Have no misgivings about Bush abandoning confrontational policy
On Monday the nuclear standoff with Iran finally culminated in a nuclear explosion; yet one that didn't occur in a remote testing ground in the Alborz Mountains but right in Washington DC. The findings of the National Intelligence Estimate on Iran should leave no stone standing in American politics: the President of the United was again caught red handed lying to the entire nation and the international community about the WMD program of a Middle Eastern regime, trying to construct a case for war on fraudulent allegations and by being forced to make the NIE public against his will was exposed as no longer in control of his own administration
The international community must put pressure on world leaders to lift current sanctions on Iran
Under the current administration, it is increasingly difficult to know who the enemy is, but what is certain is that the latest NIE is a brilliantly executed psychological warfare by way of misinformation. This dastardly plan is so devious that even the anti-war groups are jubilant at its release, and they are naively sharing its contents. Perhaps non are as enthusiastic about the report as the most powerful lobby group in America hostile to Iran. The AIPAC was quick to announce: "Far from acquitting Iran, the NIE reveals that Tehran continues to violate the international community's calls to end the pursuit of the fuel cycle and the ability to make highly enriched uranium
Iran had a clandestine nuclear weapons program?
Many have been quick to characterize Monday’s National Intelligence Estimate report on Iran’s nuclear program as a long overdue “Honest Intel” that will suck the air out of warmongers’ sails because it clearly states “with high confidence that in fall of 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program”. Forgive this writer for being a spoiler, but haven’t report after report issued by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in the many years since repeatedly confirmed non-existence of such nuclear weapons program in Iran?
Bush continues to spin the NIE report
The NIE report on Iran was held up for more than a year in an effort to force the intelligence community to remove dissenting judgments on the Iranian nuclear program. A NIE coordinates the judgments of the US's 16 intelligence agencies on a specific country or issue. The aim of delay was to make the document more supportive of Vice President Dick Cheney's militarily aggressive policy toward Iran, according to accounts provided by participants in the NIE process to two former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officers that Gareth Porter talked to for his report published in Asia Times on Nov. 10th of this year (“Spooks refuse to toe Cheney's line on Iran.”)
Precisely because "Persepolis" is world-class art, it has set off political bickering, and triggered ideological opportunism
The graphic novels, Persepolis and Persepolis 2, now combined into a movie, do not look back to the classics. Satrapi’s self mocking style is ultra-modern. It combines a Disneyesque cuteness with the author’s Hedayat-like anguish. At first the work appears to lack subtlety, protesting the Islamic Regime’s repressions too directly. Later we realize this straight shooting is just another manifestation of the no-nonsense way in which the artist conducts her life. Satrapi’s uninhibited tendency to speak her primal mind has been the driving force in the events of her life.
Che Guevara got the last laugh
It is said that on 18 October 1967, nine days after Che was killed,
Castro delivered a eulogy for Che, to a million people gathered in the
Plaza de la Revolucion in Havana, and, among other things, this too he
said, "They who sing victory over his death are mistaken. They are
mistaken who believe that his death is the defeat of his ideas, the
defeat of his tactics, the defeat of his guerrilla concepts ... If you
want to know how we want our children to be, we should say, with all
our revolutionary heart and mind: We want them to be like Che." Naturally, a lot of us pesky Iranian socialists got a good giggle back
in October when the Iranian government, just before the fortieth
anniversary of Ernesto Che Guevara's assassination
روحیه آزادمنشی را می باید پرورش داد وگرنه گفتار آزاد به حالت تاسف آوری می افتد
ما در بیرون ایران سرانجام به آزادی گفتار رسیده ایم ــ آن اندازه از دمکراسی که بیشترمان به عنوان بیگانه و میهمان می توانیم بورزیم ــ و همه چیز از آن آغاز می شود، از حکومت مردم برای مردم تا حقوق بشر. ولی مانند هر فضیلت نویافته می باید آدابش را نیز فراگیریم ــ مکانیسم هائی که سودمندی های نهائی آزادی گفتار را همچون بزرگ ترین سلاح در پیکار با دروغ و ستمگری به بار می آورد.
Despair persists in Bosnia under ethnic and religious divisions
In Sarajevo, I walked to the Old Town from my hotel, the Holiday Inn. The bright yellow hotel had been familiar to me from the days of the 1990s inter-ethnic war. “This is where the war began, when snipers from the rooftop shot two deputies in the Parliament building across the street.” I was now so reminded by a designer who sold her fine wool sweaters from a table set up in the dim corridor connecting the hotel lobby to its restaurant.
