Nuclear Proliferation and Nuclear Power in the
Middle East
by Daniel Poneman
It does not appear [that Iran's] nuclear program is "for peaceful purposes." Iran essentially has not been in compliance with its International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Safeguards Agreement since 1982, as a result of its import of undeclared nuclear material, undeclared nuclear experiments, and construction of nuclear facilities without timely declaration to the IAEA.... Iran has not satisfied IAEA concerns about the possible military dimensions of its program, has not ratified the Additional Protocol, and continues to defy resolutions issued by the IAEA Board of Governors and the UN Security Council
نوروز نوید نوبهار آورده است
عیدی، خنکای کوهسار آورده است
دلسوختگان ِ فصل بی باران را
امسال دلی امیدوار آورده است
از کوچه شمیم آشنا می آید
این عطر بنفشه از کجا می آید
Let's not forget our precious slain brothers and sisters
I saw your picture lying down in the morgue
God's masterpiece
You looked exactly like David
Michelangelo's masterpiece
Except that:
Your body seemed so well proportioned
But David's head is a bit too big
For its form
As the golden wings of sunlight slowly spread on the veranda, their warmth call Naneh Sarma out of her sleep
Every year it is the same ritual. On the Spring Equinox, when the days and nights are equal in Iran and all the expanses that once belonged to her, I fly down Mount Qâf, carrying Young Man Spring, Amu Nowruz, on my back. I am Mother Simorq and Amu Nowruz is one of my eternal friends high up on Mount Qâf. When my wings fold down over the slopes of the mountain, I drop off this beautiful messenger of spring and watch him walk to a chestnut horse that waits for him
I dreamed Iranians have installed democracy after hundred-fifty years of bloody struggles
When I was a kid growing up in the small city of Shahr-e-Rey, about ten kilometers south of Tehran, where its major industry was importing corps and exporting
Bacheh Akhond, baby mullahs, most exciting entertainment in our daily life was to sit around with the other kids watching each other grow. Moving to the capital, Tehran was the most stimulating experience in my life. Everything appeared unimaginably different: much bigger, shinier, newer, and on the grandest of scales, so spectacular that could drive a kid literally mad
You have an important decision to make within the next few minutes, Mr Rahmati
Colonel Nazemi is standing in the falling snow.With his right hand, he is holding the collar of his navy blue coat tight against his freezing neck.He is holding a radio in his left hand.Standing next to him are the military police major and lieutenant who had shown up at his office earlier.There are about a dozen other men, officers and maintenance men, standing behind him.They are all gazing at the sky.Lt. Parsaa has radioed in, and they are awaiting his arrival.They know that his aircraft has been hit and is severely damaged
Lobbying Google to put up the Haft Seen
As we come up on yet another NoRooz, we once again wince in anticipation as to whether this will be a Google-ful or Google-less one. Each year, people better than me, have called, emailed, blogged, begged, tried to bribe Omid Kordestani's secretary, and even tried to ambush Omid at parties to convince our mightiest sword at Google to convince that small, evil, mean-spirited graphic designer in the basement, whose privileged job it is to put up the holiday logos, to stop playing with himself for 5 minutes, and put up a God-damned Haft Seen Google logo for once
Empowering Himself Through Helping the Greens
Empowering Himself Through Helping the GreensAs the Persian
Nowruz New Year fast approaches and Iran's post-election crisis enters its ninth month, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani remains as mercurial a figure as ever in Iranian politics. True to his nickname of
Kooseh, or "The Shark," Rafsanjani has been paying lip-service to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei while simultaneously signaling (if only tacitly) solidarity with Iran's Green opposition movement. With his reputation as an incredibly calculating figure, it is hard to believe that this contradiction is coincidental
چهارشنبهسوری، خط گسل بین رژیم و مردم ایران
میلیونها ایرانی از زن و مرد و کوچک و بزرگ در سراسر کشور که در این شب در مراسم چهارشنبه-سوری شرکت کردهاند - در خانه یا خیابان، در شهر و روستا - با حضور خود به خامنهای که گفته بود از این کار اجتناب کنید «نه» گفتهاند. آنان عملا گفتهاند که ولایت او را نمیپذیرند. آنان بدون نیاز به شعار و پرچم و تظاهرات حرف خود را زدهاند. آنان خط بطلان بر ولی فقیه و اعتبار و اقتدار او کشیدهاند. قاطبه آنان نیاز نداشتهاند که به خیابان بیایند و نارضایی خود از حاکمیت را داد بزنند
What makes Golestan such a unique asset to Iranians
by Natalia Barr
I am passionate-borderline obsessed- with food. My philosophy: if you can make it, why buy it? I jump fences to pick lemons, I make my own apple cider vinegar, I own nine aprons, and I’ve been known to swoon over the vibrant leaves of my garden’s purple potatoes. I’m stubborn in my ways of healthy eating and I (used to) think white rice is akin to a bowl of sugar. However, in the past several months, I’ve learned not only how to tame my convictions, but that above all else, food is celebratory. After graduating from Bauman College, a Nutritional Education and Culinary Arts school, I began an internship cooking lunches for an Iranian language immersion school
Now that he's on the path to righteousness, the apostles show up for supper
I've had enough. Of all that isn't said, and then what is. One can't sit at a sushi counter without overhearing people talk about Tiger as if Hiroshima was just bombed. He is the next stop in this salad bar of stale ingredients we now get delivered as the nightly news, passing the baton from Monica Lewinsky to O.J. and MJ. Fed are the insatiable appetites of undernourished people on couches armed with powerful remote controls, changing from one analysis to the next as more journalists dig up revelations. So he proclaimed his apologies and hugged those that are willing to forgive, or at least identify with him, on camera
در سکوتی سنگین
که نفس در تنگنای سینه حبس میشد
و نبض
که بیتابانه میزد
بر رگ
چونبیدادرسی بر زنجیر
می دانی این قبرستان چقدر برای مردم تولید شغل کرده؟
مردم ما برعکس همه جای دنیا تغییرات را گلچین کرده اند. یاد گرفته اند رانندگی کنند و با کامپیوتر کار کنند اما هنوز که هنوز است حاضر نیستند در مزخرفات فکری و عقیدتی خود تجدید نظر کنند. هنوز هم برای درمان سرطان در ته دلشان ترجیح می دهند بجای سر زدن به پزشکان ماهر و استفاده از تکنولوژی درمانی نوین به یک به اصطلاح امامزاده در پرت ترین جای کشور بروند و خودشان را به ضریح پر برکت مقبره اش ببندند و آبی که کاغذهای چرک آلود رمالها را در آن تلیت کرده اند بخورند