جنبش سبز، اهداف و رهبری آن
تضعیف یا نفی ولایت فقیه هدف «فعلی» جنبش سبز بشمار میرود. قید «فعلی» در این جا مهم است. یعنی اولا جنبش سبز از هنگام تشکیل تا کنون رادیکالیزه شده و از هدف تجدید انتخابات به تضعیف یا نفی ولایت فقیه ارتقا یافته است. به همین صورت، جنبش میتواند در تحولات بعدی و در واکنش به عملکرد حاکمیت باز تغییر یابد و هدفهای دیگری را در پیش گیرد. ثانیا، فرض پیروزی جنبش و دستیابی به این هدف، به معنای پایان آن نیست، و در شرایط تغییر یافته دیگر، نیروی آزاد شده جنبش میتواند به صورتهای دیگری شکل بگیرد و هدفهای جدیدی را دنبال کند
When I left the Prince's palace carrying a bag of silver coins from the Queen, I shifted back to the shape of the Luminous Old Woman and headed home to my beloved daughter, Torange. The Queen and her consort were puzzled as to who could make an amulet mirror chain and where they could find such a person. They sent the town crier to the snowy streets and alleys and tea-houses to announce that whoever knew how to make a pure mirror chain was invited to make one for the Prince and receive a generous reward
As I braked, I saw a lion
jump into that window.
Just like a car wash scene,
its mane pressed on the glass.
It was both agile and mad.
With an unbelievable power
It shook the car from side to side
هزاران هزار رنگ
صدها سبز
صدها قرمز
صدها زرد
و تو و کوری رنگ!
از قرمز گفت چه سود
ای چشمهایت آشنا به خاکستری
We must establish a society where life has more significance than death
Thirty-one years ago, a few months after the 1979 Revolution, the generals and close associates of the Shah, including his long time PM Amir Abbas Hoveyda, were shot to death without trial. The crowds cheered. When the father of the Rezai brothers, was asked to fire the shots, he refused. He was not a killer even though three of his own sons, members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq, had been killed under the Shah. One of those generals was Hassan Pakravan who had long been retired at the time of his execution
This is what scares me the most as an artist in the Diaspora, pigeon-holing me
I started writing plays and doing theatre long before I had heard the term Diaspora. To me, the most important motivation for doing theatre was being part of the efforts to build a community in Berkeley. A few years after the revolution, many of us in the Iranian community were politically active. We all met on a weekly basis to discuss political issues. Typically, close to 40 of us gathered in one of UC Berkeley’s classrooms to discuss an abstract subject, like how many stages the future Iranian revolution would have or what mode of production was dominant in the Soviet Union
شکل ظاهریش مثل همجنس گراهای زن دیگری که می شناختم نبود
برای یک دورهء آموزشی یک ماه در شهر دیگری سکونت داشتم. یکی از همکلاسی هام یک زن لاغر و قد بلند و زیبا بود. اسمش زو بود. از روز اولی که دورهء ما شروع شد باهم دوست شدیم. خیلی شوخ طبع و با مزه بود و خیلی با هم می خندیدیم. صبح ها از هتل محل اقامتمان تا ساختمان شرکتی که کلاسها در آن تشکیل می شد پیاده میرفتیم و غروب ها با سایر هم کلاسی ها به شام می رفتیم. وقتی هفتهء سوم دورهء ما آغاز شد، اتفاق عجیبی افتاد
I liked Torange so much that I took her as my daughter
"Yes!" The wicked girl shouted and threw herself into his arms. A stench of blood rising from her skin pierced his bones and sent a chill down his spine. The Prince shook his head vigorously to clear his mind of this horrid sensation. He wiped away his tears with his sleeve and took a deep breath, brushed imaginary dust off his shirt and smothered a sigh of frustration. Then he picked up the girl and set her on his horse. Turning back and glancing around, he saw the slim torange sapling leaning towards the sun. He pulled it out of the ground and tied it to his horse
فکرم در هوا شروع به نقاشی کرد
گفتم دلم را از قفسه ی سینه ام در بیاورم تا شاید اشک های انباشته ام سرریز بشود ولی نشد. گفتم از هم پاشیده شوم تا شاید فرجی شود ولی نشد. آلیسون نگاهم کرد و گفت؛ بهترین کار این است که وقتی از هم متلاشی می شوی به سمت رودخانه ی مرزی بروی و چهار پاره تن ات را به چهار سوق پرت کنی و از فکر همه ی کوچه های بن بست بیرون بیایی چون بهترین کار همینی است که من پیشنهاد کرده ام.
Silence your voice in my ears
I long to hear sweet music;
Wipe off your stagnant feature
From my mind's canvas, for
I long to paint a joyful smile
Obama's outreach to Tehran achieved more for the US than for the Iranian people
by Ali Reza Eshraghi
Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his army commanders have, in their response to the street-protests that erupted across the country after the controversial presidential election of 12 June 2009, employed a routine accusation against the United States: that it had initiated a "velvet revolution" in the country. All the evidence suggests that the popular demonstrations were a spontaneous reaction to what was widely perceived to be a fraudulent result. Indeed, it is more plausible that the United States unwillingly helped to achieve the reverse of what Ayatollah Khamenei (and other hardline leaders) charged it with
God created Iranian women to look good and to fix men
Once upon a time, a nice gal who was getting restless about running out of time for finding serious marital prospects went to Zan Oosta, her cynical but experienced friend who put it to her thusly: “Cast the broadest net that you can, aiming to catch the biggest and best but be ready to settle for the bottom feeders. For increased chances, string along a few, put them through hell and whoever lasts the longest is the one nature selected for you through its law of survival of the dumbest
روز بزرگداشت حقوق بشر در فرهنگ خردمدار ايران خجسته باد
من فکر می کنم اعلاميه ی حقوق بشر، و شخصی چون کورش که اولين منادی حقوق بشر بوده است، جدا از همه ی ارزش هایی که با خود دارند، ارزشياب بزرگی برای سنجش زنان و مردان سياسی و اجتماعی زمانه ی ما محسوب می شوند و چون خورشيدی عمل می کنند که بر همه ی تاريکی های تبعيض ها و حق کشی ها می تابد و آن ها را برجسته و روشن می کنند. و با اين ارزشياب است که می توان به تماشای افرادی که اکنون مقابل ما ايستاده اند، چه به عنوان سیاستمدار و شخصيت اجتماعی و چه به عنوان هواداران گروه ها و احزاب مختلف، پرداخت و ديد که کدامين فرد نمره ی رد می گيرد
Linger in the pain,
Trust your moment alone,
Embrace the teardrop,
Slowly lick the wound,
FABRICATE new tools of logic blessed,
With the fire that has pounded your pain
Onto a steel lighting up the road ahead
باران سرخ بارد، تا ابر دیدگانم
درد جگر گزا را پنهان نمی توانم
حسرت بدامنم ریخت ظلم زمانه و سوخت
از تارو پود اعصاب، تا مغز استخوانم
خود در فصول باران، چتر پناه بودم
در آفتاب مرداد، تا کیست سایبانم