Blue by you

Blue by you

Photo essay

by Sepideh
23-Apr-2008 (5 comments)



Cowboys and Iranians

Why has Hillary suddenly transformed into a testes- endowed nuclear warmonger?

23-Apr-2008 (73 comments)
It is a very sad day in Iranian history when an American presidential candidate needs to threaten to “obliterate” Iran so as to be elected. The question that every Iranian needs to ask: “Why has Hillary suddenly transformed into a testes endowed nuclear warmonger?” Is it the fact that the largest economy of the world, which is driven by the military industrial complex and uses 25% of the planets oil, has concluded that only Iran stands in its way to controlling 60% of the globe's known petrochemical reserves? Or, is it because it is only Iran that stands in the way of the apartheid-like behavior of the Zionists?>>>


The Next Majlis

Iranian parliamentary elections and Ahmadinezhad's discontents

23-Apr-2008 (8 comments)
On April 25, a second round of voting will determine the remaining eighty-eight seats of the Iranian Majlis. The first round, held on March 14, decided 202 seats and was considered a defeat for both the reformists and President Mahmoud Ahmadinezhad. His reaction to the setback -- the dismissal of Interior Minister Mustafa Pur-Muhammadi, responsible for conducting the election -- is indicative of the difficult times ahead for the president and his allies, whose public and official support is steadily diminishing>>>


The Spider Killings (17)

How could Mahin get Hossein out of this mess now?

Azadeh and Roxanne had just finished washing Yassi’s body at the mosque. It had been a grueling task. Azadeh remarked to herself that in death, Yassi resembled her more than she had during her lifetime, her body covered with cuts and scratches like her own. They had never looked so much like sisters. Except these wounds had not been self-inflicted and they had been deadly. Exiting the mosque, a feeble and trembling Azadeh was supported by Roxanne on her way home. The older woman had been at the side of the young girl almost exclusively for the past two days.>>>


You and Us
23-Apr-2008 (one comment)
You, when you make love
you demand comfort
a bed of cedar
and a special mattress support
Us, when we make love
it is easy to arrange
with sheets, how great!
without sheets, just the same. >>>


Magical Persia

Magical Persia

Photo essay: Family weekend at British Museum

by parima shahin moghaddam
22-Apr-2008 (7 comments)




Short story

“Would you like another one?” The man sitting at the bar offered the woman next to him.
“Are you trying to get me drunk?” Uma replied in a seductive tone while playing with the empty glass in her hand.
“I enjoy your company. I like to prolong our exciting conversation.” He responded.
“I have every reason to be skeptical of your intentions.” She sneered.
“That’s because you’re cynical. I like that in a woman.” >>>



Who lost Iranian territories?

22-Apr-2008 (55 comments)
There have always been lots of talk about Iran's present, and past, sizes. Which size is the true size of this country, or empire, called Iran, or Persia as it used to be called internationally? Iranians seem to feel sorry for having lost large territories that used to belong to the Persian Empire. Many Iranians blame the Qajar for having lost the territories. Others hate the Arabs for having invaded the Sassanian Empire some 1300 years ago, for having started it all. There are many Iranians who blame almost everybody for Iran's present size, from its past rulers to its neighbours, and to Western powers in general. There is a lot of myth to all this contention and lost pride!>>>


Same job, same pay

Observing Equal Pay Day

22-Apr-2008 (8 comments)
Women in the United State , working full-time, year-round earn only about 77 cents for every dollar earned by men. The median annual earnings of women ages 15 and older are $31,858, compared to $41,386 for their male counterparts. (Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States). The gap between the earning of minority women and white men is significantly worse. An African American woman earns just 64 cents for every dollar earned by a white man, while a Hispanic woman earns only 52 cents on the dollar compared to her white male counterpart.>>>


lounging in the curve of my lips
22-Apr-2008 (3 comments)

something about life seduces my bones
twisting my hair in its grip
rooting me to the moment
something in the elusive nature
digs every finger of time into my heart
how my insignificant body contains such vastness
i ask



What a night!

What a night!

Photo essay: benefit dinner/concert

by kfravon
21-Apr-2008 (30 comments)



Flying at your own risk

Banning the sales of Boeing passenger planes is a disregard to human lives

21-Apr-2008 (44 comments)
The political relations and animosity between the U.S. administration and the Islamic government is besides the point of this article and would not be discussed here. This article is about the people, the real innocent and simple human beings, about the mothers and fathers who, every now and then, tragically lose their sons and daughters in an air-crash in Iran, in a series of disastrous incidents that there would be no end to it, unless some drastic actions are taken. The people in mind here are the men, women and children who have been and still are being deprived of safe air travel>>>


The Knock of Love

A gathering of Cardinal elements ruling my being and actions

21-Apr-2008 (one comment)
In a late afternoon, at a spacious hotel room with a large balcony facing the high rising waves of ‘Coogee Beach’, making surfers looking like driftwood, in Sydney, I heard a knock on my door. Immediately, a smile broke upon my face as I was getting to the door, just to confirm that no one was out there. You see…for a few moments prior to that knock, my ‘Heart’ and my ‘Mind’, accompanied by my ‘Intuition’ had gotten together on an intimate chat (that soon would become almost a public chat forum among all the elements of my Being), discussing the arrival of my beloved>>>


آدميت، پدر تاريخنگاری مدرن ايران

مصاحبه ي فرشاد قربانپور با خسرو شاکري استاد بازنشستهء تاريخ (مؤسسهء تحقيقات عالي علوم اجتماعي، پاريس)

21-Apr-2008 (3 comments)
آثار آدميت نشانه از يک نظم فکري، شيوه ي علمي، و دقت و سنجش حرفه اي برخوردار است. آدميت نخستين ايراني ای است که تاريخنگاري و تاريخشناسي را با آموزش حرفه اي آموخت، و نه” الله بختکي “چون بسياری که نام مورخ گرفته اند. در عين حال، او تنها مورخ عصر خود است که از ارثيه تاريخنگاري مورخاني پروسواس چون بيهقي بي بهره نمانده است. او تداوم تاريخنگاري علميِ سنتي و پيوند آن با تاريخنگاري مدرن است. >>>


Not So Big Fat Persian wedding

Ahmadinejad's son Mahdi gets married, unceremoniously

21-Apr-2008 (9 comments)
We all know that Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is an extremist politician. He knows it, and is in fact proud of it. He sees radical conservatism as part of his character, and speaking his mind, no matter who he offends, as part of his job. This is why Ahmadinejad has repeatedly denied the Holocaust, despite the fact that it offended the world's Jewish population. This is also why he cast doubts on the US version of September 11, despite the fact that many Iranians sent messages of condolence to American people on that sad occasion, as means of sympathizing with them in their hour of pain. What we don't know is that the same Ahmadinejad prides himself on being a good father>>>