The Red Persians

Islam, Marxism and Revolution in Iran

17-Oct-2010 (5 comments)
Neither Ayatollah Khomeini, nor his disciples Islamized Marxism. Instead, they derived exceptional benefits from it. During the 1960s as a result of the Shah’s systematic suppression of all political opposition, Marxism was pushed into two distinct directions: guerilla fighting and the intellectual sphere. It was in the hands of leftist Islamic intelligentsia, like Jalal Al-e Ahmad and Ali Shariati that Marxism blended with Shiʿism. The amalgam created a formidable revolutionary force in Iran. Shortly after, the militant-Marxists and the Marxist-Islamists in coalition with Khomeini overthrew the monarchy>>>


Marxists for Freedom?

In response to Azar Majedi

17-Oct-2010 (16 comments)
Since when communists are turning to supporters of unconditional freedom of speech and democracy? Is not this notion a betrayal to and or dismay to the principals of CPs – of lost cause of 19th century mentality of dictatorship of one form or another, of “proletariat”? What communists had in practice brought to humanity? Among many atrocities by communist, the Stalinism, Khmer Rouge, to half a century of still Castro and North Korean Kim,… what record they have to be brag ever? In our country, little dictators like Bijan Jazani to Hezbe Toda to Islamic Marxists all are nourished from this communistic idea>>>


بدون شمعدانی ها

عاشق شمعدانی بود و شمعدونی‌ها هم دوستش داشتند

17-Oct-2010 (14 comments)
به عادت سربازی، تا همین اواخر، سپیده صبح بیدار میشد و اصلاح میکرد. بعدش نوبت واکس کفش بود و اتوی کت و شلوار. نیم ساعتی‌ نرمش سوئدی میکرد، تا وقت صبحانه شود - نون و پنیر با کمی‌ شیر داغ. دو تا چایی قند پهلو، کنار روزنامه صبح، یکساعت بعد از صبحانه را پر میکردند. آخرش، همه صفحات را مرتب تا میزد و کنار می‌‌گذاشت و با اعلام اینکه، "نخیر، نشستن فایده نداره!" به سمت باغچه میرفت>>>


Forgotten Poet

Ksenia Nekrasova

17-Oct-2010 (6 comments)
For most of her tragically short life, Ksenia Nekrasova lived in abject poverty without even a bed to call her own, totally dependent on the generosity of friends. She published only one slim volume of poems during her lifetime. Derided and dismissed by most of her contemporaries, she enriched the lives of a whole generation of poets in ways which only later (after her death) bore the indelible signature of her unique vision>>>


Only Alternative

Interview with former President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr

15-Oct-2010 (44 comments)
"I believe that this regime cannot be reformed. It is beyond repair or reform. If this regime were open to reform, why would someone like me be in exile? We would all be working towards a better and more progressive society. Even the Iran-Iraq war would not have taken place. And even if it did, it could have ended in June 1981. A ceasefire was going to take place with Iraq but those who staged the coup d’état managed to prolong the war; that was one of their goals because war equaled tyranny or the establishment of tyranny. The regime of Velayat e Faqih can only be reformed by abolishing it...">>>


The Price of Peace

Why peace is detrimental to Israel

14-Oct-2010 (59 comments)
The state of Israel, formed in 1948, has led a tumultuous existence since its birth. While achieving impressive scientific and industrial feats, its political and sovereign societal stance has been based on a claimed secular democracy that is ironically based on strong religious notions, non-inclusive, paranoid (for historical reasons that are nevertheless fading away) and ineffective structures, ideas, and governing policies. The Israeli democracy does not uniformly apply to its Arab citizens residing within the pre-1967 borders, the misplaced refugees and the populations under its occupation since 1967>>>


خداپرستان دروغگو

کیهان چرا در دروغ‌پراکنی اصرار دارد؟

14-Oct-2010 (4 comments)
کمتر هفته‌ای است که کیهان تهران به بهانه نوشته‌های من مرا مشتمالی ندهد و با عبارات و اصطلاحاتی که خاص فرهنگ روزنامه‌نگاران دولتی ایران است و بیشتر در فرهنگستان کیهان ساخته و پرداخته شده است به این حقیر نپردازد. این امر البته استثنایی نیست. افراد بسیاری هستند و از جمله رهبران جنبش سبز که به مناسبت و بی‌مناسبت در صفحات کیهان مشمول عنایات آقای شریعتمداری می‌شوند >>>


شعبده بازی دفاع از آزادی بیان

تعهد عبادی و گنجی به آزادی بیان و تعهدشان به اسلام و جنبش اسلامی به روشنی نمایان شد

