فلوتیلا دارد قهوه و نسکافه داغ و مجانی توزیع میکند. شما تشریف نمی آورید؟
ساعت درست سه و ده دقیقه صبح روز دوشنبه سی و یکم ماه می بود که به ژنرال Archibald Snicklefritz Von Badguy معروف به Villano دیکتاتور مادام العمر هفتاد و سه ساله جمهوری Tierras Infernal که در دریای کارائیب و 245 کیلومتری میامی واقع است و تازه به خواب رفته بود اطلاع دادند که ناوگانی که می خواست محاصره زندان مخوف و بدنام la Sabaneta را در سواحل میامی بشکند دچار مشکل شده است
ما به شما رأی دادیم اما عقل و منطق و وجدان و معرفتمان را به غیر نبخشیده ایم
by Samaneh
آقای موسوی گرامی، حدوداً یک سال پیش، من و امثال من که معتقد بودند امیدی هنوز باقی ست به پای صندوق های رأی رفتند و به شما و یا آقای کروبی رأی دادند. ما دلسپردگانی بودیم که کشتی مان به گِل نشسته بود و چشم حسرت به باد شرطه دوخته بودیم. حال پس از گذشت ماه های پرتلاطم و قربانی و آسیبهای جسمی و روانی مصمم تر از همیشه گشته ایم. می دانیم که بسیاریم. از راه های ناهموار نمی ترسیم. حرکتی کرده ایم بی رهبر و مراد و پیر و شیخ و قطب. منتظر معجزه و ظهور پیامبری هم نیستیم چراکه اینبار با واقعیات موجود پیش می رویم و ادعای دانستن همه چیز را نداریم
Israel's nuclear subs in Persian Gulf
The Sunday Times carried an article last week entitled "Israel Stations Nuclear Missile Subs off Iran" reported by Uzi Mahnaimi in Tel Aviv. Whether true or not does not surprise me when it comes to Israel. Its reckless past history and the recent bloody raid on six-ship flotilla aid to Gaza, killing nine and wounding dozens, supports the general opinion of a State who has enjoyed too much success with belligerence and bullying in Middle East with backing from Uncle Sam
Iran’s Supreme Leader was not always deeply conservative
by Ali Reza Eshraghi & Yasaman Baji
Once known as an open-minded and forward-thinking cleric, Iranian Ayatollah Ali Khamenei used to come under criticism from conservative elements for going against the accepted clerical norms. Since becoming Supreme Leader – the country’s senior political and religious authority - in 1989, however, he has adopted a fundamentalist and conservative approach. Looking back on the first few years after the 1979 Islamic revolution, people remember Khamenei from his Friday prayer sermons in Tehran as a tall and slender cleric with a thick beard and black turban
او آمده بود تا آرزو های مرا بسوزاند و نسلم را هدر دهد و من اين نمی دانستم
بين پانزده خرداد 1342، يعنی روزی که خمينی وارد زندگی من شد، تا چهارده خرداد سالی که با مرگش از زندگی من بيرون رفت، حدود 26 سال، يا يک چهارم قرن، فاصله است. و در گذر از اين فاصله بوده که با عملکرد او (نخست بخاطر در افتادنش با اصلاحاتی که ـ اگر درست انجام می شد ـ می توانست قشری بيافريند که هرگز تن به ارتجاع مندرج در ذهنيت او ندهد، و سپس با خدعه و فريبی که بهترين آرزو های نسلی آرمانخواه را به باد فنا سپرد)، سال های جوانی ام را سوخته و هدر شده يافته ام و کشورم را ايستاده بر لبهء ادبار و بی اخلاقی و افلاس
by Shayan Ghajar & Arash Aramesh
The bloodshed resulting from a clash between Israeli Defense Forces and pro-Palestine activists in international waters is nothing short of a diplomatic miracle for Iran. Iran, the sole beneficiary of the fiasco, has much to gain and little to lose by using the incident as diplomatic leverage for gaining even closer ties to Turkey. And Turkey clearly is heading East, toward Iran and other states, and away from the West. Tensions between Turkey and Western states -- not to mention Israel -- have intensified
by Mariano Aguirre
The balance of power that has reigned in the international system since the end of the cold war is undergoing profound shifts. Iran’s agreement with Brazil and Turkey on 17 May 2010 over the treatment of its enriched uranium, and the sanctions that the United States wishes (through a United Nations resolution) to impose on the Tehran government over Iran’s nuclear programme, reveal this system’s deep cracks. The change can be measured in the way that (as an editorial in Le Monde noted) discussion of issues such as nuclear proliferation, which used to be confined to permanent members of the UN Security Council, now finds countries from the global south playing a key role
