Darius Kadivar
30-Nov-2009 (one comment)

Azar Nafisi's 2nd novel "Things I have been Silent About" has been published in French with an introduction by one of the most respected French Film Critics: Jean Claude Carrière. Hamid Dabashi Eat Your Heart Out !  

Darius Kadivar
Enroy University Semina on Iran's 2009 Election Precursors, Observations, and Consequences with panalists Jared Feuer, Shirin Ebadi, Hamid Dabashi, Ahmad Sadri, Walter Mebane, Juan Cole. (August 29, 2009) >>>
30-Nov-2009 (29 comments)
After raising five children (myself and spouse included), I have discovered this fabulous new interactive parenting website called Mothers of Bad Boys (MoBB, www.mothersofbadboys.com) >>>
30-Nov-2009 (42 comments)
$20 million buys a lot of agents>>>
30-Nov-2009 (6 comments)
2008 Australian SBS network's acclaimed seven part documentary on the indigenous Australian Aboriginal people, from the coming of Captain Cook to the Mabo case. >>>

Mrs. Ebadi shoma ham baleh?

There should be check and balances for freedom of speech. 


29-Nov-2009 (3 comments)
زین رو امروز خطبه ای  خواهم گفت جهت معارفه نوبلاگرین با این امر مهمه و البت مفتاح نصر در آن  و اشتهار در کتابت بلاگ>>>
29-Nov-2009 (14 comments)
Shalom to Israel >>>
29-Nov-2009 (one comment)
برای مشروح اخبار و مقالات مربوطه لطفا به لینک‌های زیر مراجعه فرمأئد >>>
29-Nov-2009 (2 comments)
Mohsen Namjoo's new song, Gladiators.>>>
Niki Tehranchi
29-Nov-2009 (7 comments)
A review of the 2008 film starring Mickey Rourke >>>
29-Nov-2009 (12 comments)
I am going to an Iranian wedding next week, I have tried to sharpen up my dancing skills by watching this video. >>>
29-Nov-2009 (2 comments)
روز دانشجو نزدیک می شود و امیدوارم دوباره کسی هوس نکند که به صفار هرندی لنگه کفش پرت کند >>>
Orang Gholikhani
29-Nov-2009 (5 comments)
بدنیا آمدن ستاره یار
انفجاری  آسمانی در بهار >>>
29-Nov-2009 (17 comments)
Get ready for a NetBook that sells for less than 100 Euros. >>>