The Scream (2)

Nothing was left, no images had been spared, and the world lay bare of its most famous icons,

30-Jul-2008 (4 comments)
The second one gone was the Mona Lisa. It happened a couple of weeks after the Screaming Man incident. The Louvres museum in Paris now found itself in the same conundrum as its Norwegian counterpart. Again, this wasn’t a case of thieves stealing the famous Leonardo Da Vinci painting. It was much much worse. At least, with thieves, you could start an investigation, track down the suspects, hope that one day the painting would show up at an auction house or private collection and get it back. But this? This was… incomprehensible. The painting itself still hung right there, encased in its protective glass shell, in the most visited wing of the Louvres>>>


Enriched offer

Drawing a red line with Iran

29-Jul-2008 (82 comments)
If we in the West are to set a genuine red line that the Iranians can recognize as such, two interlinked things are necessary. This line needs to be rooted in international rules that the Iranians themselves have formally recognized, and it needs to have the full support not only of the Europeans, but of the Russians, Chinese and Indians as well. In other words, our red line must be strict, verifiable adherence to the terms of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, or NTP, accompanied by a list of detailed, concrete and severe sanctions that leading members of the international community undertake to impose if Iran breaks the treaty and moves to weaponization>>>


Ray of light

Film director Makan Karandish begins a challenge on behalf of all Iranians

29-Jul-2008 (2 comments)
Iran is suffering one of the darkest cultural periods in its history. The old fruitful tree which once survived the coldest seasons is slowly withering away, her roots invaded by internal and external diseases. Our national identity is invaded by cultural agents of Arabs making us alien to ourselves as a nation. But there are always Iranians who endure the difficulties to remind us of who we are, and connect us to our roots and make us proud of ourselves, as a nation which has influenced world culture throughout history. In my opinion, “Iran the Forgotten Glory” is a very well crafted and innovative documentary film which serves this purpose>>>


Strong bonds

PART 3: From Misery Alley to Missouri Valley

29-Jul-2008 (3 comments)
While the real story of one’s life begins with a scandal or with love affairs, my parents’ story began with marriage without any scandal or adventurous romance. I am sure my father had not seen my mother before marriage as was usual at their time and even today in many places. And, there was no love at the first sight. Their marriage was arranged, brokered, a blind marriage. It was like signing a contract and negotiating its terms and conditions afterward. It is really hard to imagine what would be your love life if you marry a person you didn’t know or even seen before. Remarkably, their marriage lasted for lifetime, until death do them apart>>>


نفوس مرده

یونس از وقتی به منزل بازگشت، طور دیگری به باباش نگاه میکرد. حالا وی در مرگ باباش رستگاری خود را می جست

29-Jul-2008 (3 comments)
مش فرمان، پدر یونس سالها بیمار و گوشه رختخواب افتاده بود. اصلاً حرف نمی زد. در سکوت زل زده بود به نقطه ای در دیوار مقابل . فقط زنش خیر النساء که او هم حال خوشی نداشت، هر روز چندین بار به دقت نگاهش میکرد، گوئی میخواست با نگاه درون شوهرش را بکاود و علت ناخوشیش را کشف کند. برایش باورکردنی نبود که مش فرمان توت فروش معروف میدان تجریش این طور از رمق بیفتد. یادش می آمد آن وقتها که شوهرش جوان بود طبق های بزرگ توت را بر روی سر میگذاشت و از باغ های توت گلاب دره و شهرستانک تا بساطش می آورد. عین اسب مزرعه سالم بود و اصلاً خستگی نمیشناخت. خواب و آرام نداشت. تابستان ها توت و گردو و بستنی و زمستانها هم لبو باقالی می فروخت. تنها مشکل مش فرمان این بود که صدای خوبی نداشت و این نقص در جائی که هر کسی باید محصولش را با صدای خوش داد میزد، ایراد بزرگی بود.>>>


لیوان خون

لورکا در طرف دیگر ایستاده بود تا من و نرودا راحت قدم بزنیم

29-Jul-2008 (2 comments)
لیوان خون بر سر صبحانه ی آقا هر روز به همراه نان و کره و پنیر و مخلفات دیگر آماده است . هر روز ساعت شش و نیم صبح برادر بزرگ از خواب بیدار می شود دستی به سر و شانه اش می کشد . برادر کوچک به آرامی صورتش را می شوید تا خماری صبح ذهن آشفته اش را به یغما نبرد! رنگ خون امروز با دیروز و با فردا همیشه فرق خواهد داشت .سالهای دور فقط چای بود و تکه ای نان و پنیر ولی حالا اوضاع به کلی فرق کرده .لیوان های پر از آب میوه تاثیر خودش را از دست داده و خون تازه شجاعت شروع روز را به برادر بزرگ عطا می کند بی هیچ واهمه و دل واپسی !>>>


Hossein I am

Hossein I am

Photo essay: Personal portraits

by Hossein
28-Jul-2008 (23 comments)



Getting into the ring

Getting into the ring

Photo essay: Amateur boxing

by salim
28-Jul-2008 (4 comments)



