English adaptation of a letter written from prison by the political activist Bahareh Hedayat.
The following is my adaptation of the lyrics of the song Mirdamad Boulevard in English. It is written by Mohammad Ali Sepanlou and sung by Shahrzad Sepanlou.
معرفی کتاب، سترون، نویسنده شیریندخت نورمنش.
"I am afraid" is my adaptation of a Farsi poem that has recently appeared here on
iranian.com, also in several other websites, without the name of the poet being verifiable.
My translation of a poem by
daneshjoo. The original poem in Farsi was posted here
Do not believe these April Fools’ Day pranks.
Dang Show concert in San Fransisco.
From "The Book of Destruction"
New words in Oxford English Dictionary
Translation of a poem by Orang Gholikhani
شعری بر اساسِ گزارشاتِ 'شراب قرمز' در بارهء زلزله و سونامی در ژاپن
Translation of 'The Will of Vahshi Bafghi', by yours truly.