

Not so good

Survey of American perceptions of Iranian Americans and the Iranian government

23-Dec-2008 (7 comments)
The results of a PAAIA/Zogby survey indicate that about half of all Americans have a favorable impression of Iranian Americans, as well as the Iranian people. On the other hand, about one-eighth of all Americans have an unfavorable impression of Iranian Americans and the Iranian people. Significantly, however, about one-third of Americans are not familiar with either Iranian Americans or the Iranian people. The similarity of the American public’s overall impressions of Iranian Americans and the Iranian people perhaps indicates that such impressions are in large part formed by media reports on Iran. In contrast to generally favorable impressions of Iranian Americans and the Iranian people, two-thirds of Americans have an unfavorable impression of the Iranian Government>>>


One is enough

Polygamy and its impact on the mental and emotional health of children

23-Dec-2008 (4 comments)
Children develop self-esteem and a sense of well-being when they are raised in a nurturing and loving environment. If abandoned by either parent, children may feel unwanted or unloved. When attention and praise are withdrawn, or absent, children often respond by becoming anxious and/or depressed. During my work in the Saudi kingdoms ch2 TV as a director and presenter of social program- titled with Dr. Parisa.- each week I covered a real life story of abused women and children coming from broken families. In making these life stories, I interviewed many social workers, teachers and therapists who treat abandoned women and children. I also visited charity centers such as Al-Al-ashram, Al wafa, Ensan king abdoulazize and others>>>


The Secret

To Americans it was ordinary, and Iranians had other things on their mind

23-Dec-2008 (6 comments)
We would be playing in the street in the evening and I would see my American friends' fathers come home from work and kiss their wives and I would think, my secret's out. There it was for all to see. I used to wonder how the street didn't freeze in time just then. I used to wonder even more how the American father could go straight from the kiss to talking about his day or the traffic. It was a secret because we were Iranian and I felt like I was the only one at home who knew that it was nice for a man to kiss his wife when he came home from work>>>


سه تابلوی مرگ در دستشویی

از خودم پرسیدم مگر کس دیگری هم در خانه من زندگی می کند؟

23-Dec-2008 (3 comments)
در شکل آدمیزاد مرگ را امروز دیدم. در دستشویی خانه ام. داشت دندانش را می شست. چراغ روشن بود وارد که شدم. تصویرش در آینه منعکس شده بود کنار یک لیست لغت به زبانی بیگانه که به آینه چسبانده بود و جایی برای تصویر من باقی نگذاشته بود. مردی لاغر بود. و تمیز. بهش می آمد وسواسی باشد. کلاه گیس قاضی ها یا نجیب زاده هارا بر سر داشت. چهره ی فیلسوفی را داشت که تصویرش روی کتاب نقد عقل محض بود: با چهره ای استخوانی و خیلی جدی که وقار، نه پیری، آن را سایه زده بود. با دقت بیش از اندازه، در همان حالی که لغت حفظ می کرد، بین دندانهایش را نخ می کشید. در مورد زمان خیلی با ملاحظه بود: از هر ثانیه یِ پانزده دقیقه فرصتی که بین دیدار دو آدم خردمند داشت، عاقلانه استفاده می کرد: دقیقا بیست و هشت ثانیه صرف هر دندان، صرف حفظ هر کلمه جدید می کرد. >>>


مورچه های مقدس
23-Dec-2008 (2 comments)
اینجا سرزمین مورچه های مقدس است
و موریانه ی مولانا
مهربان است
اما نیش می زند
مادرم در این خانه مدام سکته می کند
و درست بوقت ظهر چشمهای حیرت زده اش
زندگی را با مردی که هیچ نمی شنا خته
قمار می کند >>>