Help Wanted

Can the U.S. help Iran's Green Movement?

04-Apr-2010 (one comment)
Short and campy little Nowruz messages that intricately side step the issues with broad smiles won't do. The Green Movement won't be helped by software much. It won't be helped by arranging for student visas for Iranians students. It won't be helped if it is treated like a movement that has died down and was restricted to last year. The Green Movement needs its own speech, not just an honorable mention in a speech designed to engage the Iranian regime into debate about its nuclear policy>>>


زندان بدون اتهام

وضع جسمی پدرم نگران کننده و وضع روحی اش خوب است

04-Apr-2010 (one comment)
وضعیت جسمانی عیسی سحرخیز، از روزنامه نگار در پی اعتصاب غذا در روزهای آغاز سال نو رو به وخامت گذاشته است. مهدی سحرخیز فرزندوی درگفت وگو با کمپین بین المللی حقوق بشر در ایران گفت که او طی ماه های گذشته ۲۰ کیلوگرم وزن کم کرده است و زندان انفرادی و شرایط زندان سلامت وی را به صورت جدی تهدید می کند. این درحالی است که پس از هشت ماه بازداشت وی وضعیت حقوقی پرونده ی این روزنامه نگار همچنان بلاتکلیف باقی مانده است پیگیری های وکیل مدافع و نیزخانواده وی نیز در این زمینه بی نتیجه باقی مانده است>>>


Added glamour

Added glamour

Photo essay: New Year at San Francisco City Hall

by Sid Sarshar
02-Apr-2010 (25 comments)




Mohsen Namjoo music video directed by Mostafa Heravi

01-Apr-2010 (56 comments)


Javad Nation

Iranian cultural love affair with Javads

31-Mar-2010 (14 comments)
A peculiar specie called “Javad” lives in modern-day Iran. Javads move and hunt in large herds. Its mutation has spread through an entire population for over a century. The theory of organic evolution proves that Javads are products of accumulated small changes over 1400 years. Its variation contains the unique genetic characteristics which includes hatred of personal hygiene or anything clean and odorless>>>


جمهوری اعدام

سی سال مردم ما با رژیمی روبرو هستند که عمدتا با زبان اعدام و کشتار سخن می‌گوید

31-Mar-2010 (3 comments)
افزایش اعدام‌ها در سال‌های اخیر به روشنی هدف ارعاب را دنبال می‌کند. در سال ۲۰۰۹ تعداد اعدام‌‌ها به گزارش عفو بین‌الملل دست کم به ۳۸۸ تن رسیده است. این بزرگترین آمار اعدام سالیانه در یکی دو دهه اخیر است. و ‌چرا؟ چون در این سال، جمهوری اسلامی با بزرگترین چالش مردمی ایران تحت عنوان جنبش سبز روبرو بوده است. رژیم که در برابر یک جنبش مسالمت‌آمیز دموکراسی‌خواه قرار گرفته تنها راه مقابله با آن را سرکوب و آن هم از نوع خونین آن می‌شناسد>>>


Restoring Integrity

Amnesty International should not barter away the human rights of minorities and of women for “peace”

In this context, it is crucial for human-rights defenders and organisations to clearly define principles and core values that are non-negotiable. Our commitment to countering, among others, Islamophobia, racism, misogyny and xenophobia should at no time blur our recognition of the authoritarian, often fascist, social and political agendas of some of the groups that suffer human-rights abuse at the hands of the big powers. The broader issue of principle which we raise here, is one which concerns all of us as human-rights defenders from different parts of the world>>>


فریادی از زندان

نامه تکان‌دهنده از بند ۳۵۰ اوین

26-Mar-2010 (5 comments)
اکثر اوقات شکنجه‌ها به صورت گروهی انجام می‌گرفت و در حالی که چشم بند و دست بند داشتم چند نفر با کابل، چماق، مشت و لگد و گاهی شلاق ضرباتی به سر و گردن و سایر اعضای بدنم می‌زدند. این کارها به منظور وادار ساختن من به نوشتن آن‌چه توسط بازجویان دیکته می‌شد و اجبار به بازی کردن نقش در مقابل دوربین طبق سناریو دلخواه و نوشته شده توسط آنان می‌بود. گاهی شکنجه‌ها توام با شوک الکتریکی بود که بسیار دردناک بوده و تا چند لحظه پس از آن امکان حرکت نداشتم>>>


