Making a difficult problem worse

Can an attack deny Iran the bomb?

14-May-2010 (6 comments)
As the international pressure on Iran intensifies, the option of bombing Iran's nuclear facilities remains on the table. It is widely believed that a limited strike targeting key nodes in the nuclear complex can delay Iran's acquisition of nuclear weapons by several years. However, a fresh look at the historical record suggests that an attack can intensify the Iranian nuclear challenge and push Iran across the nuclear weapons threshold sooner rather than later>>>


حربه اعدام

برای پایان دادن به این خشونت وحشیانه چه می‌شود کرد؟

14-May-2010 (3 comments)
مخالفت با اعدام مخالفت با مجازات جانیان نیست (در واقع، می‌توان استدلال کرد که اعدام برای مجازات جانیان کافی نیست)، مخالفت با اعدام مخالفت با خشونت است، مخالفت با مجازات بی‌گناهان است، مخالفت با آدم کشی است، مخالفت با گروگان کشی است، مخالفت با وحشیت بدوی است. اعدام تنها اعدامی را از حیات محروم نمی‌کند و بلکه اعدام کننده را از انسانیت تهی می‌کند. اعدامی می‌رود، ولی اعدام کننده می‌ماند با همه آثار و عواقب روانی و فرهنگی و اجتماعی اعدام برای او و جامعه و محیط و نزدیکان او. اعدام مسئله اعدام کننده است نه اعدامی>>>


The Woman Who Had Been Paying Attention

"Oranges," he said when he saw her. "Would you like one?"

14-May-2010 (2 comments)
There was a woman in town who was not considered one of the most beautiful on a day-to-day basis, but once in a while one of the men would see her on his way home and be struck dumb at how beautiful she was, and what the men had in common was that they saw her on the day they'd made something magnificent at their place of work. The baker noticed her on his way home from making what he believed to be a perfect cake. The mason noticed her on the day he'd made the sturdiest wall he'd ever made>>>



شعله های آتش روی صورت مجسمه ها می رقصیدند

یکی از همراهان که همیشه مطالب روزنامه را تعقیب می کرد، خلاصه اخبار کوچ ما مجسمه ها را به کویر برایمان خواند که از خنده روده بر شدیم. همه روزنامه ها به اتفاق این گونه نتیجه گیری کرده بودند که همه ما توسط باند سرقت خیلی ماهری دزدیده شده ایم.همراهمان که زمان حیاتش شاعر معروفی بود، شعر طنزی خواند که نشان میداد ایشان برای آمدن به کویر رفته تا از شهردار مرخصی بگیرد. به گفته وی شهردار از دیدن یک مجسمه در دفتر کارش که تقاضای انتقال به کویر را داشته اصلاً تعجب نکرده بود. به گفته وی همه افراد دور و بر شهردار عین مجسمه بودند>>>


من و او
شب شد با او باز نیایش کردیم
چهره اش بدست خود آرایش کردیم

بند برداشتم کردم رها مویش
شد افشان بر شانه گیسویش >>>


Fighting Chance

A democratic victory in Iran would be great news for the peace process in the entire ME

13-May-2010 (3 comments)
First, some indisputable basic facts: Republican Presidents have occupied the White House for twenty years of the thirty one years that Islamists have been ruling over Iran. The bane of Islamists, the Iran Libya Sanction Act, ILSA, was signed into law by President Bill Clinton, a Democrat. The proposed Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act which will replace ILSA has passed both Houses of Congress and is being prepared for President Obama’s signature>>>


Don't kill your enemy

Persuade him to kill himself!

13-May-2010 (7 comments)
Have you entangled in an awkward moment when someone asks you a simple question that requires you to give an answer that can fill up a nine-volume book? It happened to me years ago. It happened when I was a ripe tomato out of college and got hired in a reputable American company. My colleagues as a gesture of professionalism towards new hires stopped by my cubical and introduced themselves. A foreign colleague, perhaps out of curiosity, came to my cube and said, “hi”. After a short introduction he asked me where I was from>>>


Sherlock Holmes’ Daughter (6)

I still remembered and felt every word I had brushed on her

12-May-2010 (19 comments)
I slid my fingertips inside Katayoon’s blouse, thumbing her top button out of its buttonhole and gliding my hand inside her shirt. “Stop,” she whispered clutching my wrist tightly and slowly pulling it away from her breast. She held me from herself in this way for a long time, staring a meaning at me that I was not understanding. How disappointing to have said, “but you told me to undress you.” That much was apparent. She was saying there was a key to her body that I should find. But how could I be sure?>>>


A garden from Galicia
12-May-2010 (4 comments)
He said he loved me
I dreamed he was a garden
My scent dwelt in him.
I said I loved him
He burned joy into my flesh
Our bed of jasmine >>>


Heaven and Hell

(For K.)

12-May-2010 (one comment)
Truly, heaven and hell are not
In another realm, dimension, or place
They are right here and now
Alas, there is no salvation
But peace is possible and real >>>


They want our silence

We are weary and tired. But we are also angry and heartsick.

10-May-2010 (57 comments)
Farzad Kamangar died yesteday, hanged from a crane with four other political prisoners. I re-read a half dozen times the letter he wrote last month entitled, “Be Strong Comrades.” In that letter he asks, “Is it possible to carry the heavy burden of being a teacher and be responsible for spreading the seeds of knowledge and still be silent? Is it possible to see the lumps in the throats of the students and witness their thin and malnourished faces and keep quiet?” I woke up yesterday morning to the news that five more political prisoners had been hanged by the Islamic Republic of Iran>>>


Profoundly off

The Leveretts and accountability of American analysts on Iran

10-May-2010 (25 comments)
The list of foreigners who unconditionally support the Islamic Republic of Iran is short but not unexpected: Omar Albashir of Sudan, Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbollah, Khalid Mashal of Hamas, and Hugo Chavez of Venezula might be at the top. Add to this list an unlikely duo: Flynt Leverett and his wife, Hillary Mann Leverett. Notwithstanding over two decades of collective experience working for organizations and entities like the CIA, ... the Leveretts are currently America's most prominent, and abrasive, defenders of the Iranian regime and its president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad>>>


The Evolutionary Road

Winding and dangerous struggle between modernity and tradition, authority and freedom, vengeance and tolerance

10-May-2010 (5 comments)
The Western legacy itself has had two contradicting effects in relationship to the host colonies. On the one hand, the Western ways are desired, for achieving the same level of advanced and civilized lifestyle. At the same time, the Western values are rejected, due to the ingrained mistrust and hatred invoked by the memories of colonial dominance. This love-and-hate relationship is more pronounced wherever the host culture is less robust and secure within its own merit and value system>>>


وحدت وجود
10-May-2010 (3 comments)
‌ای ذات تو لایزال و سبحان
وی وصف تو فوق وهم انسان

بیرون ز کلام و حرف و ارقام
بر تر ز خیال و حدس و ایقان


Art & Opposition

Golshifteh Farahani & the Iranian cinematic exile

08-May-2010 (10 comments)
The first thing you notice about Farahani is her eyes. Big, intense, and a gaze that is at times uneasy. She wears almost no make-up—her only whim, a pair of fashionable sunglasses which she quickly removes after sitting down. I ask if she’s had time to enjoy the vibrant French cultural life, and she raves about a new play by Ariane Mnouchkine. But she also mentions being constantly on the road, working on a new film, her music or doing press meets. The conversation soon turns to the repression back in Tehran>>>