نهار در تل آویو

نیروی هوائی به تنهائی از پس دشمن بر خواهد آمد هیچ ترسی نداشته باشید

28-Jul-2008 (16 comments)
مکان: اتاق فرمان، مرکز بسیار محرمانه و سرّی ستاد فرمانده ای کّل نیروهای نظامی ایران در تهران. حاضرین: فرماندگان نیروهای زمینی، هوائی، دریائی و سپاه پاسداران، یک آیت الله نماینده دفتر رهبری، اکبر آقا آبدار باشی، یک بچه گربه و چند تا مگس سمج. دستور جلسه: اطلاعات محرمانه از طرف سفارت انگلیس در مورد حمله اسرائیل و آمادگی ایران برای دفاع از وطن. آیت الله خطاب به فرمانده نیروی هوائی: خوب تیمسار شما بفرمائید در صورت برخاستن هواپیماهای اسرائیل از خاک آن کشور و مشاهده آمدن آنها بسوی ایران در دستگاههای رادار شما، آیا چه سناریوهائی را پیش بینی کرده اید و نقشه برخورد شما باآنها چیست؟>>>


White Man’s Unending Burden

British forces are in no rush to abandon their American comrades in Iraq

28-Jul-2008 (3 comments)
There is no rush on the part of the conservative classes of the western societies, since the British troops, the staunch allies of the U.S. military juggernaut, have a lot more annihilation to do in Iraq and Afghanistan. Des Brown and the House of Commons have not specified the deadline and the number of troops to be redeployed from Iraq to Afghanistan, which by the nature of its resistance to foreign invasion and occupation may become a long-term target of the Pentagon and NATO. According to Gordon Brown the tasks of the 4,100 British troops in Basra in southern Iraq is to train and mentor the 14th division of the Iraqi army. Just like any other benevolently occupying power, it must prepare the social conditions and educate the Iraqis>>>


Seasonal writers

Lack of financial support hindering development of strong and independent Iranian journalism

28-Jul-2008 (13 comments)
Non-political writers seem to be more of a seasonal type for this matter, and most of them seem to disappear before reaching their true peak because they are usually too busy with their daily lives. Professional quality journalism and writing needs money, and the Internet has so far failed to come up with free truly quality material to match commercial publications (with mostly paid journalists). The job of the unpaid blogger becomes even more hazardous when he is constantly faced with the frustrated and untalented commentator whose best inspiration is at best a jackass, or other phrases in excusable 'French'. What a blogger had hoped to be a pleasant hobby turns out to be a choice between extreme politicisation at best, or too often simply an unpleasant encounter with the anonymous>>>


The Scream

Part 1

28-Jul-2008 (4 comments)
Olaf Johansen was enjoying his first cup of coffee of the day in peaceful silence, looking out of the window of his office into a serene garden that was blooming little by little in these early days of spring. This was going to be another good day, he thought to himself with self-satisfaction as he felt the delightful first rays of the sun tickle his face playfully. His harmonious moment was short-lived. A loud commotion outside in the hallway rudely interrupted his reverie. The sound of heavy booted feet running, nay, stomping across the hallway, got nearer and nearer until finally, the door to his office burst open unceremoniously. Niels, the chief security guard at the museum, burst in, his eyes bulging with terror.>>>


شورای ملی صلح؟

خانم شیرین عبادی در تعارض با جنبش جهانی صلح

28-Jul-2008 (10 comments)
"شورای ملی صلح" و در راس آن شیرین عبادی به این تحلیل کودکانه متوسل میشود که اگر دولت ایران لحن خشن و تند را کنار بگذارد و در مقابل پرخاشگری جنایتکاران صهیونیستی و امپریالیستی کوتاه بیاید و به عبارت دیگر مانند یک کودک مودب عمل کند ، خطر حمله به ایران کاهش می یابد . ایشان فراموش کرده اند کهآمریکا برای حمله به ایران احتیاج به هیچ بهانه ندارد همانطور که بدون بهانه به عراق و افغانستان حمله کرد و در ضمن همان " قوانین بین المللی! " که خودش در تصویب آن نقش داشته را به راحتی زیرپا گذاشت . شیرین عبادی و" شورای ملی صلح!" با کم بها دادن به جنگ روانی ،اقدامات تخریبی و تجاوزکارانه دولت آمریکا ومتحدانش ، مقاومت قهرمانانه مردم ایران و منطقه را عامل تعیین کننده در شروع جنگ جلوه میدهند. >>>


Cycle of distance
28-Jul-2008 (2 comments)
He was from remote
mountains of Mazandaran, my father
son of horseback riding Amards.
Once a tall handsome man, his eyes Caspian Sea
under clear skies, his hair a dazzle of light, delicate glasses and ego
in stiff three piece silence, stony gaze and saucy grin, he spoke
like a starched sage >>>


The good earth

The good earth

Photo essay: Nature surrounding Eagol village north of Mount Tochal

by Aryan Hazeghi
27-Jul-2008 (5 comments)
