

So, can you take some criticism?

Some honest, friendly advice to Trita Parsi and Karim Sadjadpour

29-Jul-2009 (13 comments)
And as a polisci and communications major, it was also very cool to see Iranian American experts – not a decade older myself – on the air, explaining to Joe the Plumber and his Neanderthal clan as well as the more enlightened population in my beloved America the run down in Iran. Two of them are Trita Parsi and Karim Sadjadpour. I had never seen them on the same stage before, so it was pretty cool that they both were on PBS Newshour a few weeks ago. It was an awesome opportunity to compare their styles and analysis. I am a fan of both of them, so if they read this, I hope they don’t take this the wrong>>>


The Revolution Which At First, Was Not

In examining the Iranian Revolution, Westerners were too focused on what did change rather than on what remained the same

29-Jul-2009 (4 comments)
As late as September 28, 1978, several months before one of the major revolutions of the twentieth century, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency reported that the shah "is expected to remain actively in power over the next ten years." The 1979 Iranian Revolution stunned the world dramatizing just how vast a change in government orientation could be imposed. The change seemed to move Iran from a Western-allied monarchy based on Persian nationalism to an Islamic revolutionary theocracy based on Shiite Moslem fundamentalism. Middle East revolutions are usually instigated by discontented religious, ethnic, and/or ideological forces>>>


 یار هنرستانی

بیاد اسماعیل فصیح

29-Jul-2009 (5 comments)
دوران دوران آپولو 11 بود و مسابقات بوکس محمد علی کلی روی صفحه سیاه و سفید تلویزیون مبله بلر. دوران رفتن به هنرستان شرکت نفت و عشق کارمند شدن و رویاهای دور و دراز نوجوانی. فصل راز و نیاز از راه دور با سوفیالورن بود و حسرت خوردن به مارچلو ماسترویانی و آلن دلون روی پرده سینما کارون اهواز. سالهای خرید قسطی «پیکان جوانان» و کشیدن سیگار وینستون پشت دو لیوان آبجوی مجیدیه. دورانی که اعلیحضرت هنوز دست توی جیب های جلیقه اش نکرده بود و لوله های نفت از گناوه به دل دریا فرو میرفت و از جزیره خارگ سر درمیآورد و نفتکشها، ایران را جزیره آرامش می دیدند. به عقل جن هم نمی رسید که عاقبت «دندانه هر قصری پندی دهدت نو نو». توی همین سالها بود که با اسماعیل فصیح آشنا شدم. مردی که سالهای بعد رمان نویس معروفی شد>>>


First Lesson in Freedom
29-Jul-2009 (one comment)
I am a man
A man of yesterday and today
A man of today and tomorrow.
In my eyes, the stars fade away
And in my hands, the setting sun.
In my smile, a child is born
And from my heart, blood bubbles up >>>


گیج می رود سرم
29-Jul-2009 (one comment)
سُر می خوری روی سَرم
دلم غنجه می رود در پاگرد و
زَهره ندارم که بگویم
که پله پیچید در خیابان و
خیابان سُر خورد توی سَرم و
سَرم هی گیج رفت از سیم های کابل
که می پیچید دور اسم تو >>>