ميشل فوكو و مسئله جنسیت در ایران امروز

23-Jul-2008 (2 comments)
استفاده از متد ِميشل فوكو (1984 ـ 1926) در بررسی مساله جنسیت و در امر حجاب احباری، چشم‌انداز نويني در نگاه فلسفی و جامعه‌شناسانه برویمان می گشاید. فوکو به خاطر نظریاتش درباره جامعه، سیاست و تاریخ از سرشناس ترین متفکران قرن بیستم است. فوکو جزو رهبران نظری پسا ساختگرایی و پست مدرنیته محسوب می شود. جهان خارج ‌از متن، خود بخودی فاقد معنا و حقیقت است. زبان، سخن و گفتمان، شكل‌دهنده واقعيات هستند و جهان خارج صرفاً از طريق زبان و سخن شناخته مي‌شود. قوکو نشان مي‌دهد كه نظام زبان تعيين ‌كننده فرهنگ و معناست. مضافا او نشان مي‌دهد كه چگونه كاربرد زبان يا گفتمان، همواره با كاربرد قدرت همراه است. نهادهای اجتماعي در چارچوب گفتمان، قدرت و کارکردهای اجتماعی خود را مستقر می سازند>>>


کسی پای سرهنگ را نمی شوید

هر داستان خوشی روزی به پایان خواهد رسید و پاشوئی سرهنگ نیز دیری نپائید

23-Jul-2008 (4 comments)
او می خواست در ایران بماند و اینجا بمیرد .فرزندانش استدلال پدر را فقط نشانه ای از پیری و اغتشاش ذهنی او دانسته و از اینکه سرهنگ خود را به قو تشبیه می کرد، زیر لب مسخره اش می کردند. الان سالها بود که وقتی مردم می فهمیدند او قبلاً در ارتش شاهنشاهی افسر ارشد بوده، احترام زیادی برایش قائل می شدند. احترامی نظیر دیدن و تحسین نوعی مدل قدیمی و زیبای اتومبیل که دیگر ساخته نخواهد شد. انگار قطعه ای از موزه پای درآورده و در خیابانها راه میرود. حالا دیگر کسی مسخره اش نمی کرد و بر عکس مشتاق شنیدن خاطراتش بودند.سرهنگ اصلاً حوصله صحبت نداشت. قیافه اش این اواخر شده بود مثل رهبران حزب کمونیست شوروی سابق که هیچ احساسی را نمی شد از آن خواند.>>>


Beyond normal

Beyond normal


by Mojgan Azimi
22-Jul-2008 (2 comments)



Two sides of a coin

U.S. Interests Section in Tehran?

22-Jul-2008 (6 comments)
It might seem like the US consul setting up shop in Iran is only going to help those who need visas to avoid having to go to Dubai anymore. But as small overtures always do, they end up becoming far more than they started out to be. This time there seems to be a huge wave of good karma pointed at this latest ray of hope. On one side you have the legitimizing effect of giving one of the most brutal and murderous empires Persia ever had, regional credibility, and the tough admission that the US policy of isolation for the past 30 years, was wrong>>>


Ciudad Juarez: the undiscovered

A short story about over 300 missing girls in a Mexican town

22-Jul-2008 (2 comments)
It was a sweltering hot day in July, perfect for a stroll by the beach with a cold beer in hand and, shit, there I was instead at Department X receiving instruction for my next assignment – to kill a gringo in San Diego, without knowing, or asking, why and what his sins were. My boss corrected me when I said that I thought my job was limited to going after our bad guys here in Mexico. “This is a top priority, I ‘ve got orders from the very top, you know what that means?” I actually didn’t and seeing that I was shaking my head negatively, he elaborated, “that means national security stupid. So don’t waste my time any more and get on with it, the reputation of this whole department is on the line now, so don’t disappoint me.”>>>


Those days

PART 2: From Misery Alley to Missouri Valley

22-Jul-2008 (3 comments)
If Afghanistan is the poorest country in the world and Nigeria the most religious, our community was like Afghanistan inhabited by white Nigerians! With the exception of a few, our neighbors were not monetarily any better off than we were. Most other houses were not any fancier than ours. Privacy had no safeguard in our community, personal and confidential information could be disclosed routinely. We used to know almost everything about our immediate neighbors from garlic to onion so to speak. At the other side of our house lived two families in the same house, a brother, Mashdi Esmaeel, in his sixties, with his wife and many kids in one side and his sister, Fatemeh Sultan with her kids on the other. >>>


