If we can show how contagious love is, we can gain support from communities that traditionally have opposed same sex marriage
On June 17, 2008, after years of being in a committed relationship, I was finally able to marry my partner at San Francisco's City Hall. We wanted to honor my Persian heritage so after we said our vows we participated in the traditional Persian ritual where friends and family grind sugar cones over our heads to share with us their sweet wishes. The custom that I had seen in other Persian weddings growing up in Iran... My feelings were bittersweet, as I thought of the contrast. Finally in the U.S., I was able to marry the love of my life. On the other hand, in Iran, my country of birth, I know that gays often risk their lives to find their happiness in a same-sex relationship. Too often gays are executed because of who they are and for the love they feel!
مژگان راز مهمي را فاش كرده بود
by Massih Mazloom
هنوز از كنار اتاقك بازرسي، پاسپورت به دست، چندان دور نشده بودم كه نامم محوطه را پر كرد. در بلندگو اسمم را صدا مي كردند. خود را به نشنيدن زدن بيهوده بود. پرهيب شان اندكي كمتر از سرعت صوت پشت سرم هويدا شد، بعد هرم نفس ها بود روي گردن، حس مي كردم كه يقه ي پيراهنم كثيف شده و احتياج به شستن دارد. اين بار صداي بلندگو نبود، و تن لطيف و ظريف زن گوينده. مجازي نبود، واقعي بود و تا حدي خشن. ماموري در چند قدمي، كمي جلوتر از من ايستاد. ديگري آمد روبرويم، اشاره كرد كه از صف خارج شوم. بي كلامي، برگه اي را نشانم داد. پاسپورت را طلب كرد. آن را به بهانه ي چك كردن گرفت، ديگر پس نداد.
IRI’s supporters on misuse the democracy on the site to support the undemocratic Islamic regime in Iran
The Islamic Republic of Iran has reached the highest level of illegitimacy. The Illegitimacy is now an evident characteristic of the regime and henceforth can hardly be denied by an increasing majority of people in and out of Iran. Therefore, the Islamic regime, especially its so-called reformist factions, needs activists in the West to prop up the claim of regime’s legitimacy. Among the various pro-regime cyber-media in the West, is one of the most read websites. Although, it has a secular character, because of its high popularity and openness to any idea cannot escape from the supporters of the IRI. IRI’s supporters and lobbyists and on this site are three main groups
A look in the correspondence of an Iranian political prisoner
Among the millions of Iranian immigrants living outside of Iran today, there are many who have spent a good portion of their lives behind the bars of the Shah's or Khomeini's prisons. Now in exile, far from the coercive system of their home country, they have the opportunity to write about the time of their incarceration. Through this process they not only shed light on some corners of political life in contemporary Iran but also demonstrate that political prisoners, in spite of torture and fear of execution, are able to create a culture, of their own. In this culture like that of any other social group, we find joy and humor alongside depression and fear, as well as a passion for artistic and literary creativity which runs against the indoctrination policies of the repressive regimes