Teardrops in Barcelona
08-May-2009 (6 comments)
Set the walls on fire, ask the wind
To dance with flames before the ashes
Take over the night.
Don’t ask about the stranger’s home address
Or analyze her smile,
Just chase your own heart onto the next valley
Of sensation, there is glory in the “wake up” call. >>>


08-May-2009 (5 comments)
تو مرا نمیشناسی
منکه  یارطناب سحرم
تو مرا نمیفهمی
منکه در ادامه تاریک شبم
تو شرم مرا نمیبینی
منکه دیگر عشق روز را نمیبینم >>>


How do they feel now?

How do they feel now?

Photo essay: 1979 revolution

by Ahmad Kavousian
06-May-2009 (220 comments)



Een koja, oon koja

Een koja, oon koja

Photo essay: Parks in Vienna and Tehran

by asghar62
06-May-2009 (3 comments)



Four More Years?

Does it really matter who gets “elected” in June? I think not.

06-May-2009 (16 comments)
When it comes to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, there is no grey: you either like him or you don’t. His supporters point to his strong and often very vocal anti-West, anti-Israel stance, while his opponents complain about all the negative press he has created for Iran in the West as well as his policies that have nearly destroyed Iran’s economy. Well, are you ready for four more years of Ahmadinejad? You might as well be, since indications are that in a two-man race this June he will be “elected” to run the country for another four years. The first reason he will be elected is history. In the 30 years since the inception of the Islamic Republic of Iran, there have been five presidents prior to Ahmadinejad>>>


Throwing the Book at Tehran

U.S. has been largely alone in ramping up enforcement activities against Iran

06-May-2009 (13 comments)
Several factors are most likely behind the increase in the number and scale of the law enforcement investigations targeting Iran's illicit activities. The first is undoubtedly related to the growing prioritization of Iran by all arms of the U.S. government. As the Bush administration highlighted the growing threat posed by Iran, all of the relevant government agencies -- including law enforcement entities -- began exploring what they could bring to this effort. A second factor was the appointment of a national export control coordinator at the Justice Department in October 2007. The coordinator, career prosecutor Steven Pelak, has helped raise the profile of export control cases among prosecutors throughout the United States>>>


دلارا دارابی، قربانی مبارزه قدرت؟

موج مخالفت با مجازات اعدام در ایران در حال گسترش است

06-May-2009 (29 comments)
قتل دلارا دارابی دردناك بود. نه به خاطر این كه او زیبا بود، گرچه زیباكشان یكی از لطیف‌ترین احساسات انسانی را به مسلخ می‌برند؛ نه به خاطر آن كه او هنرمند بود، گرچه بی‌هنران ِ هنرمندكش كمر به قتل گوهر انسانیت بسته‌اند؛ نه به خاطر این كه او جوان بود، گرچه جوان‌كشی انتقامی است كه مهر باطل خوردگان از آینده و آینده‌سازان می‌گیرند؛ و نه به خاطر این كه او احتمالا بی‌گناه بود، گرچه جرم او هیچ‌گاه در دادگاهی عادلانه به اثبات نرسید. قتل دلارا دارابی دردناك بود، به خاطر این كه او یك انسان بود. یعنی اگر دلارا زشت‌رو بود و هنری نداشت و سنی از او گذشته بود و مجرم هم بود نیز قتلش باید دل هر انسانی را به درد می‌آورد. قتل عمد انسان، هر انسانی، دردناك است؛ و وقتی انسانی اسیر و دست بسته و بی‌دفاع در محیطی تحت كنترل، به نام قانون كشته می‌شود انسانیت نیز با او كشته می‌شود>>>


