

Give and take

Why diplomacy and sanctions don't always mix

04-Dec-2008 (22 comments)
Change often occurs at a faster pace than people can comprehend. That is certainly the case with the quickly shifting political realities in Washington on Iran. In less than 50 days, America will be led by a president who made dialogue with Tehran a campaign promise--and yet he won. Perhaps even more surprising, one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington failed--in the middle of an election year--to convince the US Congress to pass a resolution calling for a naval blockade of Iran, even though the resolution had more than 250 co-sponsors. The debate in Washington is no longer whether to negotiate with Iran, but how, when and in what sequence such negotiations should take place. This, however, does not mean that talks will occur or that they will succeed>>>


Let’s Have a Referendum.  Not!

Why are we still debating the return of Pahlavi?

04-Dec-2008 (143 comments)
Our motherland has said no to the Pahlavi dynasty, has rejected the dark ages of mullahs, has dismissed the advances of Mojahedin-e Khalq to tryout another flavor of Islam, and still awaits the revelation of a new, coherent proposal from the radical left. As a child of the revolution, I have earned the right to say on behalf of my motherland, “What part of no don’t you understand, gentlemen?” And as an Iranian woman who is anything but a “silenced, mute, and answerless mother,” I submit to you the fruit of my labor: Generations of patriots and freedom fighters raised by Persian mothers since the dawn of our civilization. Unite them to change our future! A referendum in the current environment of Iran is a joke at its best and a fraud at its worst. Upon whom will we bestow our trust to conduct and monitor such a referendum? >>>


Pebble Beach – Half a Sandwich

I feel that I am reduced to a drag on that cigarette

04-Dec-2008 (13 comments)
I call his room from the hotel lobby. It wakes him up. A brief silence. He asks me whether I want to go up. Hesitation. I respond that I will wait for him in the lobby. I am not in the least bit offended; surprised a little; flattered somewhat, but interested, I am not. I grab a cup of coffee and the local paper, and settle into one of the plush chairs in the foyer. I pore over the Carmel news with gusto. A local resident has come across a $20 counterfeit bill at Dolores and Ocean which he dutifully turns in to the local authorities. A squirrel has munched his way through the front seat of a car parked at Mission and 7th. A resident on San Antonio finds the tires of her car missing. The culprit turns out to be an ex-boyfriend who has disabled her mode of transportation in exchange for the money she owes him>>>


 ستیز با سانسور

به مناسبت 13 آذر روز مبارزه با سانسور

گفته می شود واژه سانسور (ممیزی) یاحذف کلام و سخن, از زمان ناصرالدین شاه و توسط اعتماد السلطنه به زبان فارسی راه یافت و مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. پیش از آن که این واژه در میان واژگان فارسی جا باز کند, حذف کلام تحت عنوان ممیزی به بهانه ی حفظ حرمت " اخلاق و شریعت " در قانون اساسی حکومت مشروطه جا داده شد : "تمامه مطبوعات , غیر از کتب ضلال و مواد مضره به دین مبین , آزاد و ممیزی در آن ها ممنوع است و هر گاه چیزی مخالف قانون مطبوعات در آن ها مشاهده شود نشر دهنده یا نویسنده بر طبق قانون مطبوعات مجازات می شود. اگر نویسنده معروف و مقیم ایران باشد ناشر و طابع و موزع از تعرض مصون هستند." و کتب ضلال هم شامل " آثاری که با دین مباینت دارند" و مواد مضره به دین مبین هم "آثاری که در انتقاد از دین و مراسم و سنن دینی باشد" تعریف شدن>>>


دونده ها
04-Dec-2008 (2 comments)
این مرد هر صبح زودتر از من
شروع می کند روزدوی اش را
زودتر من که کورمال کورمال
راهم را به سمت "ماشین دو"
پیدا می کنم و دکمه ی شروع را می زنم.
توی گرگ و میش بیرون
او خم می شود با ضرباهنگی منظم
به سمت سطل آشغال >>>