The world will look different after a messy armed conflict
by Robert Grenier
War between Israel and Iran is already underway, even if the methods employed on both sides are subterranean. No one doubts an Israeli hand behind the recent assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists; Israel itself will not deny it. And only the willfully naïve could doubt that recent terrorist incidents involving Israeli diplomatic personnel in India and Georgia are connected with Iran, particularly after the highly damaging evidence of direct Iranian complicity in similar, subsequent attack preparations in Thailand
UK House of Commons' motion to rule out use of force against Iran
The first major crack in the western alliance against Iran has now surfaced in the UK's House of Commons by a rebellious Conservative back bencher who has for the first time in a western country proposed a motion against the hawkish western Iran policy. The anti-war groups activists and peace activists all around the world will see this as a promising sign to build a strong lobbying and media campaign to successfully oppose the war drive on Iran
تمام زندگی اش سرشار از مقاومت در برابر استبداد بود
by Mansoureh Behkish
در هنگام پیری با او آشنا شدم و گاهی با یکی دو تن از مادران به دیدارش می رفتیم. در خانه سالمندان اسکان گزیده بود، در آنجا آرام ولی محکم بود. وابستگی زیادی به وسایل شخصی اش از جمله: یخچال،تلویزیون، میز توالت و غیرو داشت و از این وسایل مانند جان مراقبت می کرد و به کسی اجازه جا به جا کردن نمی داد. شاید هر یک از این وسایل، خاطراتی را برای او زنده می کرد و نمی خواست این خاطرات را از دست بدهد
The Oxford Handbook of Iranian History
Iran is a nation-state which until the early twentieth century was known to the world as Persia. In the West, the name Persia often invokes images of a world imbued with mystery, decadence, and luxury, images that persist from the time of classical Greek authors to that of the Victorian travelers. Persian carpets, Persian cats, and Iranian caviar, among other commodities, are images associated with Persians and Iran
by A.H.L. Irani
در ایران به پا شد یکی انقلاب
و میهن دمی مست رویا و خواب
چو بیدار شد در دل منجلاب
که سرها به دار، بر گلو ها طناب
لایه لایه پوشش باز بی مرز بی قرار تمایل چسبناک مست ِ یاس
گیج جزم افق بدون دشت هرزعلف
پشت ابرمی خزد ماه
معلق می رهد پایِ دروغ
درختان نیمه خم میوه شل