The rise and fall of Ahmadinejad
Khamenei’s desire to project a unified front to the world is likely to keep Ahmadinejad in office until his term expires in 2013. Khamenei seeks to wield power without accountability; this requires a president who has accountability without power. A disgraced Ahmadinejad can conveniently absorb blame for the country’s endemic economic, political and social disaffection. For Washington, the best outcome of Iran’s conservative fratricide is only that the fight continues
Towards a different view of Palestinian and Israeli struggle
There is another alternative to the two-state solution: If Israeli people and others do not accept a Palestinian state alongside a Jewish state, then Palestinians and Arabs within the occupied territories should demand full rights of citizenship within Israel. They can then participate in the same democracy that Israel is affording its Jewish citizens and vote to change the current government of Israel and even change the name of Israel back to Palestine
تلاش برای گسستن ِ گونه های گوناگون بند ِ بندگی آغاز شده و نسیمش به ما نیز رسیده است
نادر شاه بنیانگزار دودمان افشاریه شد و دوازده سال از سال 1114 تا 1126 خورشیدی [امسال سال 1390 است] پادشاه ایران بود. اینجا میخواهم تنها به بخش خاصی از زندگی نادر بپردازم که در تاریخ 1400 ساله ی ما نمونه اش ناچیز است. حكومت مذهبی/خرافاتی صفویان شیعه نخست توسط محمود افغان و سپس توسط نادر شاه افشار پس از 240 سال حكومت ِ توام با جنایت و تفرقه افكنی مذهبی منقرض شد
Keys to 21st-century citizenship
by John Tarnoff
Reflecting on the July 4th weekend, I'm struck by how we traditionally use the holiday to commemorate our war heroes. While I have tremendous respect for those who serve in the military, 21st century citizenship needs to reframe the meaning of nationalism and civic pride as a commemoration of Peace, not War. In the ecology of the new millennium, War is, more than ever, a zero-sum game for all involved. We are beginning to understand that there are no longer any winners in War. Instead, we must wage Peace
نگاهی به یهود ستیزی «سیاسیون» ایرانی
یکی از خدمات شایان رضا شاه فقید در دوران نسل کشی از یهودیان، تهیه و پخش چند ده هزار پاسپورت ایرانی برای یهودیان ایران و بسیاری یهودیان دیگر از ملیتهای دیگر بود که توانستند از اتاقهای گاز نازیها جان به در ببرند. جالب این که ایران تنها کشوری بود که بعدها پس از تشکیل دولت اسرائیل برای این انسان دوستی اش [برعکس دیگر کشورها] از اسرائیل مطالبه ی غرامت نکرد. اما سالها بعد...
We should not allow Iran to erode international standards in any arena, including sports
The regime running Iran should get no credit for the advancement of women. That credit goes to the progressive people of that country for resisting and circumventing a fanatical government which has made every attempt to block their progress by putting them on unequal footing. Forced hijab is the most powerful symbol of that policy. Second, Iran should not be considered an Islamic state -- whatever that means. A prerequisite for a person to be a true Muslim is free choice and since Iran doesn't allow that opportunity to its people, it fails the Islam test
FIFA's decision to Ban Iran's National Women's Team
by Dave Zirin
Soccer is the great global game: the closest thing we have to a connective cultural tissue that binds our species across national and cultural borders. But only in a world so upside down could “the Beautiful Game” be run by an organization as corrupt as FIFA and by a man as rotten to the core as FIFA President Sepp Blatter. Only Sepp Blatter, whose reputation for degeneracy approaches legend, would hire a war criminal like Henry Kissinger to head "a committee of wise persons" aimed at “rooting out corruption” in his organization
Haleh Sahabi: Our Antigone in Tehran
by Hamid Dabashi
