Name One Good Thing That the IRI Has Done for the Iranian People in the Past 31 Years

Anonymous Observer
by Anonymous Observer

We heard it every day fro IRI cheerleaders:  the IRI is the greatest thing that has happened to Iran since the word Iran was uttered by some someone with love for that piece of real estate three thousand years ago. So, here's your chance.  Please list ALL of what you think the IRI has done to improve the lives of the Iranian people and to improve their standing in the world.  

Please do not safsateh about Islam, Iraq, the U.S., Palestine, etc.  We want to focus on Iran and Iranians.  What has the IRI done in the past 30 years that any other regime could not have done (probably ten time better)? Please also note that IRI's "accomplishments" cannot be fixing their own screw ups.  For example, you cannot claim that it defended the country against Iraq because if it wasn't for IRI, Iraq would not have dared to attack Iran.

Please also refrain from giving speeches.  Kindly focus on facts and numbers.  This way, we can better understand IRI's glorious achievements.   



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more from Anonymous Observer
Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

One good

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


thing has been to expose the nonsense of Islamisn. Until the IRI people believed the BS pushed by Ali Shariati. There were many who believed in political Islam and Islamism. Thanks to IRI that has been fully discredited. The only ones who buy that are the MKO and the left over IRI supporters. People with a brain realize political Islam is a non starter. 

Once the IRI goes with it will go any return of theocracy.



Annonymose Observer

by capt_ayhab on

Which facts am I cherry picking and misrepresenting?

Could you kindly refute my so called cherry picked and exaggerated fact with your solid and concert fact?

I have provided links to stats and so should you. Do you not think so?

Let us all remember, exaggerations only discredit the exaggerating party.



Because any change is

by benross on

Because any change is defined from point A to point B, and evaluated accordingly... except for those who have no point at all.


Captain: Didn't you take

by vildemose on

Captain: Didn't you take the course Scientific Method 101 in college? Have you ever done research or scientific experiment?? Have you heard of Comparative analysis based on empirical data??

I guess not...

Anonymous Observer

Hass and No Fear

by Anonymous Observer on

Hass: Oktaby properly responded to your arguments.  As I said in my blog, you cannot use factors which would likely have happened over the years as IRI accomplishments.  IMR would in all likelihood have dropped (probably even more) if Shah had remained in power.  That is not something that could be attributed to the IRI.

No Fear:  This is one of those rare instances in which I actually respond to one of your nonsensical comments.  As I mentioned in my blog, you cannot use IRI's fixing f its own screw ups as a measure of success for them.  The war was started because Khomeini, the Baathist agent, who spent more than a decade in Irq (being hosted and bred by them) destroyed Iran's army and gave the green light to Saddam to attack.  The fact that the people of Iran, through their sacrifice, stopped the Iraqi invasion cannot be credited to the anti-Iran IRI. 


Captain: The opportunity

by vildemose on

Captain: The opportunity costs are enormous both for men and women, especially for women. Imagine a little girl growing  up under the IRI and another one under the Shah's regime. Even the education system under the Shah was much better both for women and men. What has IRI produced in terms of credible intllectuals, writers, scientists, educators, poets, etc. Where are IRI's Forugh Farrokhzad, Simin behabani, and many other accomplished Iranian women exilees.



Ghajar Era?

by capt_ayhab on

How relevant is Ghajar Era? Asides from the fact that they gave up 2/3 of my beloved AzarAbadegan, asides form the fact that they gave away 4/5 of  Khazar?

 Why would we even talking and arguing about the most impotent and vatan foorsh dynasty who ever ruled over our misery?




Anonymous Observer

Vildemose and Samsam

by Anonymous Observer on

Vildemose: excellent observations, especially about the lost opportunities.  What is also missing about Captain's analysis is the issue of brain drain, of which our homeland is probably the top beneficiary in the world. 

samsam:  Very funny my friend, and true.  That is what they want: attention for the sake of attention.

