with some people otherwise you won’t be communicating with. But the world of cyberspace is clearly a crazy world