سهم شیرینی ما
11-Jul-2008 (2 comments)
تلفن را که برداشتم بی مقدمه گفت؛ تمامی امروز یاد شیرینی ها بودم. از یک سوپر ایرانی همین نزدیکی ها از هر نوعش که داشت، خریدم. اگر الان کسی وارد دفتر بشود، از دیدن انواع شیرینی و آجیل روی میزم، چار شاخ می ماند! میدانی! هیچ کدامشان آن مزه را ندارند! گفتم زنگی بزنم بپرسم هیچ وقت با آن لذت و دلهره شرینی خورده ای؟ گفتم؛ آره! اما شیرینی هایی از نوعی دیگر! لذت های بزرگ، اغلب با دلهره و تشویش همراه اند. شاید همین باعث شیرینی شان می شود! مهمانخانه ی ما هم مثل هر خانه های پر جمعیت آن سال ها، منطقه ای ممنوعه بود با دری بسته و قفلی قدیمی. مادر نه تنها درِ اتاق، که درِ کمد، یا به لهجه ی اصفهانی ها "دولاب" داخل اتاق را هم قفل می کرد. آن دولاب، قبله ی آرزوهای ما بچه ها بود. جایی که آجیل و انواع شیرینی و گز و سئون در قل و زنجیر، بسته و زندانی بودند. ما بچه ها تنها سالی چند بار به وصال این لعبتکان می رسیدیم. یک روز که مادر به حمام رفته بود،...>>>


Pleasure University

Pleasure University

Photo essay: Northern Cyprus

by Shaghayegh Ghanbari
10-Jul-2008 (2 comments)



Not funny

McCain’s insensitive Iran remark

10-Jul-2008 (47 comments)
Presidential candidate Senator John McCain, in response to a question about a survey showing increased U.S. exports to Iran -- mostly of cigarettes -- replied by saying, "Maybe that's a way of killing them." Despite his initial backpedaling by saying "I meant that as a joke," Senator McCain's comment is unacceptable and very troubling for the Iranian-American community. As one of the most well-educated and affluent immigrant populations in the United States, the Iranian-American community is proud of its contributions to American culture. Unfortunately, Senator McCain overlooked this attribute when he made this statement, and NIAC has expressed its concerns through a letter sent to the McCain campaign Wednesday>>>



در هر صورت، مردم بدترین صدمه را خواهند دید

10-Jul-2008 (55 comments)
دولتهای غرب، از مجاهدین برای از بین بردن جمهوری اسلامی حمایت خواهند کرد. مجاهدین هم که در حرکتهای تروریستی استاد هستند (اتفاقا از نظر قدرتی اگر کسی از پس جمهوری اسلامی بتواند برآید، همین مجاهدین خواهند بود.) پس ایران تبدیل میشود به ناحیه ی جنگی، با تورم بیشتر، تلفات بسیار، وضعیت آشفته ای که مدرسه، مراکز دولتی و... را از حالت عادی خود خارج خواهد کرد. بعد از مدتی که ایران هر قسمتش دست یا مجاهدین یا جمهوری اسلامی خواهد بود، مردم مرتب کنترل خواهند شد، به طوری که (مثل شرایط افغانستان در زمان حمله ی طالبان به حکومت روسیه در افغانستان) حتی ترک کردن خانه به قصد رفتن به خانه ی دو کوچه آن طرفتر کار بسیار شاق، وحشت انگیز و خطرناکی خواهد بود. بعد از سالها جنگ احتمالا مجاهدین (به دلیل حمایت های مالی و داشتن اسلحه های مدرن که توسط غربی ها به آنها داده خواهد شد) پیروز میشوند. مدتی هم اوضاع به هم ریخته می ماند. >>>


Bombs or Miniskirts?

What really makes the turbans tremble?

10-Jul-2008 (7 comments)
The Islamic Republic of Iran has developed a reputation as a threat to international security and stability. Its current pursuit of nuclear power has added a new chapter to its long story of menacing behavior. But while the international community has come to the conclusion that the Islamic Republic must be prevented from attaining a nuclear bomb, it has not resolved on how exactly to achieve this. A variety of strategies abound as to how to deal with the Iranian nuclear threat. Two of these strategies have become more increasingly debated with the passage of time. The first option offers military action against Iran while the second encourages dialogue with the Iranian government. Neither course of action, however, will achieve sustainable results>>>


Going down the tube

"I fear we will lose our country” to policies implemented by a group of self-conscious imperialists

10-Jul-2008 (8 comments)
Chalmers Johnson writes: “Most Americans do not recognize-or do not want to recognize-that the United States dominates the world through its military power. Due to government secrecy, they are often ignorant of the fact that their government garrisons the globe. They do not realize that a vast network of American military bases on every continent constitutes a new form of empire... Our country deploys well over half a million soldiers, spies, technicians, teachers, … in other nations… . Whole sectors of the American economy have come to rely on the military for sales.” >>>