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on



Profound Blindness

by vildemose on

More women in Prison because of murder and addiction under IRI:

Under the mullah's the age of marriage was brought down from 18 to 9 years old. There are thousands of women who run away from their husband's home and they end up in the hands of prostitution rings.

Woman traficking in Iran is a state-run business venture run by the IRGC.





Old article but good one by Laila Farjami:

See Husband-killing on the rise in Iran. Also read the stories of some of these women here on the Amnesty International site.


"Shahla Moazami, a criminologist in Iran, performed a conclusive research in 2003 on the topic of “spouse-killings”. These were her findings:

See Husband-killing on the rise in Iran. Also read the stories of some of these women here on the Amnesty International site.


Shahla Moazami, a criminologist in Iran, performed a conclusive research in 2003 on the topic of “spouse-killings”. These were her findings:



Since illiteracy is indicated as one of the cultural triggers to spousal killing, in a traditionally male-dominated society, who decides when and why and how a young girl should go to school or if she needs to go to school at all? The Father; or any other empowered Male figure...more




Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

You are cherry picking "facts" and are taking them out of context.  Here's the context in which women's education in Iran should be looked at:

Before the 1979 devolution, Iran had female judges.  After the devolution, a woman's testimony in worth half that of a man, which really makes women half humans in the eyes of IRI's laws.  before the devolution, a woman in a divorce and custody proceedings had the right to ask for custody of her children, now custody of children automatically goes to the husband which, in turn, is an implicit threat against a woman who wants to file for a divorce.  Thus, many women have to endure abusive husbands just for the sake of keeping their children.  Next, when it comes to inheritance, a woman's share is half of her siblings and is subsequent in right to her father's brother.  Subsequent to the devolution, Iranian women have been beaten, jailed and abused if their "hejab" is not what the IRI dictates it to be.

Now, put all of these abuses of women's rights against an increased college enrollment for women, and what you get is a big "whoopiii"..

Moreover, who says that an increase in enrollment would not have happened if the Shah had remained in power?  Perhaps this is just a function or time.

I really think that you should let go of your old and tired crusade against the Shah.  He has been dead for the past thirty years.    


Opportunity cost!? Mrs. vildemose

by capt_ayhab on

You ask[Was the society more moral and ethical as whole or not? Was the family
unit more stron or less? Did women fair psychologically better or not?]

And you further ask[ what opportunity costs we have suffered under the IRI?]

great questions. Could you kindly present your argument in the form of answers with supported material rather than questions?

I lived during  the so called golden years of Pahlavi, or should I say ........... begzareem.

I would love to see your arguments with Non-skewed facts in respect to Pahlavi Golden Era.

While we are at it, let us take look at one solid fact......... Why did people back then chose to kick out the Pahlavi shah? 




Ayhab: I don't see any

by vildemose on

Ayhab: I don't see any statstics on Ghajar's era.

Also, the CIA fact book gets those statistics from the IRI. And I don't trust those fabricated statistics.


My base line has always been skewed

by capt_ayhab on

Toward the facts and not the emotions.

With that said, I am willing to straighten that shewed base line with added facts.

Good source for data: cia fact book @



Sahameddin Ghiassi

My portion

by Sahameddin Ghiassi on

I was a college teacher in Iran. I sent out, because I help one of my best friend, he sent letter to the university that my mother was Bahai , so I sent out. I opened here in US a boarding school, the students Iranian can stay here, work here in the farm of school and learn. More I could not do.


The question should also

by vildemose on

The question should also ask what opportunity costs we have suffered under the IRI?

Was the society more moral and ethical as whole or not? Was the family unit more stron or less? Did women fair psychologically better or not?

Under IRI, the entire fabric of society has turned into unspeakable preverse immorality. Many immoral and unethical things have become norms. These are  some of intangible costs under IRI>



by yolanda on

Hi! AO,

     Thank you for the thought-provoking blog! I really racked my brain on this topic to search for answers.....finally I found one IRI's accomplishment! Yeah!

     IRI stole the election in 2009, and then Iranians both inside and outside Iran took to the streets to protest. IRI's accomplishment was that it made the world realize that Iranian people are the bravest in the world......IRI makes itself look stupid while making Iranians proud of being Iranians! Yeah!