Amanpour Attacked for Being Iranian

We join together to combat those who wish to silence Iranian-Americans

26-Mar-2010 (33 comments)
employees at ABC are well within their right to be miffed at the network’s decision to pay top dollar for a star like Amanpour at the same time they are scaling back and laying off long-time employees. But what cannot be countenanced is accusing her of bias based only on insinuations about her Iranian heritage. The attacks on Amanpour follow in a long line of Iranophobic attempts to keep qualified Iranian Americans out of the public sphere in America, and it should be called out for what it is: anti-Iranian bigotry>>>


Norooz in Chicago

Norooz in Chicago

Photo essay: Iranians celebrate, come rain, sleet or snow

by TT Heinzeroth & L.Z. Normandi
25-Mar-2010 (4 comments)



Rituals of Resistance

Islamic Republic's suspicion of every expression of spontaneous life

24-Mar-2010 (2 comments)
The Islamic Republic’s deepening fear of the people since mid-2009 is a plausible explanation for its animosity towards the joys of Chahārshanbe-Sūri. But if the first nowrooz since the election has provoked this stringent campaign, the suspicion of puritan Islamists towards any public expression of human pleasure has been evident since the foundation of the regime in 1979. Any occasion of festivity and spontaneous life - informal gatherings at street-corners, concerts and sporting contests, student parties and even bustling shopping-malls - is regarded by Islamist zealots with profound disdain>>>


امپراتور عریان می‌شود

دخالت رهبری می‌تواند سپر بلای احمدی‌نژاد در برابر خشم مردم تهی‌دست جامعه باشد

24-Mar-2010 (7 comments)
احمدی‌نژاد تنها با استظهار به حمایت خامنه‌ای توانست بر صندلی ریاست جمهوری اسلامی ایران تکیه بزند، و مردم رأی دهنده نیز به درستی شناختند که چه کسی مسئول پایمال کردن رأی آنان بوده است. اکنون نیز که احمدی‌نژاد در برابر بحران عظیم اقتصادی ایران مستأصل شده است و از پس مخالفت مجلسیان نیز نمی‌تواند برآید تنها ولی فقیه است که می‌تواند به کمکش آید و او را از مخمصه نجات دهد>>>


Be safe, be happy, be free

Be safe, be happy, be free

Photo essay: A prayer for hope

by Nazy Kaviani
22-Mar-2010 (15 comments)



That's not the spirit

Open Letter to Congressmen refusing to wish the Iranian people a Happy Norooz

22-Mar-2010 (59 comments)
Last week, Congress took the unprecedented step to recognize the Iranian New Year, Norooz. The House passed resolution H.Res.267, sponsored by Congressman Mike Honda (Democrat-California) and wished the Iranian-American community, as well as the Iranian people, a happy New Year. The resolution was as uncontroversial as could be - just a sign of America's humanity. Oddly enough though, two lawmakers from Florida, Congressmen Jeff Miller (Republican-Florida) and Bill Posey (Republican-Florida), chose to vote against it, effectively stating that they don't wish 300 million Norooz celebrators worldwide a happy new year>>>


A prayer for hope

Be safe, to be happy, and to be free

22-Mar-2010 (6 comments)
In the early hours of Saturday, I set our Nowruz spread. I grew up in a household of ceremonies and rituals. Everything was a BIG deal to my parents, worthy of time, attention, and love. Of all the ceremonies celebrated in my childhood, however, nothing was as big as Nowruz. Weeks of preparations and cleaning chores and shopping delivered my family into the moments the year changed, the biggest deal of the year. I left my parents' home when I was 18. Whatever I learned there has obviously made a serious impact on me! >>>