نه، این شب نیست، جیرجیرک نیست، باروت نیست
آب انباری ست
که همه شب
از آن، جرعۀ آبی، میهمانان شبانه را دعوت می کنم
نه، این همه نیست، و باری لباسی ست از شب


Enta ya Ghali

Iranian-Lebanese musical collaboration

19-Jan-2011 (23 comments)


Collision Course?

Interview with Avner Cohen

18-Jan-2011 (19 comments)
We know from history that whenever Israel saw that WMD were acquired by its enemies it took it as a threat to its existence and hunted down those involved very vigorously. For example, Israel took direct action against German scientists who worked to develop radiological weapons in Egypt in the early 60’s. It also took action against scientists who were involved in Iraq’s WMD pursuit in the 80’s, including allegedly the assassination of Gerald Bull who was a Canadian scientist working for Iraq>>>


We Hardly Knew You

I wonder if he felt his hands were tied

18-Jan-2011 (14 comments)
To understand the reaction many of us had to Alireza’s death, you need only look as far back as our history over the last century. I am not a monarchist. I am also not religious. I was still a child when the Shah of Iran packed his bags and left, replaced by the Islamic regime that has been in power since the revolution in 1979. Had I been an adult at that time, I believe I would have been in support of opposition to the throne, but only in so much as to support secular democracy in my country>>>


The Good Daughter

A memoir of my mother's hidden life

18-Jan-2011 (13 comments)
SOME years ago, when I was in my early 20s, I found a photograph of my mother as a bride. That the man beside her was not my father, that she’d kept this marriage a secret from me, that she had been disturbingly young — none of this unsettled me as much as her expression. Eyes downcast and lips pouted, she looked as if the next shot would have shown her crying. In that moment I thought: That is not my mother. My family left Iran during the 1979 Islamic Revolution. My parents bought a roadside motel in California and set out to make new lives for us>>>


نشست‌های شنبه

تجربه‌ی ده ساله ی‌ یك جرگه ی ادبی در لس‏آنجلس‏

18-Jan-2011 (one comment)
آزادی اندیشه و سخن بدون آزادی انجمن امكان‌پذیر نیست، زیرا فرد برای اندیشیدن و بیان آن نیازمند مخاطب است و به علاوه برای پیاده كردن نیات خود به یاری هم‌‌فكران احتیاج دارد. بیهوده نیست كه در دوران جدید، اشاعه فكر آزادی همیشه همراه با تشكیل انجمن‌ها است. انقلاب مشروطیت، جنبش‏ ملی كردن صنعت نفت و قیام بهمن بدون وجود احزاب سیاسی، هیات‌های مذهبی، گروههای مخفی و كانون‌های ادبی، قابل تصور نیست>>>



دیدم ای وای چقدر وقت است همینطور دور خورشید دارم دور می زنم

طبق برنامۀ هر روز صبح، لباس دویم را پوشیدم و برای ورزش از خانه زدم بیرون. به جادۀ خلوتی رسیدم که همیشه در آن تمرین می کنم و شروع کردم به دویدن. بعد از مدتی حس کردم جاده داره انحنا پیدا می کنه و این حالت انحنا هی بیشتر و بیشتر می شه. انگار داشت اتفاقی می افتاد. حواسم را خوب جمع کردم و با دقت به اطراف نگاه کردم؛ دیدم زمین زیر پایم به اندازۀ یک توپِ بزرگ شده! خواستم بایستم، گفتم امکان داره از روی این توپ پرت بشی پائین>>>


شاه رفت، خامنه ای آمد

درفاصله سی سال که چشم بهمزدنی است در تاریخ، استبداد مدرن جای خود را به "نظام توتالیتر مذهبی" داد

16-Jan-2011 (9 comments)
32 سال بعد از روز "شاه رفت"، آسمان ایران را ابر سیاه استبداد گرفته است. ازتولد "گفتمان آزادی" - دستاورد بزرگ جنبش سبز- تانهادینه شدنش، تا تبدیل شدنش بعنوان یک عنصر جاری فرهنگی، عمر درازی باید. ما. من و تو. همه ما. دیگر تاج شاهی برداشته و عبای آخوندی بدوش انداخته ایم. در لفظ گفتمان آزادی را فریاد می کنیم، در عمل به آن رنگ استبداد می زنیم. من خونریز ازتبار تاریخی ما آمده، چرخی زده و گفتمان روزرا به رنگ خود درآورده است. >>>


