Killer candidate

UN Human Rights Council and Iran’s candidacy

15-Apr-2010 (11 comments)
The Islamic Republic of Iran, in a provocative act, has announced its candidacy for the United Nation Human Rights Council, a UN organization based in Geneva. The candidacy of Iran comes at a time that during the last 10 months, Iranians are experiencing one of the darkest periods of human rights violations since 1979 revolution. The candidacy of Iran for the UN Human Rights Council is comparable to electing apartheid South Africa to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination>>>
«اوبامای وحشی» و حمله به ایران

دامن زدن به فشار برای حمله نظامی علیه ایران

14-Apr-2010 (8 comments)
کنفرانس بین‌المللی امنیت هسته‌ای واشنگتن در شرایطی برگزار شد که سران دو قدرت بالفعل یا بالقوه اتمی از آن غایب بودند: اسراییل و ایران. این دو قدرت، دقیقا کشورهایی هستند که این روزها بیش از هر کشور دیگری در خطر یک درگیری فاجعه‌بار هسته‌ای قرار دارند. علاوه بر این، هر دو کشور منکر آن هستند که به سلاح اتمی مجهزند و یا در صدد تجهیز خود برآمده‌اند. ولی جامعه جهانی می‌داند که اولی دارای سلاح اتمی است، و بخش بزرگی از جامعه جهانی به فعالیت‌های هسته‌ای دومی شدیدا مظنون است>>>


Rules, Moderation, Civility

Avoiding a permanent grudge match

14-Apr-2010 (30 comments)
Many issues have been raised in the past few days in thousands of comments and many diaries about the venomous tone of incivility in the comment threads at Daily Kos. There have been calls for better – and fairer – moderation on my part. People have also called for better and fairer moderation by Trusted Users. In this call for civility, many accusations, new and old, have been tossed about freely. Some users have said the situation will only calm down when this or that individual, or this or that group, is banned>>>


Dreams of chaos

The Hojjatieh Society

14-Apr-2010 (16 comments)
The “Hojjatieh” is widely unknown to most people in the West. I will attempt to address the critical issue with this article. The Hojjatieh movement is considered to be so radical that it was banned in 1983 by the Ayatollah Khomeini and is still opposed by the majority of the Iranian clerics, including the Supreme Leader of the Supreme National Security Council, Ayatollah Ali Khamanei. That should be telling in and of itself>>>


Complete without men

Shirin Neshat's "Women without Men"

12-Apr-2010 (7 comments)
Women, given enough time, get to a point where they realize they are complete even without men. On Friday night I went to see the LA premier of Women without Men by Shireen Neshat. The treat was that she was there with us, and at the end of the film took some questions from the audience. A diminutive and soft spoken woman, Shireen Neshat is incredibly articulate and unmistakably passionate about her beliefs, her art and her cause. Her art resonates as globally well as it does because it is a representation of what she firmly believes and has a burning desire to share with the world>>>


دَوَران رو به زوال رژیم

رژیم برای حفظ نیروهای خود چاره‌ای جز تراشیدن دشمن جدید و بزرگ‌نمایی خطر آن‌ها ندارد

08-Apr-2010 (3 comments)
حکومت‌های ایدئولوژیک و تمام‌خواه اصولا دشمن‌تراشند. این حکومت‌ها برای توجیه موجودیت خود و سیاست انحصارطلبانه‌ای که در پیش می‌گیرند بهترین راه را در این می‌بینند که دشمن‌های واقعی یا فرضی را ردیف کنند و از آن به عنوان وسیله‌ای برای سرکوب مخالفان سیاسی خود از یک سو، و بسیج نیروهای هوادار خویش از سوی دیگر، کمک بگیرند. هیچ وسیله‌ای بهتر از یک جنگ خارجی برای سرپوش گذاشتن به اختلافات درونی، سرکوب مخالفان داخلی، و جلب حمایت مردم از حکومت، به کار نمی‌آید>>>


Census Wrap Up

Ultimately we pulled together to identify ourselves as a single group

08-Apr-2010 (3 comments)
See you in 10 years! This census is done! All but a gleam in the eye of the 30+ community groups (see list below) that were involved in promoting it. Once the tallies have been made and the final numbers are out, the biggest surprise won't be that for once a decent total number of Iranians living in the US will have been counted, but that the community groups managed to put aside their own endeavors and pull together to push through the biggest coordinated community mobilization effort in the short history of Iranian-American community groups in the US>>>


