Washington can give An Israeli attack on Iran the red light
Only a few weeks after US-Iran diplomacy began in earnest, it seems to be heading towards a premature ending. Rather than tensions reduction, the world has witnessed the opposite. Iran is refusing to accept a fuel swap deal brokered by the IAEA, the IAEA has passed a resolution rebuking Iran, and Tehran has responded by approving a plan to build ten more nuclear facilities. With the potential end of at least this phase of diplomacy, fears of a disastrous Israeli attack on Iran are on the rise once more
های که من مرتکب خبط دگر نمیشوم
باز در این مبارزه خاک به سر نمیشوم
شعار مرگ و زندگی برای کس نمیدهم
اسیر زنده مردهی یک دو نفر نمیشوم
Let us not lose this chance to oppose injustice
Thirty years have passed since Iranian students took over the American embassy in Tehran and took the embassy employees hostage. At the time, I was a college student in San Diego. I and perhaps the rest of the Iranians in the United States did not understand the gravity of the situation and what that action meant for the future of Iran. We were mostly concerned about our own safety in the US and how to protect ourselves from misdirected anger. Little did we realized that this was the beginning of the radicalization of our county of origin
Blind adherence to free market ideology may no longer serve our economy
The market system that has been credited for the economic opulence of the global economy especially the Western world in recent decades is now on trial. People are losing their faith and have started questioning the fair operation of this system since the advent of current economic crisis. Free enterprise system has been placed under stringent scrutiny by thousands of inquisitive observers who want to know what went wrong and why the system did not work the way it was supposed to?
Like a knife and like the opposite of a knife
My father fought for a country that could be itself even though it was small and full of oil. He could walk down a street and say hello to the baker and think, there's the country I love. Keep writing, I've thought many times, you'll get to that. The slow way is almost always the fast way. The slow way of becoming a writer is to try to do everything at once. But everything is at once. On the corner of Powell and Market, everything was even more than at once, it was about two seconds ago. So what could a man take with him that was as good as a paper and pen?
The end persists
In few words
Nothing matters anymore
Desperation drags feet
And I see you fading at a distance where
The border of Fall and Spring turns into dust
Day appears, in disguise
Taking shadows in its strides