Dignity and justice for all

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights remains as relevant today and it was 59 years ago

12-Dec-2007 (3 comments)
December 10 we not only celebrated Human Rights Day, but also the launch of the year long campaign leading to the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The theme for 2008, the year long campaign is “Dignity and justice for all of us”. As we reflect today, there are many reasons to celebrate how far human community has come since 1948, in it’s journey of protecting and ensuring fundamental freedoms for each member of human race. The life of the declaration, conceived as an outcome of the soul of a world severely injured by the horrors of the Second World War has been a very dynamic life.>>>


در باب غنی سازی اورانیوم

بعد از کریسمس دوباره کمی داد وقال در مورد ایران خواهند کرد،

11-Dec-2007 (8 comments)

- میگم عباس آقا، این جریان آقای بوش چیه که میگن دستگاهای اطلاعاتیش ریدمون زدن، و هرچی در مورد غنی سازی اورانیوم در ایران میگفتن غلط از آب در اومده؟ راسته؟

- نه بابا، اینا همش برنامه است. مگه بلا نسبت شما، اینا خرن، که بیان برضد خودشون حرف بزنن ورئیس جمهورو بیخودی کنف کنن و بگن اشتباه کردیم؟ این از جای دیگه آب میخوره.

- آخه اینا که میدونی آمریکائی ان، تا یخورده دستشون به آدم میخوره، زود میگن "آیم ساری" شاید ازین نظره؟



NIE report is a victory for Iran

11-Dec-2007 (24 comments)
Considering the significance that the Bush Administration in its world foreign policy attributed to Iran’s nuclear program, the revelation of the National Intelligence assessment (NIE) represents a major setback for the U.S., along with unimaginable global implications. In turn, the U.S. retreat and its admission of perjury with regard to Iran’s non-existent nuclear weapons program, at least since 2003, is a clear sign of great victory for the government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the entire nation of Iran that did not cave in under the relentless threats and pressures of world imperialism, headed by the United States.>>>


People's priority

Iran does not need, and will not need nuclear technology

11-Dec-2007 (121 comments)
The discussion about the nuclear program of the IRI regime has been going on among the Iranians of the diaspora, and those within Iran of course, while the attention has often been on some issues while ignoring some other very important issues completely. Iranians have usually been saying that having access to nuclear energy and technology is an undeniable and important right of the Iranian people and no-one ought to deny it to us, Iranians. And most Iranians have been attacking the US administration for not letting the Iranian regime develop its "peaceful" nuclear activities>>>


Inviting intervention

Against military attack but for Western intervention

10-Dec-2007 (76 comments)
Last week, Akbar Ganji received the annual award from Rights and Democracy (or International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development), a Canadian government-funded organisation which is known to be the Canadian version of the American National Endowment for Democracy. In his speech, he openly called for Western government's support to spread democracy and human rights in Iran, according to the Persian version of his speech, published by Dutch-funded 'pro-democracy' projects, Rooz Online and Radio Zamaneh. The award was given to him by Saad Eddin Ebrahim one of the most avid supporters of the now-defunct Neo-conservative plans to spread democracy in the Middle East>>>


احمدی نژاد در پوست شیر

رسیده بود بلایی ولی به خیر گذشت!

10-Dec-2007 (2 comments)
اکنون احمدی نژاد از پیروزی سدساله اخیرسخن می گوید در حالی که حکومت اسلامی با وجود حقانیت حقوقی ایران در امر باروری هسته ای به سبب فقر دیپلماسی نتوانست مساله را پیش ببرد و جهان را علیه خود برانگیخت و اگر تضاد واقع گرایان و دموکرات های آمریکا همچون مآده ی آسمانی به دادش نرسیده بود ملت ایران با فاجعه ای مهیب و عظیم روبرو شده بودکه هست و نیستش را بباد می داد. چه کسی تاوان ندانم کاری های حکومت اسلامی و آمریکا را می پردازد؟ >>>


«منطقهء خاکستری» در جغرافيای اپوزيسيون

بدون پذيرفتن موجوديت سيستم و سپس پذيرش اصلاح پذيری آن، معلوم نيست چگونه می توان «اصلاح طلب» بود؟

09-Dec-2007 (19 comments)
پرسش آن است که صاحب آن «دهان واحد» بالاخره اصلاح طلب است يا برانداز؟ يعنی، اينجاست که مرحلهء «بلاتکليفی سياسی» آغاز می شود، چرا که ما منطقاً می دانيم که نمی توان هم يک سيستم را غيرقانونی و نامشروع و غير خودی و بيگانه (اگر نه دست نشاندهء بيگانه) دانست و هم مرتباً از توقعات خود از آن سخن گفته و نسبت به کارهايش گله مند و شاکی بود. با اين همه بسياری از کسان که خود را برانداز می دانند اغلب هر دوی اين کارها را با هم انجام می دهند و از خود هم نمی پرسند که چگونه کسی که اين حکومت را در کليت خود بيگانه، اصلاح ناپذير، ويران ساز، دروغگو، فريبکار و دشمنخو می داند چيدر عين حال مشغول چون و چرا کردن و نق زدن هم هست؟>>>


Life is cheap(er)