10-Jul-2008 (one comment)
A millinium has passed
and another and
no Saoshyant has arrived.
Mahdi won’t arrive either.
By the Jewish account Jesus will come to save the Jews
By the Christian account he will come to end the Judaism. >>>


Lar in bloom

Lar in bloom

Photo essay: Wild poppies near Damavand

by Iman Mirabzadeh
09-Jul-2008 (3 comments)



در باب نشئه پرانی

هی شاخ و شانه بکشید تا بیایند بزنند کونتان را پاره کنند و آنوقت دوباره عزاداری راه بیاندازید

09-Jul-2008 (29 comments)
در عالم هپروت بودم که شبکه خبری سی-ان-ان اعلام کرد و نشان داد که ایران مجدداً چند تا از آن موشکهای دونبش را هوا کرده و یک دسته خر به این گنده گی از زمین بلند میشه و مثل علی ورجه دور خودش میچرخه و چه بسا صد متر آنطرف ترتلپی میافته روی زمین و بادش در میره! اونا که بقیه ویدیورو نشون نمیدن که آخه این موشک آخرش کجا میافته و ما باید هی مجسم کنیم که این موشک حالا حالا ها داره میره، خوب همین هم خودش یک تفریحی است ودر افکارمان از روی لرستان پرواز میکنیم، سفری هم از بالا روی نجف اشرف میکنیم وزیارت اهل قبور و بطرف اسرائیل میرویم وسواحل مدیترانه را مفتی میبینیم، تا حدودی هم مسکن و خواب آورست و حالا اگر عَرَق نکنیم و تبمان نبرد، لااقل عِرق ملی مان بجریان میافتد و کم کم بخواب شیرینی فرو میرویم. >>>


Not just about women

The Iranian nation is herself a Carmen: Proud, complex, set in her ways

09-Jul-2008 (22 comments)
Mainstream feminists who promote the foreign policies of Western Patriarchy, should understand that there are Iranian women who identify strongly with the second Carmen. Their experience of oppression as the first Carmen works only to amplify their sympathy for the other Carmen. So they will not welcome anyone who regards their culture the way Bizet’s 19th century audience may have viewed his gypsy woman: irresponsible, uncivilized, futureless, and deadly. These women have already peeled away the practical and ideological justifications for the US drive for hegemony—oil and freedom—to find nothing but the mad Don Jose standing over them with a knife. >>>



A kiss is a promise that I'm not going to overthrow any democratically-elected government

09-Jul-2008 (12 comments)
"Wait," the young man said. He was Iranian and he had told the girl, who was American, that he was Iranian and not Persian. They had kissed once and then he'd stopped.
"I have to tell you about Mossadegh."
"Not what, who. Mossadegh was a man. He was the prime minister of Iran in 1953. He was overthrown by an American coup. I have to tell you about him because I shouldn't be the only one thinking about him when we kiss." >>>


New age martyr

Anniversary of the execution of The Bab

09-Jul-2008 (47 comments)
This day, on 9 July 1850, at noon, the Bab was put to death by firing squad in the public square of Tabriz, Iran. Six years earlier, He had declared that He was a messenger of God whose mission was to prepare the way for the imminent arrival of the Promised One of all religions who would come to establish a new age of peace and prosperity in the world. In 1863, Baha’u’llah announced publicly that He was that Promised One. The Bab attracted tens of thousands of people to His teachings, thousands of whom were killed in persecutions that swept Iran>>>


Yet another excuse

Yet another excuse

... to enjoy the beautiful summer days: Photo essay

by kfravon
08-Jul-2008 (4 comments)



Show common sense

A letter from Iran to members of US Congress

08-Jul-2008 (28 comments)
It was with great dismay that I, and many of my fellow Iranians in Iran and abroad, learnt of the regrettably widespread support by you in the U.S Congress, for the Resolution HR 362. This resolution which imposes a naval blockade of the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf to stop all shipment of refined petroleum products from reaching Iran and to inspect all vessels approaching or leaving Iran, is an act of war waged on our country and the Iranian nation. If passed, this resolution, would be yet another instance in a chain of flagrant violations of international law committed by the US and a war crime under the United Nations Convention on Genocide>>>


Opposite ends

Two countries, two directions in three decades

08-Jul-2008 (45 comments)
In the late 1970's, Iran and Spain stood close to each other on the world’s stage. They both had struggling monarchies with a legacy of over 30 years of dictatorship. They both had gross national products of about $50 Bn. And, they both had populations of about 40 Million. Both countries enjoyed a long history of royalty, and they had both suffered an invasion by the expanding Islamic empire over 500 years ago. This past week I witnessed Spain’s triumphant Soccer (Futbol) team beat Germany in the Finals of the Eufa Cup. And on Sunday, it was Spain’s Rafael Nadal crowned Wimbledon’s Mens Tennis Champion, beating Roger Federer. And all this right after Spain’s Sergio Garcia was named the PGA tour’s (golf) players’ champion>>>