Washington Smear Campaign

Immoral defamation against MEK's powerful backers

18-Mar-2012 (10 comments)
The State Department's hysterical animosity towards the MEK reminds many Iranians of the story of the late Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh who nationalised Iran's oil industry only to be toppled by a US-led coup in 1953. At that time, the CIA sponsored coup was seen by Iranians as an unjustified US intervention to keep Shah Mohammad-Reza Pahlavi in power, in spite of public detestation of his regime>>>


بهاریه ۱۳۹۱

به یاد هایده ۱۳۶۸ ـ ۱۳۲۱

18-Mar-2012 (10 comments)
چند روز پیش وقتی در بین آرشیو موسیقی ام دنبال آهنگی می گشتم به ترانه مهمانی بهار هایده رسیدم. بعد به ذهنم رسید که در بین همه خواننده ها ما هیچ کس به اندازه هایده از بهار و عید و نوروز نخوانده و هیچ خواننده ای (حتی ویگن و پوران) به اندازه او برای ما تلقین کننده حس نوروزی نیست٬ بگذارید مثالهایش را برایتان بگوییم >>>


The Persian New Year
18-Mar-2012 (3 comments)
Let it fill you as if you were a chia pot
And grow like fragrant watercress
Out of your hands.
The New Year will come,
And you will sit
At the cloth of the "seven s's". >>>


Fish Out of Water

Fish Out of Water

Photo essay: Iran and Iranians

by Alooche
17-Mar-2012 (12 comments)



وقتی من نباشم

معرفی کتاب "زبیده بادوم: داستانها و طنزها"

چیزی در گلویم گیر کرده بود که باید بیرونش می‌آوردم؛ داشت خفه‌ام می‌کرد؛ جانم را می‌گرفت؛ مرا می‌کشت. دست کردم بیخ گلوم و آن را [که بخیالم زیادی بود] بیرون کشیدم؛ بیرون کشیدم و همه‌ی درونم [همچون طناب داری] از حلقم بیرون آمد؛ پشت سرهم بیرون آمد. به سینه‌ام نگاه کردم؛ ریه‌هایم روی سینه‌ام آویزان بودند؛ آن‌ها را بیرون کشیده بودم؛ از آن‌ها بخار بلند می‌شد؛ داغ بودند؛ داغ و داغ و تبدار؛ بعد قلب و جگرم را بیرون کشیدم>>>


سرود های ماندگار عشق - ۵

قسمت اول - می گساری در بهشت

16-Mar-2012 (5 comments)
از خوانده و از شنیده نومید
وامانده از این و رانده از آن

رفتم به سراغ پیر خمار
در کوی جنان به کوچه جان >>>


Eye Opener

Reza Allamehzadeh’s documentary about Bahai persecution

14-Mar-2012 (21 comments)
On the way to viewing Iranian Taboo the car radio program was about a 340 ton rock being dragged 60 miles to the Los Angeles County Museum of Modern Art. A surreal waste of effort, perhaps to make that very point! As it turns out, this extravagant expenditure of energy isn’t nearly as absurd as the efforts of the Islamic Republic to create terror and frustration for Iran’s Bahais. The difference is that while the artistic statement is a capricious waste, the Regime’s political statement is a malicious overexertion>>>


Persia in Crisis

Interview with Professor Rudi Matthee

14-Mar-2012 (2 comments)
Rudi Matthee finished his BA in 1975 in the Netherlands in Arabic and Persian language and literature, and subsequently spent a year in Iran as an exchange student, studying and traveling to various places in the country. He has authored three books and co-edited as many; all on the subject of Iranian history. His latest book, Persia in Crisis: Safavid Decline and the Fall of Isfahan, was just published. Rudi speaks fluent Persian and Arabic and reads in both languages>>>


Spring in the Capital

Spring in the Capital


by Mahvash Shahegh



Bombay "Blind Owl"

A new translation of Sadegh Hedayat's classic work

13-Mar-2012 (3 comments)
The aim of this translation is to provide an accurate and updated translation based on the definitive Bombay edition. My method began with a translation very close to the original Persian to preserve each sentence and its meaning. Next, repetitive proofreading and editing were undertaken to improve the flow and bring the text closer to the center. The result is the retention of untranslatable Persian words (with footnotes), the use of atypical English words and phrases to convey the Persian, and the use of the dash as it appears in the Bombay edition>>>


بهار در پایتخت

چند هایکو واره

13-Mar-2012 (one comment)
شکوفه های گیلاس
چون بیشتر امریکائیان
از آن ور آب آمده اند

صورتی، رنگ رهائی
از قرمز و آبی
بر این، توافق همگانی
من رای دادم
13-Mar-2012 (one comment)
رای دادم
و چه دانی تو رای‌دادن چیست؟
به شكافِ صندوق فروبرم قلم را
و همانجا نویسم راست
اسم و رسم و شماره >>>


I am Iranian

I am Iranian

Photo essay: Portraits

by Ali Shariat
12-Mar-2012 (2 comments)



The bad, the worse and the ugly

Bravo's "Shahs of Sunset"

12-Mar-2012 (23 comments)
To say that the “Shahs of Sunset” is “bad” would be a redundancy, given that it’s a so-called “reality show.” These days, even the most trusting television viewer knows there’s nothing “real” about reality TV. As Time magazine put it six years ago, “Quotes are manufactured, crushes and feuds constructed out of whole cloth, episodes planned in multi-act ‘storyboards’ before taping, scenes stitched together out of footage shot days apart.”>>>


داستان سیاوش: آیا جنگ و خونریزی اجتناب ناپذیر بود؟

آیا می‌شد از فاجعه جلوگیری کرد؟

12-Mar-2012 (one comment)
سیاوش، شاهزاده‌ی ایرانی، در جنگی که بین ایران و توران در می‌گیرد، فرمانده‌ی سپاه ایران است. پس از سه روز جنگ، سپاه توران وادار به عقب‌نشینی می‌شود. افراسیاب، شاه توران، پیشنهاد صلح می‌کند. سیاوش از او می‌خواهد برای تضمین صلح، صد نفر گروگان نزد او بفرستند و شهرهای ایران را که قبلاً تصرف کرده باز پس دهد>>>


یادواره‌ی رنگین کمان و رگبار بهار
12-Mar-2012 (4 comments)
آبستن صفاست ، ابر
ز غُرُنبش او
که پا به زاست، ابر.




Mixed media on canvas

by Kourosh Salehi
10-Mar-2012 (one comment)



Veiled Romance

Romantic thriller set in revolutionary Iran

10-Mar-2012 (one comment)
"Veiled Romance", features a strong female protagonist who risks all for love, unfolds against the turbulent backdrop of Tehran during the first months of Ayatollah Khomeini’s revolution, and is inspired by my personal experiences and observations being in Iran during that time period. Simon Ebrahimi was born and raised in Jewbareh, the Jewish ghetto of Esfahan, Iran. He studied management and finance in England before returning to Iran, where he was a partner with an international accounting firm>>>


بر باد نرفته

برای عزت گوشه‌گیر و روزانه نگاری غربت اش

10-Mar-2012 (2 comments)
روزنگاری  هایم ،
آثار منتشر نشده ام ،
مقالات  چاپ نشده ام ،
خاطرات  روزهای بر باد رفته ام ،
مجموعه  دوری های غربتم،
حدیث  هجرتم، >>>


Jesus is Jealous

Jesus is Jealous

Photo essay: Che Guevara in Buenos Aires

by Jahanshah Javid
08-Mar-2012 (14 comments)
