Gendar Apartheid

It is high time that we begin to reject our position as the carriers of the male burden

02-May-2010 (3 comments)
The United Nations has given a seat to the Islamic Republic on its women's council, despite a petition signed by Iranian women activists urging them not to allow this most perverse form of satire. The United Nations have now enshrined my right to be stoned, they have enshrined my judicious right to be half a person; my right not to divorce or child custody, my right to no freedom of mobility, my right not to higher education after marriage without permission of my husband. The country that guarantees my subjugated role in society is now sitting on the women's council of the United Nations>>>


سکولارها بیرون

با “قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی” چه باید کرد؟

02-May-2010 (21 comments)
جنبش سبز مردم ایران به روایت مولدان و نمایندگان برخوردار از اقبال ملی اش مطالباتی حداقلی و استقامتی حداکثری دارد. این مطالبات در اجرای اصول برجامانده قانون اساسی و تفسیر حقوقی و دموکراتیک دیگر اصول آن خلاصه می شود. این جنبش (تا برگزاری رفراندم) نه قصد تغییر رژیم دارد و نه مطالبه ای فراتر از قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی دارد. دموکراسی حداکثری یا سکولاریسم خارج از مطالبات جنبش سبز است. تاب جنبش محدود و توانش مشخص است. تبیین مطالبات بر اساس ظرفیت جنبش شرط خردمندی است.>>>


Iran One
02-May-2010 (2 comments)
I encounter you
When I am half asleep
And you are just
Beginning to be
Half awake
Across this earth of nation-less hope >>>


غیبت و ظهور

سرگردان بین دو نهایت تاریخ

30-Apr-2010 (2 comments)
بینش تاریخی حكومت اسلامی مخلوطی است از سه عامل ناسازگار: برداشت خمینی از انقلاب، مفهوم نوین انقلاب و بینش کلاسیک شیعی از حرکت تاریخ. از خمینی شروع کنیم. وی تا وقتی كه هنوز گردونۀ انقلاب به حركت نیافتاده بود، از جمله در ولایت فقیهش، صحبت از «انقلاب سیاسی اسلام» میكرد ولی بعد مانند همه عبارت «انقلاب اسلامی» را پذیرفت و مورد استفاده قرار داد. تفاوت بین این دو عبارت كه كوچك مینمود و از دید بسیاری پنهان ماند، تفاوت بین دو بینش دوری و خطی تاریخ بود>>>


Fabricating news

The Nation's Dreyfuss in Iran again

30-Apr-2010 (one comment)
In its desire to build citizen to citizen contacts as a prelude to promote official dialogues and ultimately establish a normal diplomatic and commercial relation with the U.S., the Iranian government threw its doors open on U.S. individuals and groups who appeared wanting to allay the differences between the two countries. Although the majority of the peace groups and activists who visited Iran were well-intentioned, there were quite a few who were motivated by the idea of supporting certain political trends against the Iranian government>>>


روز کارگر

همه صابون های عالم نمی توانند پر های تو را سفید کنند

30-Apr-2010 (5 comments)
یادم است وقتی دبیرستان می رفتیم، دبیری داشتیم که می گفتند افکار چپ دارد، هر از چند گاهی ساواک دستگیرش میکرد ولی دوباره سر وکله اش پیدا می شد. ریاضیات درس میداد. وقتی تازه از زندان آزاد می شد، همه اش مدح شاه را می گفت ولی کم کم که خاطرات زندان یادش میرفت، دوباره شروع میکرد آخر کلاس از اوضاع بد گفتن و انتقاد کردن. ما دیگر عادت کرده بودیم و یادم است که می گفتیم : دوباره واکسن یادآوری لازم دارد تا مجدداً تبدیل به آدمی شاه دوست گردد. بر خلاف اغلب چپ های دو آتشه ایرانی آن دوران، با استالین بد بود. >>>


Sherlock Holmes' Daughter (4)

Do I have one inside of me? The subconscious monster?

