The Lucky Star

The Lucky Star

Photo essay: Taking a peak at an erotic art event

by Sid Sarshar
19-Feb-2009 (20 comments)



Balls of love

Balls of love

Photo essay: Three suitcases full of soccer balls for Ugandan children

by Kia Sedghi
19-Feb-2009 (12 comments)



Our Friend the Atom

“But what’s wrong with the Atomic Genie?” I asked

18-Feb-2009 (17 comments)
Malek Khanoum walked several steps from the minivan and took in a lungful of air. “The jasmines must be in bloom,” she smiled. Her voice was the same, confident and declarative. She had aged less than I imagined, but she dressed differently now. Brown headscarf, dark shoes like two eggplants, covered from neck to ankle in drab gray. Only her face showed. She had never worn makeup. Never needed it, even when she used to wear strikingly modern dresses and flashy high heels. I wondered how gray she had turned beneath her scarf. Her hair was once, as the American poet puts it, “one warrior innocent of defeat.”>>>


Give Me Back My Story

I don’t have harsh feeling toward Americans anymore

18-Feb-2009 (3 comments)
“Rooster” is one of those associations that connects me to major roads of my past, to the intersections from which different paths of association branch out. I can take any of these roads and soon be traveling to different spaces of my life and identity. It links me with many clusters of memories, to the street I was raised in, to my mother’s colleague Raana, to my playmates and a zoo we created together, to Americans, and to our yard which is itself associated with many other faces and stories. Finally I got you there. Now you are curious, asking, “How is it that your yard is associated with roosters? That is a good question that opens up a whole story of its own>>>


Casualties of Empire's Wars

High suicide rates among U.S. soldier suicides

18-Feb-2009 (3 comments)
On February 5, the U.S. Army announced there were 128 suicides in 2008, the highest since it began keeping records in 1980. It was the fourth year in a row that the numbers rose as the wars in the Middle East continued. Last year's Army suicide rate of 20.2 per 100,000 soldiers was also the first time since the Vietnam War that the rate was higher than the adjusted civilian rate. This is also higher than the current rate of the Marine Corps. The reason for the higher rates of suicides in the Army and the Marine Corps could be attributed to the fact that the two services have suffered the cruelty of the war in Iraq and have been subjected to repetitious deployments back to the killing fields of the Middle East>>>


سركوب بهاییان - چرا؟

در حال حاضر كه بنیادگرایان امام زمانی بر حكومت مسلط شده‌اند بار دیگر موج بهایی‌ستیزی شروع شده

18-Feb-2009 (26 comments)
در گرماگرم صف‌آرایی‌های جناح‌های‌مختلف حكومتی برای تصرف قوه مجریه جمهوری اسلامی ایران، در سایه زمزمه‌های رسمی و نارسمی برای ارتباط و تماس و گفتگو با آمریكا كه این روزها شدت گرفته است، و در برابر بحران شدید اقتصادی كه اكثریت مردم را تحت فشار قرار داده و آینده سختی را در برابر آنان نهاده است، رژیم جمهوری اسلامی به یكی از ترفندهای همیشگی خود دست زده و موجی از بهایی‌ستیزی به راه انداخته است. این موج از چندی‌ پیش با دستگیری ده‌ها نفر از بهاییان آغار شده و تا به امروز به اتهام جاسوسی برای هفت تن از آنان منجر شده است. در آخرین مرحله از این موج بهایی‌ستیزی، آقای قربانعلی دری نجف‌آبادی دادستان كل كشور طی نامه‌ای خطاب به خلف خود در وزارت اطلاعات خواستار آن شده است كه با «تشكیلات بهائیت» برخورد شود. >>>


مسیر زندگی
18-Feb-2009 (4 comments)
دوست قدیمی از تونشنیده بودم بس مدتی
دورانه پرسیدمت تا بدانم چه یاد داری

گفتی که روزی بیش از سی سال پیش
با من و خواهر توپ بازی روی میز کردی کم وبیش

جمله افزودی که این دیدار آسان نوجوانانه
برایت مهم بود و مسیر زندگی عوض کرد >>>


Best seat in the house

Best seat in the house

Photo essay: My life in the San Francisco Bay Area

by Nazy Kaviani
18-Feb-2009 (34 comments)



