An anatomy of an Iranian encounter
From all the heavenly images you get to see in Iranian functions such as their cars, houses, food, female companions and so on you hardly can picture them wondering around Wal-Mart store in their jeans. This can sometimes come as a shock. As soon as I saw him, I tried quickly to turn my shopping cart around and escape the situation by pretending that I’ve seen nothing. But when I was just ready to yank my cart to the left I saw his wife looking right into my eyes with a big smile on her face.
Why are you asking what I am doing here?
After reading JJ's pictorial essay on his unrealized trip to Israel, I was reminded about a confrontation/incident I had with Israel (El Al) security forces of all places in Newark International Airport (EWR). Before telling you about the incident, let me say that I am glad JJ didn't make the trip. I am saying it not because Israel has become a pariah country in the Middle-East or because it is an apartheid nation, their close cooperation with South Africa during their apartheid regime not withstanding, Arab citizens of Israel are treated as second class citizens.
" اگر نمی توانی از بینش ببری ،خرابش کن "
برای همه سرخورده ها پیش می آید که در بار با کسی درباره مشکلشان حرف بزنند و آن شخص برایشان منشا مشکل را پیدا کند. مردها. آمریکا. مسلمانان. دولت. گی ها. مهاجرین برای هر مشکلی دلیلی است . ( قانون علت و معلول) دلیل مشکل مرد هم مهاجرین است. کمی هم دولت حاکمه. مرد عضو این گروه زیر زمینی شد که شعارشان هست. " کره زمین خیلی بزرگ است . چرا به من چسبیدی" شعار مد روزی نیست. ولی وقتی گروهک زیر زمینی شعارشان را که صورت آهنگ می خوانند خوبتر به نظر می آی
It is rainy and cold outside
I am working on my laptop
My Russian blue is lying next to it
He is intelligent and playful