Life is a game of football

Nader Jahanfard's passage into the beautiful game with Middle Eastern accent

06-May-2009 (7 comments)
Ahmad Tousi, PhD, Head Coach of Cal State Stanislaus Warriors writes: No sport has experienced such a tremendous growth in popularity in the U.S. in the past few years as soccer. Soccer is now played everywhere around the globe. This book has been written to present the experience of a man over the years. The knowledge gained has been and will continue to be tested as new ideas emerge and changes occur. Nader is the maker of his own fortune. Soccer is an intriguing game. There is nothing like an exciting run, a great feint, an accurate pass, a good shot, a brilliant save or a dazzling goal... The goal of this book is to provide you with verbal and visual imagery to recall and adopt. I strongly believe that the author has scored on all accounts.>>>


06-May-2009 (7 comments)
My heart an old house of Love,
With a playground for nobles
Those immortals play my fate
Then, leave this house a war zone
What is left behind?
Pieces of memories
So, I put the scraps together
Ready for the next attack >>>


Civilian Diplomacy

Civilian Diplomacy

Photo essay: American grassroots delegations to Iran

by Diocal
05-May-2009 (5 comments)



This is my room

This is my room


by Roxana Manouchehri
04-May-2009 (3 comments)



On the campaign trail

President Ahmadinejad’s visit to Shiraz

04-May-2009 (23 comments)
Following the warm introductions and welcome statements, President Ahmadinejad thanked the many people – farmers, herders, intellectuals, doctors, office workers - for taking time to welcome him, and went on to acknowledge that the Fars people should be proud of their inheritance of the ancient culture of Iran when Cyrus the Great ruled over Iran and Shiraz was the seat of the old capital, 2,500 years ago. “This is a great and proud inheritance,” he said. Mr. Ahmadinejad read short verses from the works of Hafez and Saadi, two beloved Iranian poets who are enshrined in Shiraz>>>


Preventing Nuclear Terrorism

A global intelligence imperative

04-May-2009 (3 comments)
As Mohamed ElBaradei's term as head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) draws to a close, the organization is struggling to choose a new leader. After deadlocking on an initial vote in March, a new round of nominations closed on April 27, with the next vote scheduled in the coming months. While the IAEA sorts out changes at the top, the United States should try to expand the agency's mandate and responsibilities. One such change would be the establishment of a full-fledged intelligence office, which would dramatically improve the agency's ability to identify and deter the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD)>>>


در سراچه ترکیب تخته بند تنیم

تنها در خیالات رمان نویسان است که انسان میتواند در تونل زمان سفر کند

04-May-2009 (2 comments)
رهائی از زندان زمان و مکان رویای همیشگی آدمیان بوده است. علم و فناوریهای عصر جدید از یکسو طی الارض سلیمان وار، صعود به سیارگان و غوص در اعماق اقیانوسها را ممکن ساخته واز سوی دیگر محدودیت قدرت و علم انسان در برابر طبیعت را بیش ازپیش آشکارکرده است. درست است که به ماه رفته ایم ولی با علم به حدود ممکن سرعت (سرعت نور،) عمر آدمی، ابعاد واقعی جهان (صدو پنجاه و شش بیلیون سال نوری) و فواصل نجومی بین ستارگان در یافته ایم که هرگز نخواهیم توانست از این همسایگی میکروسکپی منظومه شمسی فرار کنیم. ممکن است قوانین فیزیکی عالم را تا نهایت این قرن دریابیم ولی فهم اشراقی این فرمولهای ریاضی فیزیک سماوی حتی برای خود فرمول نویسها ممکن نیست. ما ساکن این جهان پدیدار هائیم>>>


Safa of the Spring

People are hard of heart and death is their game

04-May-2009 (3 comments)
They walk along a dirt path to visit Auntie Sareh. It is one cool, sunny day and Safa remembers the old woman’s gentle face that was like cracked marble. She remembers her blue eyes and the tiny lines radiating from the corners of her smiling mouth. Last time she visited her with Father every thing about her was in white. Her long magical white hair, combed straight down her white silk dressing-gown. She was lying in her white bed, head resting on a pile of white pillows, on the far side of a white room, ready to die. Father whispered to Safa that they had come to say their last goodbye>>>