بگذار ایران بستر آزادی باشد
یادت می آید سالها پیش در ورودی شهربازی گریه من را در آوردی چون روسری به سر نداشتم و دختر خالم مانتواش کوتاه بود؟ من فقط 8 سال داشتم! آیا به خاطر داری در ورودی فرودگاه مهرآباد به من باز هم حمله کردی چون شلوارم کوتاه بود؟ من 10 ساله بودم! می دانم خاطرت نیست که هر بار با دوستانم به بیرون میرفتیم شبح تو ما را دنبال می کرد تا خاطرات شیرین جوانی را در کام ما تلخ کند!
Last time we watched the fireworks,
The earth didn't shake.
The windows didn't break.
And my little sister they didn't awake.
می خواهم بدانید ،آری
و به خاطر بسپارید این اخطارِ انکار ناپزیرنده یِ شوم را
که انقراضِ نسلِ آدم را این بار
نه خشمِ خدایان،
نه دسیسه یِ طوفان،
Shedding light on contemporary Delhi
From the fairyland airport of Faro, in the pristine Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan, I flew over the lofty white peak of Mount Everest and landed in Delhi. Under the gray blanket of smog comprised of dust, car fumes, and smoke from the many open wood-fires that served as heaters for the poor on this cold late November evening, the capital of India palpated with the chaotic traffic of buses, carts, trucks, motorcycles, rickshaws, hand-pushed carts, and pedestrians who spilled over into the roads where the broken sidewalks ended unexpectedly. Nobody paid attention to the police at the intersections who flailed their arms to conduct the movements in directions which were blocked anyway
The magical Dagger of Time in the movie Prince of Persia lets you go back in time and fix bad decisions
All the way home from the movie
Prince of Persia we three cousins fantasized about what we would do if
we had a Dagger of Time so that we could go back to our decision points in the past and do things differently. Some stock purchases, college majors, and divorces later we ended up in politics. How should we as a nation have acted so we wouldn’t end up in the mess we’re in? The conclusion was that as individuals we couldn’t change anything, except in unrealistic ways like taking a lot of money out of the country when 6 Tomans could still buy a Dollar and then funding a counter offensive against the dictatorial trends
A year after Iran's controversial election
by Camelia Entekhabi-Fard
Ayatollah Khamenei's "new face" and stubborn unwillingness to moderate his support for Mr. Ahmadinejad for the sake of the country's nuclear program is moving the future of Iran towards a dangerous direction of confrontation that has prompted members of the opposition and prominent conservatives--most notably Mir Hossein Mousavi, Mehdi Karroubi and Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani--to temper their public accusations of election fraud and alter their strategy to bring about governmental reform
Obama's letter to Lula exposes US dishonesty
Washington supported mediation by Brazil and Turkey when it did not expect them to succeed and turned its back when they accomplished exactly what the Obama administration said it sought from Iran. The full text of a letter sent by President Obama on April 20, 2010 to President Lula da Silva regarding Brazil's and Turkey's negotiations is now available and we reproduce it here. In the letter, the White House strongly encouraged the intermediaries to negotiate with Iran for a single purpose, namely to persuade the Islamic Republic to send 1200 kg of its low enriched uranium to Turkey in exchange for fuel rods for the Tehran Research Reactor