Being a little more vocal and involved is the dictators' worst nightmare
My family migrated to the U.S. before the Revolution when I was just 8, I went back to Iran only once 5 years ago for a month and I was arrested on "Pole Tajrish" for not wearing my hijab well. I basically grew up thinking this is really my country of origin given that all I had learned and knew was from this generous hosting country. It wasn't until recently that I learned that there is a definite difference between me and and my dear Anglo Saxon friends/colleagues or perhaps the Jewish Americans or even Chinese or Indian Americans. NOT just in my own eyes but in the eyes of the world looking at me
A decade of plays about the Middle East
Whenever I enjoy a politically themed movie or play, I wonder if solidarity with the viewpoint isn’t clouding my judgment of the aesthetics. Is the artist speaking my heart, or is my heart speaking for the artist? Often it is a mix of both, to be honest. But one of the works I watched last Saturday at Golden Thread’s Festival of short Middle East plays shattered the silly question at the outset. Naomi Wallace’s
No Such Cold Thing is a spellbinding play that powers its way beyond “friends don’t let friends invade Afghanistan.”
اگر فردا یکوقت اسپارت ها ی بی پدر و مادر دوباره به سرشان زد که به ما دست اندازی کنند، بدون سرمایه چطوری از خودمان دفاع کنیم؟
نیکیاس متوجه شده بود که هر روز از جواهرات آویخته و جا سازی شده مجسمهً آتنا در معبد پارتنون کم میشود و به شم خودش که گویا کمی هم حالت پلیسی داشت دریافته بود که باید یک ککی توی تنبان پریکلس باشد. اما آدمی ضعیف مثل او کجا و فرمانروائی سخنور مثل پریکلس کجا. این بود که به کله اش زد این مسئله را با بقیه هم در میان بگذارد و یا لااقل به طور غیر مستقیم نظرها را متوجه پریکلس کند. حسابهایش را کرد و یک روز وارد یکی از آکادمیهای بیشمار آتن شد و به گروهی که داشتند بحث داغی را دنبال می کردند پیوست
Flickering lantern lights,
Dancing butterflies,
A nervous mist settling in,
Night softening smooth Jazz,