Intent on annihilation

Iran’s independence and sovereignty is threatened with false allegations made by U.S. and Israel

10-Apr-2008 (62 comments)
How can a morally bankrupt nation induce the world to punish a law-abiding state and by so doing, violate not only international law, that of the nonproliferation treaty (NPT), but the Geneva Conventions? Sanctions are warfare. It cost Iraq over half a million innocent lives, a genocide, in preparation for the ‘shock and awe’ that was to come. America and her co-conspirators violated all Geneva Conventions when the sanctions were imposed – lives were snatched -“collateral damage” they called it. This rogue state, America, in violation of all laws, God’s and man’s, is dictating to the world>>>


Behind the lies

What is the truth about Muqtada al-Sadr’s connections with Iran?

10-Apr-2008 (12 comments)
On Tuesday April 8 General David Petraeus, the US commander in Iraq, made the latest in a long string of accusations against Iran and its “destructive” role in Iraq, including its financing of militia groups. He implied Iran had supported the Mahdi army in the recent battle for Basra, conveniently failing to mention Tehran’s support for the US occupation government in Baghdad. Ironically the same false claims are being used by Tehran apologists to ‘prove’ Iran’s credentials as an anti-imperialist force supporting the Iraqi resistance. However, the realities of the current inter-shia conflict are more complicated>>>


The Spider Killings (13)

Those damn gharb-zadeh, westernized, women. Sharif had never liked them

The phone rang and Peyman gestured to Roxanne to stay while he answered it. After a couple of minutes, with her friend still on the phone, engrossed in what seemed to be an important conversation, Roxanne got up again and waved. She mouthed the words “I’ll be okay!” on her way out, despite Peyman’s frantic hand gestures pleading her to wait for him. It was around ten o’ clock and the streets were deserted. The click-clack of Roxanne’s heels on the pavement sounded aggressively loud in the silence of the night. She had parked her car a couple of blocks away>>>


What do you think?
10-Apr-2008 (3 comments)
I think I am thirsty
before I start begging
give me a glass of kindness…
Do you think love is like thirst?
that if you fulfill me with your sips of affection
I will no longer drink your love?>>>