Understanding political divisions and advocating human rights
President Obama has gotten it right: while expressing in clear terms that his statements are in no way meant to intrude in the sovereign affairs of Iran, he has cited America’s respect for human rights and support for the rule of law in Iran. While Washington should not be seen to be interfering in Iranian domestic affairs, it should nevertheless not shy away. As is necessary in confronting all nations threatening human rights, the Obama administration must at all times adopt and implement a human rights centred diplomacy towards Iran - stressing the obligation of Iranian authorities to respect the human rights of their citizens
Strengthening export controls to prevent Iran from easily circumventing sanctions
by Michael Jacobson
According to the Justice Department, in fiscal year 2008, the number of criminal export control cases rose to 145 -- with Iran clearly the top enforcement priority, accounting for more than 20 cases -- up from 110 the year before. Companies and individuals were prosecuted for sending a wide range of sensitive technology to Iran, including missile guidance systems, military aircraft parts, and components for improvised explosive devices. This enforcement trend has continued into 2009. Shipping giant DHL, after acknowledging the illegal transfer of goods to Iran, Syria, and Sudan, paid a $9.4 million fine earlier this month to the U.S. government
Mr. Obama, what happened to your vow to defend democracy against tyranny?
by Parviz Minooee
Mr. Obama, what has happened to the human rights that America has always stood for? Thousands upon thousands of Iranians residing in this country voted for you with the impression that you are a champion of human rights, freedom, and just causes because you yourself have had first-hand experience in discrimination and suppression. Just a few weeks ago you declared Islamic Republics a danger to the world. You are an ardent advocate against terrorism yet clandestine terrorism against the freedom movement in Iran is in full force by the regime and totally ignored by you
به دوستانِ چپی که در مقابل جنبش ملت ایران ایستاده اند باید بگویم که در اشتباه هستند
کسانی که تصور و یا وانمود می کنند که جنبش سبز متعلق به موسوی و کروبی و یا رفسنجانی در ایران و یا گنجی و همراهان در خارج از کشور است ، در اشتباه اند ؛ همانند سران جمهوری اسلامی که ادعا می کنند که این یک حرکت ناشی از دسیسۀ کشورهای خارجی است. جنبش برای شروع به موسوی و دیگران نیاز داشت ولی بمرور زمان با بقای خود و تکامل ساختاری از درون رهبرانش را بیرون خواهد داد و سهم ما و وظیفه ی ما حمایت از جنبش مردممان است. خاطرم نیست که چه کسی اولین بار این جمله را گفت: که هر کدام از ما در حد توانائیمان "با درمی یا قدمی یا قلمی" از جنبش حمایت کنیم. چنانچه هدفمان موفقیت این حرکت مردمی و نجات ایران می باشد
Dedicated to the Green Movement
by Amir Houshang Ebtehaj
من آن صبحم که ناگاهان چو آتش در شب افتادم
بیا ای چشم روشن بین که خورشیدی عجب زادم
ز هر چاک گریبانم چراغی تازه می تابد
که در پیراهن خود آذرخش آسا درافتادم
چو از هر ذره ی من آفتابی نو به چرخ آمد
چه باک از آتش دوران که خواهد داد بر بادم
Today the rain washes your blood
And wipes it from the pavement
There remains only your sunny smile,
Your tall baseball bat
Leaning against the wall,
And your backpack full of books
Waiting for your shoulders