30-Apr-2010 (6 comments)
I double checked my voice mail and found the school principal’s message. Finally, after days of trying to get a hold of someone at my daughter’s school to grumble about her verbal scores, someone had bothered to reply. I wondered if the school would have bothered to return my call at all if she hadn’t done whatever she was supposed to have done. “Test scores are the least of her problems right now,” the principal barked. She sounded furious. “I’d like to discuss the smaller problems first, “ I said. “About the test scores…” >>>


شب سرود
به فانوس و شمع
عادت مکن
که قامت عشق
ازاین روزنه ها
.نتواند گذشت >>>


Come along to Hong Kong

It's like 12 or 13 Chicagos put together

When we got there it was cloudy. I could hardly see the peaks standing tall all around the airport. It was exciting. The girl helped us take our suitcases to our ride. I offered her ten US dollars, which is over 70 HK dollars. It’s a lot of money. She refused! The ride was smooth and the driver was speaking non stop about how he hates the Chinese government and that they live like Western people in Hong Kong. He said that China’s policy wouldn’t work. I asked what he meant by that, “Nothing, China is not democratic like Hong Kong”. I thought that I needed to learn more about Hong Kong>>>


Fault-Lines and Hem-Lines

Censorship and the Boobquake vs. Brainquake Debate

28-Apr-2010 (70 comments)
Boobquake was rightly making a mockery of a comment made by a moronic cleric in the Islamic Republic. Brainquake’s - HEY EVERYBODY WE HAVE BRAINS! – project is further unpalatable because of its pandering to a challenge that women should not even be engaged in; we should not have to sell ourselves and our accomplishments, we should not have to sell our boobs or our brains; if after more than a century of struggle for our inalienable rights we are still shouting these banal and insipid statements as women - perhaps it is us and our movement that needs a shaking at the core, and not mother earth>>>


War propaganda, Obama style!

Military intervention still remains an option

28-Apr-2010 (6 comments)
The challenge that the Obama administration faces is creating a second and third phase in their approach that could take away any kind of comparison with the war on Iraq. It would by then even be necessary to focus on other aspects of the Iranian government, other than their nuclear program, to create a more legitimate political narrative in support of a military intervention. Perhaps the Obama administration will use a different principle of Anne Morelli, namely the focus on the humanitarian need to a military intervention>>>


Iranian Diaspora Needs to Act

What happens in Iran affects Iranians living outside Iran

28-Apr-2010 (3 comments)
The Iranian Diaspora has so far led a very symbolic and largely ineffective role in what is happening in their country because of these self-imposed restraints. True, there were many protests in the few months after the June 12 election. However, thus far there are very few PACs, lobbying groups and such to work to promote the cause for Iran's democratization. Furthermore, few intellectuals are willing to openly come out and declare their support for the Green Movement And let's not underestimate the power of political involvement>>>


راههای طی شده (3)

دانش و کنش میان ادیان: از تخاصم تا تفاهم

28-Apr-2010 (5 comments)
در قرون 16 و 17 در اروپا پس از جنگها و قتل عامهای گسترده میان فرق گوناگون مسیحیت اصل تحمل مذهبی به کرسی نشست. یعنی همۀ طرفهای مبارزه دریافتند که هرچند دست تا مرفق به خون مخالفان آلوده داشته باشند قادر به حذف خشونت بار رقبا از میدان نخواهند بود و برای ختم نبرد بی پایان دینی به اصل "بیائید بپذیریم که عقائد یکدیگر را نمی پذیریم" گردن نهادند.2 این تحملِِِ ِ حد اقل، هر چند کشمکش بین ادیان را از جنگ گرم به جنگ سرد تبدیل کرد اما گامی معنا دار به سوی تفاهم در میان مذاهب به شمار می آید>>>


Back to the Torture (Part II)
"They pulled out my toenail
then clubbed me until I fell."
"I asked why am I in jail?
in answer, they fractured my head."
"In solidary confinement
for weeks I thought I was dead."


The Question of Violence

It’s sad how many leftists have fallen for this vile distortion

26-Apr-2010 (7 comments)
If Iran’s Green movement has a godfather, the Iranian religious thinker Abdulkarim Soroush recently said, it is Gandhi: “We are insisting adamantly that democratic, nonviolent change is at the heart of this movement.” Echoing Soroush, the Iranian philosopher Ramin Jahanbegloo has called the post-June 12 period “a Gandhian moment in Iran.” “Iranian public discourse has changed by drinking deeply from the well of nonviolence,” he observes, pointing to parallels “between the civil disobedience movement in today’s Iran and successful nonviolent movements led by Gandhi in South Africa and in India.”>>>