Twenty Years of Silence

The 1988 prisoner massacre

22-Jul-2008 (68 comments)
This summer, thousands of bereaved families will defy the Iranian government and gather at the mass graves in Tehran’s Khavaran cemetery to mark the twentieth anniversary of the 1988 massacre of Iranian political prisoners. If you have forgotten this grim anniversary, then you are not alone. In fact, you are not alone if you did not even know that such a massacre ever occurred. In scale and brutality, the 1988 massacre is unparalleled in contemporary Iranian history. It is the darkest irony of this very dark episode, that of all its human rights violations the Iranian government has been most successful at keeping the 1988 killings a secret from the international community and from many Iranians>>>


 اشگ شراب...
22-Jul-2008 (one comment)
از وقتی تو رفته ای
صد ها نخ سیگار
در لابلای انگشتان تو
خاموش مانده است
و دودشان در دل من به آهی بدل.


Fancy set

Fancy set

Photo essay: Designs for new singer Alexa Pol

by parima shahin moghaddam
22-Jul-2008 (one comment)



Engaging trance

Engaging trance

Photo essay: Haale in concert

by kfravon



The enemy has a face

Essential things Israelis and Iranians should know about each other

21-Jul-2008 (57 comments)
The looming Iran-Israel confrontation has a seemingly deterministic quality to it. Listening to the politicians, one gets a sense that powers beyond our control are pulling us toward a 21st-century disaster. Yet a great deal of the force propelling us into confrontation is fueled by ignorance and dehumanization. Israel is demonized as "Little Satan," while Iranians are portrayed as irrational Muslim extremists. Indeed, mutual ignorance of our respective societies plays into the hands of the hard-line leaders who are calling for blood and destruction. They manipulate and distort; above all, they do everything to prevent us from recognizing that the enemy has a face.>>>


Inspiring & Empowering

PAAIA aspiring to live up to our full potential

21-Jul-2008 (4 comments)
On July 17, 2008, Iranian.com posted an item entitled “Hopes and Concerns,” signed by Soudabeh Bashirrad (which may be a pseudonym). The article generally welcomes the formation of Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA), admires it for having brought together Iranian Americans of diverse views, and praises PAAIA for taking steps to serve the community. We applaud the author for acknowledging PAAIA’s significant accomplishments during its short history. Unfortunately, the article also contains statements that, at best, reflect serious misperceptions and factual inaccuracies. The “questions” asked about PAAIA may essentially be divided into three categories>>>


Islam, Nationalism and Democracy

V. S. Naipaul's excursion among the non-Arab Moslems

21-Jul-2008 (2 comments)
Islam, like any other religion, has to wear the national dress of the people in order to enter a new land. The strict fundamentalists see only the religious dogmas and try to suppress the expression of any cultural nuances within the religious form. But life gradually removes their illusions and covers the religious dogmas with local colors. It seems that V. S. Naipaul, in his trip, was mostly surrounded by Islamic fundamentalists, especially the Wahhabi type. He takes the Wahhabi's approach toward Islam and extends it to all islamic factions. In Afghanistan, the Taleban destroyed the twin Buddha on Bamian rocks, but the Zoroastrian fire temples in Iran, and the holy Buddhist sites in Indonesia, still stand and resist religious conformity. >>>


 این کافه چه می خواهد
21-Jul-2008 (5 comments)
این کافه به دستان من رشک می ورزد
غذای سوخته می دهد
آبجوی خوبی ندارد
صندلی هایش مرا لق می کنند
خرده های شکر روی میزهایش
تراشیده از مجسمه قهرمانی است ناکام >>>


  صندلیهای خالی

من هیچ وقت نفهمیدم این ترس از تحسین شدن رو از کجا پیدا کردی

21-Jul-2008 (one comment)
. پریشبا بود که سر میز کلی آدم نشسته بودند چند نفر اصلا مجبور شدند برند یک گو شه دیگه بشینند چون جا نبود. یکهو نگاه کردم و دیدم صندلی جلوییم خالی هست همه از کنازش رد میشند و کسی نمیببیندش .خواستم یک چیزی بگم اما کور که نبودند. لابد کسی نمیخواست اونجا بشینه و یا شاید هم مثل همیشه چشمهای من آلبا لو گیلاس می چید. نمیدونم چرا همیشه وسط این شلوغیها چشمم میافته به یک صندلی خالی که هیچ کس رویش نمی نشیند.یک موقعی فکرمیکردم بالاخره پر میشه , اما حا لا می بینم که نه انگارهرکس جای خودش رو د ا ره>>>