Hi! OnlyIran,

Thank you for the picture links.....the pictures are very sobering! The Persian carpets inside the mosques are very beautiful, though!

thank you for sharing!


Captain jan: Your base line

by vildemose on

Captain jan: Your base line is skewed. A true comparison would factor in the pre-Pahlavi's statistics of ghajar miserable dynasty.


Given the Islamic nature of

by vildemose on

Given the Islamic nature of Iranian society, More female students indicates nothing. In fact, it speakes of high unemployment and lack of enough employment for men.

 Prior to the 1979 revolution, many religious families in Ira n withheld their daughters from further education, fearing the secular universities, where boys and girls were mixed in the same lecture room. After the Islamic revolution however, the universities and other institutes were deemed Islamic and the number of Iranian female students entering higher education saw a steady increase.

This also indicates that there are no job for men to take care of their wives or many men in Iran are addicted to drugs. Many women unlike pre-IRI know  they can't rely on "men" to be the sole provider anymore so they choose to go to universities in hopes of a better life and providing for the children and families.  

The percentage of female to male students for the university entrance exam is now 60/40 in favour of girls. One reason could be that Iran now has the higherst number of drug addicts in the world.

We all have seen it with our own eyes and are no longer surprised when we hear this cousin or that nephew has succumbed to addiction.



AO jaan

by SamSamIIII on


::)) Jamshid said it best;

It's like the kid who holds his hands up and then farts and while waving his hands up, says with exitement, "look mom! Look mom! I farted without using my hands! I am advanced and self sufficient!!"

btw* Kiaan & private Islam(religions) have been the most brutalized victims of Ommaties. Good to see you again pilgram :)

Cheers pal!!!

Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //

Was Rosie


by Was Rosie on

Now what would you like me to cook you for dinner, dear?


ps The ceiling needs painting.


Point being misuse of statistics by IRR apologists and Pahlavi h

by capt_ayhab on

Pahlavi Hater is not same as IR apologist nor it is the same as IR supporter, no matter how hard you may try to prove otherwise.

Besides if you wish to refute anything you need to bring stronger proof besides [I say so] attitude you always tend to project.

I love to see your statistics and facts and please [so and so  on satelite TV says so] does not count as evidence.



No Fear


by No Fear on

I give up, you win.

Was Rosie

Well, make up your mind, will you please,

by Was Rosie on

oh ye of testosterone? Which one is it?

what is the point you were trying to make anyway?


I will not engage you further in this topic.

You're not being wishy-washy are you?


Shahesmail. I respect Shahesmail more than you. At least HE'S trying to find something to believe in larger than his own EGO.





It is not hard to fabricate and defend via some number or outfit

by oktaby on

Under 5 mortality of a whole bunch of countries in the same period:


Most countries IMR has gone down significantly and many of them are poorer and were much more backward than Iran 30 years ago. Same as longevity and increase of women in workforce and universities. All of which were in trend before IRR.

Overall ranking is 93: //

HDI ranking is 94: // 

In both case several countries that were ranked lower and poorer than Iran rank higher now. The very young age of the country also distorts health numbers in favor of IRR.

Point being misuse of statistics by IRR apologists and Pahlavi haters is too hard to pass up. Somehow over a million dead, lawlessness, pariah state, comparisons to countries like Korea, Chile... are missing but using average stats that in context prove nothing are used to defend the indefensible.

If there has been progress by Iranian people and their condition it is not because of IRR but in spite of it.


No Fear


by No Fear on

You are losing your credibility faster than a blond losing her virginity by mis quoting me here;

I thought you said they were snot coming out of your nose, all the people here who don't have the intellectual and ideological 'prowess' to debate you, not little sh-theads.

what is the point you were trying to make anyway?

I will not engage you further in this topic.

Was Rosie

No Fear, not whores... PS

by Was Rosie on

Only a person with the lack of testicular fortitude and prowess ( Generally living abroad ) can claim these soldiers of Khomeini were stupid to believe in the plastic keys or to be with 72 whores or whatever. Easy for you little shitheads to say, isn't it?

