عشق مدیترانه ای
دریا که آرام است چیزی کم دارد
چیزی شبیه عشق مدیترانه ای
و عشق
این ژنی که در سلولهای من
هر روزه متولد می شود
مانند آونگی میان دو هیچ >>>


Talking Turkey

Americans invented the atom bomb and overthrew Mossadegh, then they recorded Elvis and went to the Moon

17-Nov-2009 (14 comments)
Every year on Thanksgiving Day I give thanks that Iran’s problems with the West are gravy compared to what the Indian chief Massasoit faced when English settlers landed at Plymouth Rock in1620. As the story goes, the newcomers were starving that first winter in America and the Indians helped them survive. The outcome was pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, leftover turkey sandwiches, and the United States of America. Also, the Native American way of life was demolished. Massasoit was a great and wise chief. Undoubtedly he saw the threat these foreigners posed. >>>


Pomegranate Planet

Festival with 200 varieties of wild and cultivated pomegranates

This is the time of year when the days grow shorter and darker. It's also the time that my son Niko and I love because it is the season of pomegranates and persimmons. We had the pleasure of partaking in our pomegranate pleasure at the annual Wolfskill Experimental Orchard's fall pomegranate and persimmon tasting day -- which my son has dubbed the "Pomegranate Festival." This year, in addition to going to the actual festival, I volunteered the day before at the USDA National Clonal Germplasm Repository where more than 200 varieties of wild and cultivated pomegranates (largely from Western and Central Asia) are grown, studied, and preserved>>>


Promoting democracy

PAAIA Releases 2009 National Survey of Iranian Americans

17-Nov-2009 (12 comments)
In August of 2008, the Public Affairs of Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) commissioned Zogby International to conduct a national public opinion survey of Iranian Americans to gather, for the first time, accurate and timely information about the demographics and views of the Iranian American community. The purpose of the 2008 survey was to provide PAAIA with the knowledge required to more effectively represent the Iranian American community, and to further inform and educate the American public at large, as well as U.S. policy makers and opinion makers about Iranian Americans>>>


17-Nov-2009 (3 comments)
سلام ایران!
من دختر حرامزاده ی توام
پدرانم را می شناسم
ناصرالدین شاه و ملیجکانش
و مادرانم
زنان گیس بریده ی اندرونی ها >>>


شبانگاه است.
خیمۀ خون خطاکاران
گنبد گور دلیران است.
غروب قصۀ قران
طلوع آتش یکتا پرستان است.
شبانگاه است.


Who are we?

Homa Katouzian digs into "Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern Iran"

15-Nov-2009 (9 comments)
Homa Katouzian’s latest book The Persians is arguably the most comprehensive and learned history of Iran and the Iranian people encapsulated in a single volume in the English language to date. Few authors would be so bold as to take on the mammoth task of writing a history covering several millennia of Iranian history, but then again, few are as qualified as Katouzian for just such an undertaking. And the reason for Katouzian’s success in pulling off such a massive feat, is not only the wealth of experience and learning he has brought to bear in this book, but the tightly argued and analytical structure by means of which Iranian history, from the mythological birth of Kiumars to the Islamic Revolution, is deftly imparted to the reader >>>


دو نکته

در ارتباط با پيش نويس قانون اساسی پيشنهادی «حقوقدان های جنبش سبز مردم ايران»

14-Nov-2009 (2 comments)
تهيه و تنظيم پيش نويس يک قانون اساسی نوين هميشه يکی از مهمترين کارهايي بوده که مردمان با فرهنگ کشورهای پيشرفته، با ياری حقوقدان های خود، در شرايط معلق يا دگرگونی (آن چنان که ايران امروز ما در آن قرار دارد) انجام داده اند. برای انجام چنين کاری به شما تبريک می گويم. و مايلم دو نکته را با شما در ميان بگذارم. چرا نبايد مردم کسانی را که دست به چنين کار بزرگی (يعنی تهيه و تنظيم قانون نوين اساسی) می زنند بشناسند؟ من درک می کنم که ممکن است نام برخی از شما برای مردمان پيش داوری بوجود آورد ولی به نظر من اين پيش داوری به مراتب کم ضررتر از آن است که مردمان با افرادی پشت پرده، هر چند محترم و دلسوز، روبرو باشند>>>