Every Eight Hours

Iran on “execution binge”

16-Jan-2011 (63 comments)
Since the beginning of the New Year, Iran has hanged 47 prisoners, or an average of about one person every eight hours. Iran executes more people per capita than any other country, and in absolute numbers, is second only to China. On Saturday, 15 January 2011, Iran hanged a Kurdish prisoner some Iranian websites have identified as Hossein Khazri, a Kurdish political prisoner on the death row. A local official in the province of Western Azerbaijan told media that “a member of the Pejak (an armed Kurdish guerilla group)” was hanged in Urumiye prison on Saturday morning>>>


Defending a convicted murderer?

Iranians need no lessons in democracy from ill-informed foreign observers

16-Jan-2011 (4 comments)
The execution of Shahla Jahed does not offer any special insight into the Iranian nation’s understanding of women, let alone any entrenched cultural or social misogynistic tendencies. Ms. Yazdani’s flawed premise draws a link between a murder conviction and the socio-cultural condition of a people. At best, the Jahed execution might offer insight into institutional misogyny in Iran, expressed in a possibly flawed legal judgment. However, to then take that judgment and draw from it conclusions about a nation’s democratic maturity and its understanding of women seems to me to be an unfounded and uninformed leap>>>


What’s More Dangerous?

Muslims or Islamophobia?

16-Jan-2011 (38 comments)
When you hear the word “terrorist,” who comes to mind? Basque separatists in white hoods? Anarchists wearing bandanas with five-pointed stars? Or perhaps some right- or left-wing outcasts building bombs in basements? My guess is that none of these characters wins top billing in the minds of most people when they think of terrorists. Why? Mainly because we don’t generally hear about these kinds of terrorists in the news, and when we do, they aren’t typically called “terrorists.” They’re just called murderers, thugs or lunatics>>>


16-Jan-2011 (one comment)
اوغ . همش اوغ
دل و روده اتو بیرون می ریزی
باید پس بدی
گذشته رو تو ذهنت بالا بیاری
حتی اینجام تو مسئولی
گناه کاری >>>


Panahi and Nourizad

Free speech and underground culture

14-Jan-2011 (7 comments)
Most people know that Iran is occupied by an Islamist regime but not all understand to what degree this occupation pervades. As an Iranian film-maker who was born and raised under the reign of the Islamic regime, I can show in my work the injustice and inequality of my society. Ahmadinejad pushed for militarization of the regime and reestablished the Islamic fundamentalism in Iran, censorship was imposed rapidly and film making and cinema were under complete restriction by the government>>>


Voices Being Buried Alive

Concern over the imminent execution of a female Kurdish political prisoner

14-Jan-2011 (12 comments)
Zaynab Jalalian, a 27 years old Kurdish woman, was arrested in Kermanshah in early 2007. She was dispatched to the infamous Sanandaj prison soon after. This is the same prison which bears witness to Ehsan Fattahian’s execution, and the tragedy of two sisters Nasrin and Shahla Ka'bi who were violently annihilated. The same place which is plagued by the memory of Shahriar who was forced to carry on his back the tortured body of his brother Ahsan (Nahid) to an untimely and unjust death by the bullets of a firing squad>>>


دل شاد سعدی

سعدی زندگی و شادی های آنرا شایسته ی بهره جویی میداند و به مرگ اجازه نمیدهد که چون کابوسی بر زندگی سایه اندازد

14-Jan-2011 (3 comments)
در میان گویندگان قدیم و جدید فارسی کمتر کسی را به زندهدلی سعدی می شناسم. تخلص او "سعدی" و عنوان کتاب هایش "بوستان" و "گلستان" است. خدای او باغبان طبیعت و مذهبش آسانگیر است. نه چون مفتی در بند عبادات است و نه چون صوفی در قید ریاضت. نه چون بابا طاهر در سوگ رفتگان سوته دل است و نه چون خیام و حافظ از ترس مرگ خوش باش، بلکه دیوانی دربار شاهی است خودکامه و شادی کُش>>>