Not whores, No Fear, virgins.

72 houris. Virgins.  Not 'whatever'. That's sacreligious.

I thought you said they were snot coming out of your nose, all the people here who don't have the intellectual and ideological 'prowess' to debate you, not little sh-theads.

No Fear, people here had family who died in that war.

And there they lie under the dust and dirt.


ps Guess what! Have I got a girl for you! JALEHO'S BACK!!!


Red Wine

قدر عافیت را ندانستیم و از چاه.. به قعر چاه دگر افتادیم

Red Wine

از ماست که بر ماست.. قدر عافیت را ندانستیم و از چاه.. به قعر چاه دگر افتادیم...

این چه نفرینی بود که که اینطور گریبانگیر ایران شد !؟ این چه بلائی بود که اینچنین باعث ویرانی ایران شد !؟

از این ترسم که آخر جنگ داخلی‌ شود و ایرانی‌ به جان ایرانی‌ افتد و هیچ حاصل مملکت نشود و اجنبی دوباره برنده معرکه شود.


No Fear

One good thing?

by No Fear on

OK. How about defending the country?

Iran was attacked by Iraq without any provocations. Some argue that Iran is responsible for the war. I am not talking to those who despite UN resolutions which declares Iraq as the aggressor, still want to betray their own country by saying its our fault that Iraq attacked us. The type of a twisted mind that can come up with this non sense is beyond my stomach to tolerate. So ...

The Islamic revolution in Iran was a big deal for the entire region and the US which lost a client state in Iran.

Iraq attacked Iran to take advantage of the weaknesses due to the cleansing of the military and the aftermath of the revolution. The soviet union was a major supporter of Iraq and soon after US , france , germany and britain started to supply Iraq with advance weapons. All the persian gulf states provided Iraq with cash and logistical support.  You could easily make a claim that in that war, it was Iran against the most powerful nations in the world.

The aggression from Iraq was probabely one of the most devastating and longest in our long history and it came at the worst time.

We did not win that war, neither did Iraq. We both lost in terms of the lost lives and the overall damage to the economy which we were still paying for it until recently. But it is important to mention that we did not lose an inch of our land either.  Any true nationalist has to attest to this and agree with me that Not losing an inch of Iran was a big deal.

IR showed an excellent ability to mobolize people , particularly those who were die hard khomeini followers, to flock the front lines of the battle fields, to walk on mine fields, to blow themselves up under an Iraqi tank, to fight with the minimum to eventually kick our enemy out of Iran. Today, every street in any city in Iran is named after one of our most noble Iranians who gave his life fighting our enemy.

Only a person with the lack of testicular fortitude and prowess ( Generally living abroad ) can claim these soldiers of Khomeini were stupid to believe in the plastic keys or to be with 72 whores or whatever. Easy for you little shitheads to say, isn't it?

Again, it is imperative for us to compare Khomeini's  troop mobolization with Saddam to understand the magnitude of IR sacrifice to defend Iran.

Some of the most loyal and dedicated followers of Khomeini were perished at the front lines of Iran Iraq war. This is in stark contrast to so many other nations including Saddam's Iraq who kept the Republican Guards loyal to him close to Baghdad for HIS safety and sent the draftees to the frontlines. We saw how they performed when facing the mighty donald duck army from US.

Some of Iran's best of the best had to give their lives for us to proudly look at the map with a sigh of relief that despite multi national effort to defeat Iran in the war, it was true Iranians who proved all of them wrong.





Mr. Hass

by capt_ayhab on

But we are not ready yet to let facts and statistics get on our way.

We shall expense Iranian dignity just to in-spite  IR. Why should we bring up the FACT that literacy has quadrupled? Why should we bring up the fact that over 55% of university students are female? Why should we bring up the fact that close to 60% of physicians are women, despite all the suppression they have to endure?

Sadly we sacrifice the accomplishment of Iranian as a nation just to in-spite IR. 

Get my drift sir?