اورژانسِ اورژانسه


Anchoring in the soil

Seeing symbols sustaining the Armenian nation

How does a group maintain its identity as a distinct people while wandering the world? For the Armenians who for centuries have been away from their original homeland by force or volition the answer is complex. They have been united by their language. Their distinct writing script, however, had itself been invented to serve their unique brand of Christianity, not only against Christian Byzantine but also against Zoroastrian Iranians with whom they had most in common both in language and political history>>>
30-Jun-2012 (2 comments)
Highlights of a lecture by Mohammad-Reza Haghighi Fard (Sassan) @ The Hague Univ., June 2012. >>>

اعتصاب جمعی زندانيان سياسی


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Moscow Meeting, Diplomacy On Life Support

iraj khan

The Blame Game

The Daily Beast / Trita Parsi
recommended by iraj khan
30-Jun-2012 (2 comments)
We might be fascinated by the death of others, but we are certainly not fascinated by our own>>>
30-Jun-2012 (3 comments)
۸ تیر ۱۳۹۱  >>>

دریادار عباس زمینی:

خبرگزاری فارس
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30-Jun-2012 (4 comments)
persian westender
30-Jun-2012 (6 comments)
یک حکایت از "سوسک نامه">>>
First Amendment
Short and sweet >>>

از اوین به رجایی‌شهر

Darius Kadivar
It's become a fixture of the royal calendar - a chance to peek at the prince's spreadsheets. For a second year, the amount of taxpayers' money spent on the heir to the throne has gone up>>>

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