We - Arabs, Iranians, Afghans, Africans, Asians, etc - are in an inaugural moment of our renewed claims to our history, humanity and dignity. Today in the streets of Tehran, Kabul, Baghdad, Damascus, Cairo, Tunis, Tripoli, Sanaa, Manama, and scores of other major and minor cities from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, our people are busy writing the allegorical parables of our future claims on who and how and what we are. Our people are writing new legends, crafting new metaphors, coining neologism for our emerging poetries
هاله جان، ای کاش ذره ای از صبوری ات را برایم جا می گذاشتی
by Parastoo Foroohar
خبر آنقدر ناگوار و یکباره بود که باورش را نا ممکن می کرد: هاله سحابی درگذشت. با بهت روبروی این صفحه لعنتی کامپیوتر نشسته بودم و در حرکت های عصبی لابلای صفحه ها ی ایننترنتی دنبال تکه خبرهایی میگشتم که راوی مرگ عزیزی بودند. تکرار خبر قطعیت فاجعه بود. هاله تصویر پدر در آغوش گرفته بود تا پیکر عزیز او را که چراغ زندگی اش بود به خاک بسپارد که زیر ضربه ها و دشنام های ماموران حکومتی از پار درآمد، قلب پاکش از ضربان ایستاد و هلاک شد
Bucket of sorrow bursting at the seams
Our failure to unite, our failure to accept our differences and rally under one flag, our failure to create a viable leadership for the opposition, our failure to meet the courage of those who have more of it than we do, our failure as an united opposition is responsible for her tragic death. It is this that I mourn. This helplessness that I feel, this paralyzing distance that separates me from the hallowed ground on which Haleh and others have shed their blood is why I weep
Freedom does not come without pain
Among all these nations in Middle East, Iran has a better prospect for true democracy and modernism. She is most fit to call it off from this cultural yoke. She has seen it and as they say no pains no gains. She has paid a huge price in its recent memory with Mullahs in reign. Yet alone, it has always guarded its sense of nationalism with keeping a skeptic eye on its religion. It is just the matter of time Iran will free itself of this religious yoke
The real power struggle in Tehran
Whatever gains Khamenei might have in mind, one thing is for certain: his elimination of Ahmadinejad and his allies from the realm of politics in Iran will not accomplish anything unless it is followed by firm steps towards a genuine national reconciliation, which must include the total exoneration of Mousavi and Karroubi from all governmental allegations leveled against them, as well as meaningful democratic reforms. Politically speaking, such reforms must, at a minimum, lead to high levels of transparency and accountability at all levels of government
انگیزه اصلی تلاش برای زندگی اجتماعی بهتر و برابر است
در فرهنگ غربی، تلاش برای درخواست برابری بین زنان و مردان، در طی مثلا ٥٠ سال گذشته، به سطح عمومی جامعه نیز رخنه کرده است. این واقعیت اجتماعی البته شاید چندان در ایران صدق نکند یا هنوز در سطح وسیعی به چشم نخورد. ما در ایران به طور ناگهانی و در حین مصادف شدن با یک حادثه مشخص، «فمینیست» نمیشویم. مجموعهای از تجربههای شخصی، تجربههای اجتماعی و دریافتهای مختلف حسی ما را به این نقطه میرسان
Khatami's olive branch does not restore humanity in Iran
Mr. Khatami is offering an olive branch to the two opposing forces with only one common denominator: a time span of thirty two years. On one side, it is the Iranian people oppressed for the last thirty-two years and on the other side are the Shi’a clergy and their Islamist allies who have brutalized Iranians for the last thirty two years. As it appears, there are two disproportionate and inequitable forces: the Iranian people and their oppressive government
Blaming others for our problems
Here is a test: Who said the following; "Iran's model, like al-Qaeda's, lacks a vision relevant to our times. It is a model that could not be more out of step with the sentiments of the Arab Spring. This model has the following characteristics: First: A corrupt, mismanaged, and isolated economy that offers the younger generation little hope for a better future. It is an economy increasingly working for the security services like the IRGC [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps] and elites, and not for the people of Iran