That won't fly

Protecting Libyans or fighting Gaddafi?

21-Mar-2011 (5 comments)
Gaddafi is a tyrant and he should be removed from power through legitimate means, one of which is revolution, armed insurrection. But one gets the sense, this antipathetic personality is being attacked because he is so unappealing. If his lunacy was ever an issue, then what has taken the West all this time to remove him from power? If his attack on the insurrection is cause for protecting the civilian population, the U.N. needs to clarify if the protection of civilian innocents is really the same as protecting the insurrection from losing the struggle for power>>>


Killing Qaddafi

Western media and military campaign against Libya

21-Mar-2011 (5 comments)
Edward Said was of the opinion that Orientalist scholarship was and continues to be inseparably tied to the imperialist societies that produced it... It is under the spell of such demeaning ideologies as Orientalism, humanitarian intervention, defense of democracy, free trade, glorification of military power and patriotism, which is currently ingrained in the mainstream American psyche, the U.S. ruling class and its allies savagely threaten, invade, massacre and plunder the material resources of other nations>>>


What About Them?

Turning a blind eye to wholesale massacres in Bahrain and Yemen Hypocrisy

21-Mar-2011 (6 comments)
My understanding is that the operational goal of the military ass-kicking being meted out against Gaddafi is to stop him from slaughtering his people that oppose him and want him out of power. That is a noble goal that I have no argument against... What I am concerned about though, is that Libya isn’t the only Muslim country where the natives opposed to the government are being killed en masse by the government guns. In Bahrain and Yemen also, the opposition has been mowed down by government troops like it’s nobody’s business!>>>


شیرینی‌ عید با معلم نقاشی‌

قهوه ترک، سیگار بهمن و نون خامه‌ای ...

21-Mar-2011 (12 comments)
در این اوضاع و احوال، تهران فقط در ایام عید قابل بازدید است. سال پیش، هوا ملایم و لطیف بود؛ مثل همان موقع که آقا محمد خان عاشق پایتخت جدیدش شد! همه زده بودند بیرون، و جمعیت شهر رسیده بود به حداکثر ظرفیت مجاز برای زیست انسانی‌ - یعنی‌ چیزی حدود دو میلیون. مسیر سرازیری از پارک ساعی تا کافه نادری را پیاده آمدم؛ که بنظر من، بهترین روش برای لذت بردن و شناختن هر شهری ست>>>


یاد ‬‬
21-Mar-2011 (2 comments)
‫انبوه قلب ترا‫
باد ترانه میخواند‫
در ذهن پوک زمان‫
 و قلب خیس تو
در کوچه ها ی خلوت درد میگذرد ‫ ‫ >>>


بهار تهران
21-Mar-2011 (2 comments)
باوركنید شیرینی نوروز
خشكید بر سفرۀ رؤیا:
چندین بهار رفت و
خرسِ زمان
در آستینِ اللْه خواب.


Health, Love, Prosperity, and Joy

Health, Love, Prosperity, and Joy

Phtoto essay: Sharing my Nowruz ritual haft-seen

by Nazy Kaviani
21-Mar-2011 (32 comments)



Easy Going

Easy Going

Photo essay: En le Calle, Mexico

by Anahita Nicoukar Avalos
18-Mar-2011 (18 comments)



Dear Freedom

Express your love and appreciation

18-Mar-2011 (one comment)
Traditional Nowruz celebrations include the preparation of a Haft Sin table which literally means the seven s’s. Seven items beginning with the Persian letter sin (equivalent to the English s) and which represent spring time are set out. To honor this tradition, this year Amnesty International has selected seven cases, all of them prisoners of conscience who have been identified by Amnesty International as “individuals at risk” and are therefore targeted for intensified campaigning>>>


We Can

Finally this 32 year fermentation process seems near completion

18-Mar-2011 (10 comments)
Today a new dawn, a new era, is prevailing over the shores of Middle East and North Africa. It feels like a new life, a new beginning, even though for us Iranians our path may be longer to reach the dawn. Nevertheless, the end of this long, dark and torturous night is near. Soon everyone will witness the rays of the rising sun in the East. The recent out pours in the Middle East and North Africa for democracy are perhaps the result of what brave and undeniably courageous Iranians did in June 2009 - standing up against the most brutal regime, our region has ever seen>>>


Norooz Pirooz

The Persian New Year will find its way to my home and into my heart

I try to look at the positive side. The error in that puzzle seems to have been the kick I needed in my guts. It has told me that even if the world is not celebrating, it’s up to me to make a small haft seen, light Norooz candles, and pray for mankind. After all, this ancient feast is all that’s left of my Iranian-ness, it will forever define my identity and is the legacy I shall leave to my children. I can’t allow anger or sorrow to mar the optimism of vernal equinox>>>


We are butterflies
18-Mar-2011 (17 comments)
Ruffled Mother-Earth
Rattles unworried islands
Obliterates lives
Vicious ocean waves
Carry more catastrophes
Jolted Japan aches >>>


نرگس مست
18-Mar-2011 (4 comments)
چار تکبیر بدنیا زدم و هر چه به دنیاست
دیده را بستم و جز مهر تو از جمله گسستم

چون سیه مستی ام از نرگس مست تو مرا بس
دل گسستم ز سوای تو و در پای تو بستم


کورش در آینه
شنها را می‌توانم شماره کنم
و آب دریاها را پیمانه بگیرم
من صدای خاموشی را می شنوم
و می‌دانم که مرد گنگ چه می‌گوید.
هشدار! بوی تند سنگ پشت می‌‌آید
با آن لاک استخوانی اش >>>


West by East

West by East

Graphic art from Asia to celebrities to...

by Shirin Donia
17-Mar-2011 (3 comments)
