Crossing the bridge

Crossing the bridge

Photo essay: Supporters of Iran movement on Golden Gate Bridge

by Steve Rhodes



Light in the dark

Light in the dark

Photo essay: Rally and vigil in Orange County, California

by Bita
28-Jun-2009 (one comment)



Raw at Red Rock

The defiant courageous spirit of the crowd shames me

27-Jun-2009 (22 comments)
I escaped. I left June gloom behind and took to the road, chasing the unknown into the desert. The music is at full blast; a feeble attempt to obliterate the sounds and the images of a world that has gone mad. And now on this balcony of a new fate I stand drowned and raw to the bone, staring at the Red Rock which is glowing in the afternoon Arizona sun. The iPod ear buds deliver the high and low decibels to my core, so that every cell, sinew and muscle is soaked in the music. I feel my hair stand on end. The heat, the rage and the utter helplessness join forces and pound at my heart; fistfuls of deep and dark guilt deliver explosions, one after another, to my soul. The dam opens; tears cascade down my cheeks, drenching my face, dripping on the steno pad where my thoughts scream out of my pen>>>


Optimism as Resistance

Iran today has become bigger than the election, bigger than Mousavi

27-Jun-2009 (one comment)
I am an Iranian citizen and I did not participate in the fraudulent June 12th presidential elections in Iran. This is the awkward position I find myself in now, having spent nearly three weeks watching millions protest the results of that election in the streets of Iran and around the world. This is the awkward position I find myself in, surrounded by a sea of protesters demanding “Where is my Vote?” at the solidarity rallies I’ve been attending in the city where I live. This is the decision I am reminded of every day, as I sift through the seemingly endless stream of information being disseminated on the mainstream news, YouTube, Facebook, and the blogosphere for hours every day. This is the decision I am reminded of as I try to find my way in the world of citizen journalism>>>


تشدید دوپارگی

محور "هاشمی-خامنه ای" عملا شکسته شده

27-Jun-2009 (4 comments)
از پی چندین روز پر تنش، سر انجام در نماز روز جمعه ۲۹ خرداد، رهبری نظام به سود بخشی از یک جناح، از مسوولیت "هدایت" تمامیت جمهوری اسلامی دست کشید؛ و به جای دعوت دو بخش جامعه ما به آشتی و همزیستی، اکثریت ناراضی و معترض جامعه را به مقابله و سرکوب تهدید کرد. روز بعد میلیون ها نفر در سراسر کشور به خیابان ها ریختند و خون ده ها معصوم بر آسفالت خیابان شتک زد. کدام عوامل سازمانگر نگاه و رفتار آقای خامنه ای در روند انتخابات دهمین دوره انتخابات ریاست جمهوری بوده است؟ آیا رفتار رهبری کشور به صلاح کشور و منافع ملی بوده است؟ واکنش رهبری کشور در قبال بحران موجود تا چه حد به ثبات سیاسی سیستم کمک می کند؟ آیا گزینه دیگری، با زیان های کمتری برای امنیت عامه و اعتبار کشور و وجود داشت؟ پختگی، انسجام، و دور اندیشی و درایت تا چه میزان با حرکت رهبری نظام در پروسه انتخابات در آمیخته بوده است؟ >>>


A downward spiral

... and a new beginning

Elections allowed the different factions of the clergy believing in the rule of the faqih to test out the legitimacy of their solutions, and by inference their position in the ruling hierarchy, by reverting to the popular vote. Thus the factions would fight over the popular vote and would use this to manoeuvre in the corridors of power. Hence the regime that Khomeini bestowed on the country was in no way democratic for the population of Iran but allowed a large amount of freedom, indeed a form of internal democracy, within the ruling clergy. Interestingly the people of Iran, deprived of any real voice in government, used the rivalry between the factions to manoeuvre and obtain some breathing space>>>


اینجا کجاست
27-Jun-2009 (12 comments)
اینجا کجاست
شهر من اینجا نیست
شهر من اینجا نیست
جمعیت سبز درخیا بانها وکوچه ها مرده است و سپیده صبح به سرخی میزند
من از تمام ادامها یی‌
که به اسم حقیقت،  عدالت، و انسانیت تمام انسانها را قربانی می کنند
و به این بیعدالتی
نام عشق داده ا‌ند


Dark Mythic Flames Of History
Dark Mythic Flames of history
Sweep far across an eastern sea
Seething through society
Destroying all tranquility
Chronicles from ancient lands
Gripped tautly by medieval hands
Black the red hearts which they fan
Turn the world back into sand >>>


Stay Neda

For Neda Salehi Agha Soltan (1982-2009)

Stay Neda
The birds are singing
The forests are green
Flowers are blooming
It is Spring
Do not go Neda
Stay Neda
Sing with your people in the streets >>>


Yes we can

Yes we can

Photo essay: Orange County, California, rally in support of protests in Iran

by Bita
25-Jun-2009 (7 comments)



We hear you

We hear you

Photo essay: Iranians gather at San Francisco city hall

by Cyrus Omoomian
25-Jun-2009 (one comment)



Up in arms

Majlis member condemns election fraud

25-Jun-2009 (28 comments)


Do the right thing

It is time to see support for freedom and democracy

25-Jun-2009 (26 comments)
I am now genuinely scared about what might happen to Iran. I fear that this movement for freedom and democracy that took us all by surprise with it depth and breadth, its courage and resilience, will be choked into silence. I am afraid that we will have to face many more years of an even more fascistic theocracy or “thugocracy”, in the words of Robin Wright. The people, activists, young and old, male and female, can only stand for so long in the face of the vicious brutality that the Khamenei regime inflicts. Especially if they stand more or less alone. The response of the world to the election fraud and ensuing clamp-down by the Ahmadinejad government has been very lukewarm>>>


The Real Situation in Iran

A general, nationwide strike is the most appropriate tactic now

25-Jun-2009 (12 comments)
The situation on the streets of Iran, to get back to reality, has moved far beyond bean counting, and increasingly more radical slogans are raised on the streets. This has got the system seriously worried; hence their extreme crackdown. The larger political questions are enormous. Most essentially, how clear is the strategic vision here, and how foresightful can this spontaneously erupted movement be? Let us not lose sight of the fact that the people took to the streets as a result of an unexpected insult of an 'outcome' of a sham election they willingly participated in. That makes for a highly contradictory movement>>>


Shattered forever

People rose for one and one thing only: FREEDOM

25-Jun-2009 (2 comments)
The people’s uprising in our country not only resulted in the beginning of the end of the IRI regime, but it extensively changed the beliefs of not only some of us Iranians but also most people around the world towards the IRI regime. This is not saying that this uprising will succeed in overthrowing the regime, since the two crucial elements of any revolution has yet to see the light: strike and military rebellion. But what has happened is that by rejecting and exposing the previously thought miscalculations and misanalysis about this regime, its moral authority and its legitimacy and reason for staying is power has vanished. Many old beliefs of conspiracy theorism and many outdated and cold war era type analogies and analyses were thrown out the window>>>