Struggle fought in hearts

Human rights in Iran

08-Apr-2010 (7 comments)
Whatever happens in the show-trial of seven Bahai leaders in Iran, the larger issue is the fate of the Iranian people. The question is: What kind of nation does Iran aspire to become? Will it remain a repressive society unable to overcome the effects of religious bigotry? Or will it live up to the ideals not only of international human rights but also Islamic standards of justice? Bahais have the greatest respect for all religions>>>


Roxana's Worlds

I have no doubt Saberi was not a spy

08-Apr-2010 (14 comments)
It makes me wonder why a beautiful, successful young lady talented enough to earn the title of Miss North Dakota and seemingly enjoying all of life’s amenities in the United States would decide to live in a country like Iran, a well-known repressive regime with no reverence for human rights. I think only Roxana can answer this question and she has done a good job of doing so in this book. She writes eloquently about her love for her Iranian heritage, love of journalism, and more importantly, her desire to write a book about Iranian society>>>


No Way Out

Direct U.S. presence in the Middle East

06-Apr-2010 (6 comments)
Since 2009, despite a domestic political landslide within the United States, the factual parameters of engagement have not been altered or resolved adequately, to allow for even a modest discharge of the US forces from the Middle East (ME). On the contrary, it is becoming exceedingly clear that no matter who rules over the White House, the American military will maintain a forceful and indefinite presence in the ME. It behooves all the leaders in the region to make note of this central point of policy and adjust their conduct accordingly>>>


به حجاب اجباری نه می گویم

دختر آیت الله خلخالی: کیان نظام اسلامی زیر چادر من پنهان نیست

06-Apr-2010 (16 comments)
از حرف زدن در مورد حجاب خسته نمی شوم. در تمام سالهای کودکی و جوانی ام، «حجاب» بخشی از زندگی من بوده و سرنوشت مرا تعیین کرده است. با آن بزرگ شده ام. دو رو برم در خانواده تقریباً همه محجبه اند و مادرم هنوزهم مرا به خاطر، به قول خودش «اهمال و کوتاهی در حجاب» نبخشیده است. حجاب بزرگترین چالش فردی و سیاسی زندگی من بوده است. بعدها وقتی از کودکی درآمدم، به دانشگاه رفتم و خواندم و دیدم که بزرگترین چالش زندگی زنانی بوده است که من حتی با آنها در بسیاری جهات دیگر متفاوتم>>>


Why Do Some Iranians Hate “Soraya”?

Controversy over “The Stoning of Soraya M.”

06-Apr-2010 (4 comments)
When a Middle Eastern cultural center announced a special cast-and-crew screening of a film about stoning in Iran, coming up on April 15, 2010, local members in Los Angeles began a Facebook firestorm. “Crap propaganda!” screamed one irate Iranian FBer. “The film has zero artistic value!” wrote another. Some Iranians love to hate anything that can be reasonably criticized, and “The Stoning of Soraya M.” has plenty to hate. It’s anti-Iran propaganda, some say; others insist the stoning never happened—journalist Freidoune Sahehjam made it up, which is why he wouldn’t name names in his book of the same title>>>


Good Day Sunshine

Good Day Sunshine

Photo essay: 13 Bedar, Tilden Park, Berkeley, California

by kfravon
05-Apr-2010 (3 comments)



Disney's Shahnameh

Exclusive interview with "Prince of Persia" producer Jerry Bruckheimer

04-Apr-2010 (32 comments)
Persia is one of the greatest civilizations the world has ever known, so it give me a sense of its vast history, the magnificence of its architecture and design, literary heritage and imagination... "Prince of Persia" is a fantasy based upon history, so we hired an amazing team of designers who did an enormous amount of cultural research into Persia and its vast empire at that time. But at the same time, we gave them the freedom to invent a world especially designed for the film>>>


Getting serious

Making Tehran take notice

04-Apr-2010 (18 comments)
The fact that Beijing has agreed to discuss these steps is bad news for Tehran. This is why Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, dispatched the top nuclear negotiator, Saeed Jalili, to hold talks with the Chinese government. His hope is that it is not too late, and that he can find a way to persuade the Chinese to back away from the new UN resolution. A new oil deal here, a new gas deal there just might do the trick. It has worked before. It could do so again. However, Khamenei may find that whatever he offers is too little, too late>>>