Don’t Extend Your Legs Beyond Your Rug

Remember, if you inflate a balloon too much, it eventually burst

14-Nov-2009 (13 comments)
There is a witty expression that says "If all economists were laid end to end, they would not reach a conclusion", while expressions like this is a bit far-fetched, there is no doubt about subjective, and sometimes the paradoxical nature, of some economic analyses. Economics is a social science after all. For instance, both economists and politicians keep telling you that you should continue going to the shopping malls and spend money on products especially the expensive ones whether you can afford them or not. By doing so, you not only obtain the sheer pleasure of spending money but also help to pool the economy out of this resilient recession>>>


Tricks (2)

Rather than be alarmed by the stares that are thrown her way, she grins from ear to ear

14-Nov-2009 (5 comments)
Near Tehran’s Railway Station, a place once existed which went by the name of Nahieh Dah, or, in more colloquial terms, Joft Panj. Behind gates, the houses of pleasure were securely contained. There were sleeping quarters for the women to which they went, without men, after work. Close by, an orphanage housed their children. The flesh trade wasn’t for every woman, but for those who could and would – there was, if not full protection of the law and society, but at the very least a thin veil of safety.>>>


سربازان سپید روی
14-Nov-2009 (6 comments)
و چنین گفت مسافر روزگار باستان:
" سربازانی می بینم پنجاه هزار
 در آهنْ غرقْ تا دندانْ
هفت روز تمام
 روان در صحرای سوزان مصر
 تا واحه ای در جوار سیوا
می سُرایند زیر لب: >>>


The Tormented Year

Iran and Afghanistan

12-Nov-2009 (8 comments)
1979 was an eventful year is the regional history of the Middle East, marked by two significant events, namely the February 10th and 11th victory of the Iran’s revolution, and the December 25th Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Both of these two historical events have had long term consequences for the people of both countries as well as the world in general; consequences that we are still dealing with today, thirty years later. Indeed, hardly a day goes by without a mention of either Iran or Afghanistan, or both, in the international media. This article reflects on and highlights key developments that led to Iran’s Revolution and its aftermath and to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan>>>


My Evening With Orhan Pamuk

Whatever has ever happened before this moment is irrelevant

11-Nov-2009 (24 comments)
Orhan Pamuk walked into the stage and the excitement of hearing him reading from his new book took over my breathing system, inside my veins, my stomach, my eyes, and I felt enchanted by his tall silhouette and the shine in his silver hair. I couldn’t decide which one of his little gestures were the most charming; his subtle smile as he glanced at the audience, or his obvious difficulty in pronouncing some words? At the end, I was particularly captivated by his inquisitive eyes, as if he could still look at the world with amazement>>>


Not Without My Camel

Domestic violence may lead to foreign conflicts

11-Nov-2009 (31 comments)
It all started when Gretchen sued Ed for sexual harassment. "Your honor,” she told the court, “this man touches me inappropriately, constantly flirts with me, and always suggests some sort of intimate relation." "How long has this been going on?" The presiding judge asked. "Ever since we got married." Things only got worse. As the result of the suit, Ed lost his job at Frontières Sans Médecins, Borders Without Doctors, because they lost patients with him. He was able to land a job as a proof reader. He painstakingly corrected pages that had been intentionally left blank>>>


One Day

A collective narrative of Tehran in an art show

11-Nov-2009 (2 comments)
One day, strolling down the streets of Tehran, I noticed that somethings are near and somethings are far. Big deal, I said to myself. Everybody knows there is a here and a there. But why did this thought feel like a find? Why was I inspired by it as though I had just heard a Hafez verse? For some reason, I felt compelled to give life to the sensation so that it can trot out on its own and share itself with other people? Fortunately, I am a Hafez of sorts myself. I work in a different medium, photographs that hang in a gallery instead of verses written in a book>>>