Mykonos murderers released too early

07-Dec-2007 (13 comments)
On September 17th 1992 four members of the Democratic Kurdish-Iranian Party were shot to death in a Greek restaurant ‘Mykonos’ in Berlin. Dr. Sadegh Sharafkandi, Fattah Abdoli, Homayoun Ardakan and Nouri Dehkordi who were in Berlin for a conference of the Socialist International were brutally killed on bright daylight. Now Germany and Iran seemingly are trying to improve their diplomatic relations by swopping detainees. This occurrence reminds us that in politics it’s all about interests, meaning making sure you are guaranteed of your current and future existence. It’s a very basic need and usually results into cruel unethical conduct.>>>


My generation

None of us had mentors, teachers, role models, or leaders

07-Dec-2007 (28 comments)
To my children who might say “we are suffering because YOU made a revolution,” I would say: My generation beat you in the “suffering game” hands down! Those are people from our generation sleeping in those nameless graves in Iran. Those are people from our generation who have been missing, maimed, or put to rest in the Martyrs Graveyards across Iran. Those are people from our generation, displaced and exiled to faraway places of the world, seeing Iran again just a huge dream in their hearts.>>>


Hear the other side

The road to the Iranian democracy begins with the Iranians understandings of one another

07-Dec-2007 (49 comments)
Scanning through the comments in Iranian.com is sometimes disturbing. One main reason is the lack of communication between the different thoughts that do not agree with one another. We all want a better future for Iran and most of us would agree that “Democracy” is the way to go. Interestingly, the arguments for this word “Democracy” always lead to “script fighting” and insults. One wonders how we can reach the meaning of the word “Democracy” when no side will try to understand the other. Iranians generally need to understand their history in more realistic terms. The first lesson for any society to politically advance is to learn tolerance or at the minimum, to have the patience to hear the other side >>>


Two faces of the same coin

Iran needs a constitutional revolution

07-Dec-2007 (65 comments)
Story of democracy in Iran had a disastrous turn in the year 1979 after Islamic revolution and, the elections under Islamic Republic which are supposed to be the means to enforce people’s will in democratic societies, are in fact nothing but another ridiculous game of deception and dishonesty by rulers of this tyrannical and extremely corrupt regime. Over ten years ago Iranian people showed their deep dissatisfaction with policies of terror and suppression in Islamic Republic by voting for a clergy who was campaigning with promises of change, justice, fairness and economic prosperity after so called moderate President Rafsanjani had completed his 2nd presidential term.>>>


Game over

Stopping the weapons program was a correct one – as it would permit Iran to gain access to some enrichment capability

06-Dec-2007 (20 comments)
This is the age of spin, if it is not the spinning of a centrifuge then the spinning of news. In the name of decency, however, President Bush ought to stop taking credit for Iran’s suspension of its nuclear weapons program. Given the bankrupt state of Bush Administration’s foreign policy, it is understandable that “Mighty Mouse” would want to take credit where it is not due: just like in Iraq – it is not the surge that is working, it is Iranian cooperation with the Iraqi government. If Iranians mothballed the nuke program, it was because they could not risk losing access to rest of the technology from Russia.>>>


سرپیچی از «عقلانیت» اروپایی

کلید دوام انقلاب ایران سرپیچی از نوعی از دانش است که همیشه سلطه‌ی اروپا و آمریکا را تضمین کرده

06-Dec-2007 (50 comments)
گزارش جامعه اطلاعاتی آمریکا از این به‌موقع‌تر امکان نداشت منتشر شود و من پشت آن متخصصان اطلاعاتی ضدبوش و ضد حمله به عراق را می‌بینم که خواستند ننگ توجیه حمله به عراق را با نشان دادن استقلال شجاعانه‌شان از تاجر-سیاستمداران دروغ‌گو و بی‌شرف دولت بوش نشان دهند. آنها با این گزارش آمریکا را از چنگ حرامزاده‌هایی مثل دیک چینی و جورج بوش و ولفوویتز و پرل (فعلا برای چند سال) نجات دادند. این ماجرا به نظر من بزرگترین پیروزی سیاست خارجی کل تاریخ جمهوری اسلامی است و واقعا باید بخاطرش به لاریجانی و احمدی‌نژاد عمیقا تبریک گف>>>


Speaking and demanding change

America's Iran fears & the activist dilemma

06-Dec-2007 (14 comments)
I am happy that the likelihood of attacks has been greatly diminished on the people of Iran, but I think that it is not enough of a victory to celebrate. It is important to maintain scrutiny and pressure on the regime without the imperialist discourse, because it becomes harder for the regime to shift blame and attention away from its own failures onto any provocative bulletin board comments gift-wrapped from the Bush Administration. At the same time, the international community must be able to improve their non-military coercive apparatuses in order to help the causes of socio-political freedom and human rights in Iran>>>


Hands on

British activist on "Hands off People of Iran" campaign

05-Dec-2007 (4 comments)
Meet political campaigner Benjamin Lewis. On Saturday, the 23-year-old Sheffield university graduate will be taking part in the launch conference of Hands Off the People of Iran (Hopi) in London. Hopi is being set up in response the fact that there is currently no anti-war organization in the UK that stands opposed to the policies of the US government and the Islamic Republic. In an age where the naming of teddy bears causes a national outcry, a sober, secular peace organization has its place. And Hopi's list of supporters is impressive>>>