True gratefulness comes from a conscious decision to recognize and acknowledge one’s blessing
It was disheartening to read Curious Joe’s, "Don’t Immigrate to the US". I have felt sad for him since reading of his regret about immigrating to this country. Like Joe, my mother moved to the United States several years before Iran’s revolution. Perhaps, if there had never been a revolution she would have returned to the country she has always loved first and foremost, but since there was a revolution, we can never know for sure what she might have done. One thing that is for certain is that I have never heard my mother utter a word of regret about her decision to come here, originally as a student, or her decision to remain here and make this country her home
براستی «آزادی» چگونه ممکن خواهد بود اگر ساختمان آن بر شالودهء «سکولاريسم نو» گذاشته نشده باشد؟
اين روزها من به يکی از آرزوهای مختصرم رسيده و توانسته ام، با براه اندازی يک پايگاه اينترنتی به نام «سکولاريسم نو»،
مکانی را در جهان مجازی اينترنت بوجود آورم که بتوان در آن هرآنچه را
انديشمندان ما دربارهء سکولاريسم نوشته اند گردآوری کرد، محل رجوعی در اين
مورد خاص بوجود آورد و، بر مبنای تراوشات ذهنی آنان که در راه روشنگری
جامعهء عقب افتاده ما و يا در راستای افزودن بر تاريکی های انديشگی آن قلم
می زنند و سخن می گويند، به بحث و گفتگوئی جدی دربارهء «سکولاريسم» نشست
Is there any relation between the teddy bear and Annapolis?
Islamists have become good at their own kind of PR. Every once in a while they find something to raise hell over and threaten the world. The charade over Cartoons of Mohammad is still lingering on in the Media, now they have started another bizarre show of offended feelings and indignant masses over a teddy bear called Mohammad in a Sudan’s class room of 7-8 year old kids. The timing of this teddy bear show puzzles me greatly. Is the concurrent teddy bear saga and Annapolis conference merely a coincidence or does the timing tell us something?
Women's equality campaign gets its backing from the people of Iran
by Sara Loghmani
We pay out of pocket for trips to other cities. We print the booklets with the $5 membership fees. Nobody asks for compensation for the articles on the website. We hold the workshops in the homes of volunteer women. We also get donations and prayers from women who have lost hope and have put their faith in our work. What would we need 15 million euros for? Our workshops don't need video projectors. To cut down on cost, we do not print nor photocopy our notes and displays; they are handwritten with markers. We have bought a few different colors of markers to make the notes more visually appealing.
: هر جا به تقسیمهای دوگانه برخوردید حواستان را جمع کنید، خطر نزدیک است
برای شروع، پیشنهاد میکنم به سبک مارشال مکلوهان که میگوید «رسانه همان پیام است» بیاییم و این دوگانهها را بشکنیم و ببینم چه اتفاقی میافتد: عین همان ذهن است؛ داننده جدا از دانسته نیست؛ محتوا همان فرم است؛ مدرن و سنتی از هم جدا نیستند؛ و باز هم از همه مهمتر «تئوری همان عمل است و عمل همان تئوری است.»
No doubt the perceived threat from Iran will diminish should Tehran yield to Washington
America and Israel have accused Iran of intending to diversify its program – they allege that Iran is using its civilian program as a cover to build nuclear bombs. This supposition begs the question why Iran would place itself in the spotlight instead of renouncing the energy program for history has shown that having an operating nuclear power reactor is no longer a prerequisite or even a necessary condition of obtaining fissile material which can be used for the development of nuclear materials. South Africa was able to develop five nuclear bombs without having a nuclear energy program.
اصلاحات و عصر جدید پسا مدرن گرایی
تاریخ چپ گرایی در ایران پس از انقلاب تا پیش از دوم خرداد صحنه نقش آفرینی چپ های سنتی بود. دوم خرداد اولین فرصتی بود که چپ مدرن توانست عملا قدرت را به دست بگیرد. با این حال ۸ سال اصلاحات به دلیل تندروی هایی که خاص چپ مدرن بود شکست خورد و اصلاحات با یک بن بست روبرو شد . بن بستی که تا امروز هم ادامه دارد. ام...