How to end Islamic Republic's reign
by Abbas Gooya
The 99% firmly stands against all attempts to support the Islamic regime on the pretext of economic sanctions and war, or to legitimize the Western governments’ scenarios of a change from above. Any military aggression, militarization of the society, plans of “regime change” from above or support of the Islamic regime on the pretext of war. The 99% consider the only way to confront any prospect of war and militarism to be the expansion of the struggle against the Islamic regime and its overthrow by a people’s revolution
اتحاد عليه آلترناتيوسازی؟
در فضای حساس کنونی، که با کنفرانس استکهلم روبرو شده و در آينده نيز با انواع ديگری از همين کنفرانس ها سر و کار خواهيم داشت، وظيفهء تک تک سکولار ـ دموکرات های انحلال طلب است که از يکسو به شکلی صريح و بی پروا از ضرورت ايجاد آلترناتيوی سکولار ـ دموکرات در برابر «حکومت اسلامی» سخن بگويند و، از سوی ديگر، توضيح دهند که ما خواستار انحلال حکومتيم
The only response to a rigged game is to not play
Some would retardedly suggest that voting in the Iranian election was a symbol of patriotism, and some even more preposterously would stand in line across the US at designated polling stations to cast their votes. Proudly even. What utter nonsense! However, now, based on the upcoming elections in Iran, I'm not staying silent anymore. I think it is time for the Iranian people to protest this travesty and sham. I think enough is enough
من پُشتِ هم جیغ میکِشم
من پُشتِ هم گوشهای تو را
میگیرم وَ جیغ میکِشم...
دنیا گناهِ من است ای لکّههای بیهدف!
دنیا گناهِ من است ای خندههای بیشمار!
Today, Jim Jones learns
that they are coming
to investigate.
They have heard, here and there,
that the people inside
are tired of their fate,
وه که چه زیباست چنین معرفت
در دل موصوف نشسته صفت
حل شده موصوف و صفت در عمل
داخل یک کوزه چو شیر و عسل