The most open and free America he'd ever known
Neither of them were bums, first off, the black bum or the Mexican bum. They were men, and a world that had somehow decided that it was going to include bums had decided to include them, and it was very nice to think that their situation was fixable, that hard work and determination could lift them out of it, but none of that changed the fact that a man who was down on his luck for a day was a man who was down on his luck for a day, and a man who was down on his luck for years was a bum. The Mexican bum could do fine among the people of the Richmond District of San Francisco. He could smile with them and he could hold the door open for them outside Gordo's Taqueria on Geary Street, making sweeping chivalric gestures towards women
در کشورمان دولتی داريم که وزرايش را امام زمان تعيين می کند و رهبرش هيچ کم از خود امام زمان ندارد
روزگاری نيمايوشيج، پدر شعر نوی فارسی، داستانی نوشت به نام «مرقد آقا» تا نشان دهد که چگونه ذهن قداست بين و معجزه طلب از درخت و چوب خشگ هم می تواند امامزاده بسازد و آنگاه بر اين «قداست خود پرداخته» دخيل ببندد و از آن شفا و دفع بلا بطلبد. اگر آنچه او نوشت قصه بود و محصول خيال، ما اما، در همين بيست و چند سالهء اخير، با چشم خود شاهد ايجاد يک «مرقد آقا» ی ديگر بوده ايم. اول فقيهی از اهالی قم را مقام امامت بخشيده ايم و آنگاه، از «اين همانی» ی امامت او با امامت امامان دوازدهگانهء تشيع، او را صاحب معجزه و کرامت دانسته ايم، عکسش را در ماه ديده ايم، و رفته رفته او را به مقام عصمت و معصوميت رسانده ايم. سپس، امام که ساخته شد، بايد برايش مرقدی در خور امامتش بسازيم، بارگاهی بنا کنيم، به دور قبرش ضريحی فراهم آوريم، برايش زيارتنامه درست کنيم و زيارتش را با تشريفات خاص امامان همراه سازيم؛
Can Israel live with its own moral dilemma?
Israel recently marked its 60th anniversary, at a time of great upheaval all over the Middle East and while the Israeli society is divided on a number of issues. In many ways, the leaders of the Israeili State have not achieved what its founders meant to do - create a secure, democratic state based on social and economic justice for all the citizens. Israelis may enjoy freedom but the freedom of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians whose land, property, livelihood, trees, gardens and homes have been destroyed is nowhere in sight. For the majority of Palestinians, this is, instead, the anniversary of what they call "al-Nakba." In Arabic, it means catastrophe