
I knock my head against false ceilings

11-Apr-2008 (3 comments)
I have not found the key to myself

the one that will get the high gates

to swing wide open and the lights

to come on all at once >>>



در هر چهار شنبه سوری از تابش سرخی ی آتش بر چهره های کودکانمان گرمی و جانی نو خواهند گرفت

11-Apr-2008 (5 comments)
نامه ای است تلخ و غم انگیز.......نمی توانم خودم را نگاه دارم.... یعنی کسی که این همه عاشق بهار و نوروز بود می بایستی در آن روز به خاک سپرده شود؟ نه ، بر عکِس برادرم من نمی خواهم که هر شب چهارشنبه سوری و هر روز نو روز باشد. اصلا می خواهم بهار را پاره کنم و بریزم دور... و باز فکر میکنم که آیا ثمین این را می خواهد؟ او که آرزویش زنده نگهداشتن چهارشنبه سوری و نوروز است این را از ما می خواهد؟>>>


Vote Malihe! Vote Hillary!

Vote for me and I will fight for Senator Clinton

11-Apr-2008 (40 comments)
I am not a politician, but I have decided to run for a seat in the Democratic National Convention in Denver. While Iranian-Americans have been successful in academia and in business, they have not focused on politics. I seek to fill this gap and work towards giving a voice to the Iranian community in the Bay Area. As a loyal supporter of Senator Clinton, who has traveled to campaign for her in Nevada, Texas and soon in Pennsylvania, and helped to raise campaign money, I have been a dedicated volunteer in the coordinated effort to elect a Democrat to the White House>>>