Band of Brothers

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and Iran

17-Feb-2009 (13 comments)
During a February trip to Iran, Hamas leader Khaled Mashal praised Iranian leaders for their support during the conflict in the Gaza Strip, a further indication of the strengthening ties between the Sunni Islamist group, which the United States has designated as a terrorist organization, and the Shiite regime in Tehran. Mashal's statements come on the heels of the U.S. Treasury Department's terrorist designations of al-Qaeda leaders and operatives sheltered in Iran. These latest examples of Sunni-Shiite cooperation raise new questions about whether Iran can improve its relationship with Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood.>>>


Destroying evidence

Khavaran mass graves under threat

17-Feb-2009 (9 comments)
The area being destroyed in Khavaran is a desolated plot next to the cemetery of religious minorities. Families of the victims call this place "the rose garden of Khavaran" - for a rose, in a culture where it is often safer to use poetry, represents a fallen freedom fighter. The Iranian leadership calls it the "place of the damned" or the "graveyard of the infidels". There are no gravestones, monuments or markings there because the government hasn't allowed any, but families of the victims have quietly gathered at the Khavaran cemetery every September over the last 20 years to commemorate what they call "the national catastrophe" - the largest state crime in Iran's modern history>>>


آیا تنها قربانیان توهم توطئه بهائیانند؟

آنجا که نفرت جای انصاف را میگیرد، همه قربانی میشوند

17-Feb-2009 (15 comments)
چند روز پیش، برای نخستین بار پس از دو دهه، جمهوری اسلامی ایران رسما و علنا رهبران جامعه بهائی ایران را به جاسوسی برای اسرائیل متهم کرد، تا یکبار دیگر جامعه بهائیان ایران را به شرایطی بازگرداند که تا نیمه دهه 1360 شمسی به آن دچار بودند. اکنون حجت الاسلام دری نجف آبادی، دادستان کل کشور، نیز بهائیان را به "جمع آوری اطلاعات و فعالیت های نفوذی و تخریب پایگاه های اعتقادی مردم" متهم کرده و خواهان مقابله وزارت اطلاعات با تشکیلات بهائی در کلیه سطوح شده است. ایراد اینگونه اتهامات سیاسی برعلیه بهائیان تکرار مکرر ادعاهایی است که اکنون برای نزدیک به هفتاد سال درباره بهائیان مطرح شده است.>>>


Christmas Eve
17-Feb-2009 (one comment)
“Go talk to your professors, do something. The entire summer you worked for the university and they paid you nothing,” she wiped her tears.

“I owe them tuitions for the last two semesters.”

“Talk to the Foreign Students Advisor. Tell her we’ve two small kids.”

“I already did. She said that’s the university policy. If there is a balance, they garnish my income.”

“They do what to your income?” >>>


17-Feb-2009 (2 comments)
یاد تو از روزگار من نمی گذرد
نمی نگرد
به خواب ناتمام تمام شب
پس من کیم؟
یا حد اقل  در چه زمانی سیر می کنم؟
شاعر روزهای سرد
شاعر روزهای بی حماسه >>>


Treated like a Persian king

Treated like a Persian king

Photo essay: Heavenly foods during trip back to Iran

by Alahazrat Hajagha
15-Feb-2009 (35 comments)



What is there to celebrate?

Reminding myself about the reality of the past 30 years

15-Feb-2009 (30 comments)
Allow me to go back to the beginning of the revolution, or maybe a little bit before. It was 1978. The Iranian revolution was in full swing. I was a teenager full of life and passionate about a big change, like so many young people during that period. We were all ready to get rid of the monarchy and bring justice and equality to our country. The future was so bright and it was right in front of us; we could be free from the hands of a dictator! Finally the time had come: 1979 was glorious. The Shah left the country! However, the glory of the 1979 revolution did not last long for many Iranians. Women were the first to be targeted by the new regime.>>>