راه تغییر در برابر جمهوری باز است و در برابر سلطنت بسته
در شرایطی که وارث تاج و تخت به فرض تمایل هم نمیتواند نقشی متناسب با پادشاهی مشروطه بازی کند، این «سلطنت طلبی» در حکم طرفداری از بازگشت نظامی است که در آن پادشاه نقش سیاسی بازی می کند و به این ترتیب اصلاً مشروطه و دمکراسی در آن جایی نخواهد داشت. مسئله به مقاله نوشتن راجع به لیبرالیسم ارتباط ندارد، مطلقاً مربوط به حسن نیت سلطنت طلبان یا حتی خود رضا پهلوی هم نیست
The walls will indeed fall
A piece of news out of Iran informs us that the country’s government, never particularly benevolent, is starting a more vigorous campaign against women who, disrespectful of Islam, choose to be fashionable—imagine!—rather than turn themselves into the subservient shadows of their lords and masters. (Converts and fanatics in the West might want to take note of what happens when covering up is an obligation rather than a whim.)
می خواهم از دوستانم دعوت کنم تا کمی به زمين سرد و سخت واقعيت ها برگردند
اعتقاد من بر اين است که مخالفت جمهوری خواهان با مطرح بودن پادشاهی تشريفاتی، بعنوان يک گزينه در رفراندوم تعيين نوع حکومت در ايران، مخالفتی محافظه کارانه، هراسيده و مبتنی بر مفروضات غلط است. و همين محاسبهء غلط از شخصيتی به نام رضا پهلوی در جشم و ذهن آنان هيولائی خطرناک می سازد که بالقوه می تواند ما را به اعماق تاريخ پرتاب کند
Why are they out to destroy San Francisco's Iranian-American sheriff?
Never in the history of San Francisco has there ever been a well funded, daily, weekly, and monthly orchestrated prosecution of any elected official until now -- Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi. There is an elaborate campaign to oust Ross Mirkarimi - one of the highest elected officials of Iranian descent in the nation. The November 2011 election witnessed three major races: Mayor Ed Lee, District Attorney George Gascon, and Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi
Jung’s Anima/Animus, Adler’s Masculine Protest
Carl Gustav Jung (1875 -1961), a disciple of Freud, broke with his teacher as a result of disagreement with many of Freud’s basic ideas, including too much emphasis on sexuality as a changing force. Jung, a Swiss Psychiatrist, developed the system of analytical psychology where gender issues were crucial. He devised the concepts of ‘anima’ and ‘animus’ as opposite psychic images in the human unconscious. Anima is the inner figure of woman at work in a man’s psyche, and ‘animus’, the figure of man present within the psyche of a woman
Iran's delay tactic to arrive at some "soft compromises" in nuclear talks
Iran wants to get Washington to accept it is a player in Middle East politics. This grants it leverage to negotiate new terms of agreement over its nuclear activities. In return, Tehran will offer solutions to its conflicts with the United States in the region. Unlike the United States, Tehran currently supports the Syrian regime and will aim to ensure that a future Syrian government will protect Iranian regional interests
Three things the Obama Administration should avoid
by Michael Singh
In order for the talks resuming in Baghdad to provide a path to Iran's denuclearization -- rather than a slippery slope towards containment -- the Obama administration should avoid three key mistakes. First, the U.S. should not provide relief from sanctions in exchange for anything less than the full suspension of uranium enrichment by Tehran, and other hard-to-reverse steps such as the removal of Iran's enriched uranium stocks and dismantlement of its key fuel fabrication facilities
Expectations over nuclear talks in Baghdad
by Reza Kahlili
It’s hard to overestimate the degree of naiveté on the part of the West as it heads toward another round of nuclear talks with Iran in Baghdad on Wednesday. Clearly, Iran is stalling for time to develop a nuclear weapon. The Islamic regime has continuously believed that the more its nuclear program is expanded and progress is achieved, the less likely the West will demand a halt to the program
به ظن قوی اگر «دنیل وودنات» لهجه ترکی یا کردی یا... داشت، محترمانه عذر او را می خواستند
by محمد بابایی
خانم «دنیل وودنات» یکی از مجریان تلویزیون "من و تو" است که از پدری ایرانی و مادری بریتانیائی متولد شده از مجریان پرطرفدار این تلویزیون است. او فارسی را با لهجه انگلیسی صحبت می کند. نه تنها لهجه او مانعی برای اجرای برنامه نیست، بلکه به نظر می رسد هیچ کوششی نیز برای برطرف کردن آن نمی شود
Eliminate the threat of war
The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a bill (401 to 11) that calls for a military strike if Iran obtains nuclear "capability", which essentially means American lawmakers have lit the fuse for war. Now put this alongside the news that Saeed Jalili, secretary-general of the Supreme National Security Council, repeatedly asked Catherine Ashton, the chief nuclear negotiator for the P5+1, that sanctions be removed
Freud’s fear of castration and penis envy
Freud made the first lasting endeavor to give a scientific explanation of gender in psychoanalysis, the discipline he founded. He tampered with the seemingly natural matters of ‘femininity’ and ‘masculinity’ by investigating into their components. He realized that gender and adult sexuality were not naturally rigid, but were constructed through a lengthy and troubled process. According to Freud, humans have a bisexual disposition, and feminine and masculine inclinations cohabit in everyone
U.S. state department poised to raise chances of war by delisting MEK?
by Robert Wright
The State Department, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal, is poised to do something that could increase the chances of war with Iran. Let's set the context: We're in the midst of negotiations with Iran, trying to keep it from building a nuclear bomb. Within Iran there is disagreement about how hard a line to take in the negotiations. Obviously, all other things being equal, it would be good to strengthen moderate voices within Iran and undermine hardliners
Why am I so pleased by the earthquake that has just shaken the present landscape?
Let’s hear it for the President. Bravo! Bravo is also Italian for brave and it takes a brave man and a strong heart to come out in favor of gay marriage in a country dominated by the raucous—and nefarious—Koch Brothers, Rush whats-his-name and assorted religious freaks. Whether Biden had been encouraged a few days ago or not to “force” Obama into making his own position clear is open to speculation but the result is what counts here
Middle East in 10-20 Years
For most people, the Middle East (ME) is synonymous with oil. Economies of most major ME countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran and the U.A.E. are based on oil. Today over a third (38% to be exact) of all oil produced worldwide is used for transportation; automobiles and trucks. What would happen if people and businesses stopped using gasoline for their cars and diesel for their trucks?
شاهین نجفی
این ترانه سیلی دیگری است در صف درازِ بی احترامی ها
ترانه جدید شاهین نجفی تند و بی پروا است. لحن بی حرمت کننده و بی در و پیکرش به هرچه که در ایران امروز است تاخته… توی این احوالات خشن و بی حرمت کننده که رئیس جمهور غاصب، مردم وطنش را خس و خاشاک می نامد… حکومتی که توهین، فحاشی و تصویر زننده از مردم کوچه و خیابان دادن هایش، شلاق ها و اعدام ملا عام هایش، روح و روان مردم را جریحه دار کرده…