

The perils of popularism

Cambodia, where an estimated 1,700,000 died during Khmer Rouge reign

11-Aug-2009 (2 comments)
Our guide at the National Museum of Cambodia began her introduction by saying that “the Khmer civilization is the oldest in South East Asia, as it dates back to the first century.” That was when Indian traders brought with them Sanskrit, Hinduism and Buddhism to the Funan area in eastern Cambodia. The Khmers were a mixed race who had themselves migrated here some three thousand years before from India, China and the islands of South East Asia. The Funan Kingdom was replaced by the Chenla rulers in the 6th century, who in turn lost power in 802 to Jayavarman II. He proclaimed himself devaraj (god-king) and was followed by a long series of god-kings until the 16th century >>>


Flying coffins

Lives of Iranian airline passengers have rested on a wing and a prayer

11-Aug-2009 (28 comments)
Last year in August I had the distinct "pleasure" of flying to Tehran on board of an Iran Air Boeing 747. In light of the fact that Iran's air industry has had two plane crashes and two more in-flight emergencies in just the past 3 weeks, it is important for Americans to understand that US sanctions are partly the cause of these disasters -- and that they can be prevented. I arranged my trip last year so I could attend my cousin's wedding. As a dual Iranian-Canadian citizen, I am able to travel to Iran with relative ease, and despite common stereotypes, travel to Iran is perfectly safe -- that is, except if you are traveling with Iranian airlines>>>


ايذاء دينى

اى بسا افعال مردم آزارانه برخى مومنين از خباثت ذاتى ايشان نشات گرفته و نقش شريعت محمدى تنها توجيه شرعى است

11-Aug-2009 (9 comments)
در اين نوشتار به شناسايى و بررسى پديده اى ميپردازيم كه كمتر به آن توجه شده، يا لا اقل كمتر از اين زاويه به آن نگاه شده است. اين پديده كه ميتوان آن را "وجه ايذائى" دين - و در اينجا مشخصا دين اسلام - ناميد تاكنون به عنوان بخشى لاينفك از دين به عنوان يك كليت فرض شده است و اين شايد نخستين بار است كه كوششى، هر چند مختصر، در تفكيك نظرى اين مقوله از بخش "خوشخيم" دين صورت ميگيرد. گمان ميكنيم كه چنين تفكيكى در تئورى به فتح گفتمان جديدى از مباحث آزادى و عدالت در جامعه ايرانى كمك ميكند و از اين رهرو ميتواند سر نخى تازه براى حركت به سمت يك جامعه مدنى در ايران را به دست دهد>>>


Dream number one
Contrary to the general malaise
last night, on my ornate roof,
I fell asleep looking out to the smog
that hides this monster

that eats mud and lives
that stretches out from the mountain
its bony fingers under the asphalt
propelling cars ever farther.


Yin and Yang
11-Aug-2009 (2 comments)
WE are not a people of pure virtue
THEY are not a people of pure hate
We exist together yin and yang-like
Wedded to our common human fate.

Can the mirror’s image be avoided…
Should our Other ever be denied?
There is no escaping from our knowing
Of the battles being waged inside >>>