14-Oct-2010 (16 comments)
هر سال بنیادهای مختلف در کشورهای اروپایی و آمریکا جوایزی را به برخی فعالین برای "دفاع از آزادی بیان" یا "حقوق بشر" اعطاء می کنند. این نهادها بعنوان بخشی از نهاد ایدئولوژیک نظام حاکم با اعطای این جوایز اهداف سیاسی – ایدئولوژیکی معینی را دنبال می کنند. جایزه نوبل یکی از مهمترین و با پرستیژترین این جوایز در تمام طول حیاتش در جبهه منافع بورژوازی جهانی قرار داشته است، چه در زمان جنگ سرد و چه پس از آن در زمان ”نظم نوین جهانی>>>


بهار در آیینه شب
14-Oct-2010 (4 comments)
بهاری که سبز بود
بارمصیبتی بر دوش
ازکوچه باغهای خاطرمان بگذشت
من و تو ماندیم و بی‌ حاصلی عشق


Athens is Frontlines

As autumn creeps in, rain lashes against the red canvas, soaking Neda’s picture

12-Oct-2010 (80 comments)
In Athens, beneath the green rooftop, sit three Iranian college students who have escaped our homeland only one week ago. Around the same table under the asylum seekers’ tent, supporters of Mir Hossein Mousavi are greeted by a veteran Kurd. A hot steaming cup of tea brewed Iranian style is placed in front of each guest. The Kurdish pishmarg of Democratic Party takes the seat next to the leftist Komala member while leaning to whisper an Iranian T'aarof in the ears of a newly arrived Pahlavi loyalist>>>


Do we take the Iranian regime seriously?

Do we take prison sentences issued by the Iranian regime seriously?

12-Oct-2010 (one comment)
Let's assume we take the prison sentences seriously, or at least take the Iranian regime seriously, then we should also seriously keep in mind that political prisoners with hefty and unjust sentences are actually innocent Iranians who deserve to be praised for their love for Iran, not suffer in the name of freedom. We must not forget about these brave and beautiful people. We cannot stop being their voices. We have to continue making sure that the world remains aware of the extent of the Iranian people's suffering. We need to also highlight how much of their lives have been wasted away>>>


Scared of Women

Iran steps up assault on female activists

12-Oct-2010 (one comment)
Iran's government recognizes and fears the broader power of the women activists who have been on the front line of reform in Iran for more than a decade. One can roughly draw an analogy between the women's movement in Iran to movements of religious groups in Burma or Tibet, or the labor "solidarity" movements in the former Eastern bloc and associated labor-Roman Catholic solidarity in Poland -- all advocating initially for the freedoms of a specific group but which provoked government fears for their transformative power to promote broader human rights progress>>>



خارج که بروی مشکل اولت آفتاب است و دوم آفتابه

12-Oct-2010 (4 comments)
کی گفته به جز سرزمین ما هیچ جای دنیا آفتاب ندارد؟ آفتاب از این درخشان تر می خواهی دختر؟ روز از این زیباتر؟ عین بهشت می ماند. تازه نگرانم چرا کرم ضد آفتاب به صورتم نزده ام. روز دوم است که رسیده ام و هنوز از توی سمب و سوراخ چمدان ها پیدایش نکرده ام. عیبی ندارد دارم می روم خرید و توی فروشگاه چندان هم نیاز به ضد آفتاب نیست. خرید وسایل ضروری اولیه یک دو ساعتی طول کشید. خوشحال بودم که به یمن وسایل جدید زندگی از این که هست هم بهتر خواهد شد>>>


تئاتر اعداد

گیج نشدم، فقط خواستم بگم 0 و 1 دو عددند که می شوند من

12-Oct-2010 (one comment)
صفر، یک، دو، سه. صفر، یک، دو، سه ... (صدای اعداد را می شنویم که پشت سرهم بروی صحنه می آیند). یک - بچّه ها، این صفر که پشت سر ما راه می ره، بهتر نیست بیاد جلو سه بنشینه، بعد ما به جای 123 می شویم 1230. دو - آنوقت باید بگیم: یک، دو، سه، صفر و این منطقی نیست. مثل این که از پله اول به پله دوم بعد به پله سوم و به جای پله چهارم به قبل از پله اول برسیم. این اصلاً منطقی نیست. یا بهتره بگم مسخره هم هست: یک، دو، سه، صفر!>>>


Freedom Pact

Imprisoned activist calls on students to side with the people

10-Oct-2010 (8 comments)
Our people have made a pact with our students and the university. They have signed a pact for freedom of expression to survive, for joy and happiness to enter each household, for violence to be denounced so decisively that it will never again find any opportunity for expression, for the chains binding opinion and thought to be broken forever… for liberty and democracy and human rights and prosperity to be implemented. Our people have a hard pact and you, the students, have a hard task in front of you. But I know that your determination will prevail and dictatorship, even if it once again channels all its power into violence, will be defeated>>>