Sliding down Niavaran

Sliding down Niavaran

Photo essay

by Parviz Abbassian
21-Feb-2008 (4 comments)



Ying Yang

Ying Yang


by Morgan Chavoshi
21-Feb-2008 (55 comments)



قدرت و شوق

تکنولوژی ارگاسم

21-Feb-2008 (3 comments)
چه ارتباطی میان حقوق زنان و ارگاسم وجود دارد؟ از نظر فیلمساز و فمینیست های کارکشته و موفقی مثل وندی اسلیک و امیکو امری، همه جور ارتباطی! داستان از کتاب "تکنولوژی ارگاسم" نوشته دکترریچل مینز شروع شد . این کتاب به تاریخ اختراع وایبریتورهای الکترو مغناطیسی می پردازد که از دهه 1880 برای درمان هیستری زنان به کار گرفته می شدند. این فیلم مستند Power and Passion در واقع داستان این کتاب را پی می گیرد که تاریخ این اختراع ساده و ارتباط آن با یکی از رفتارهای پیچیده انسان یعنی ارگاسم را بررسی می کند. دکتر مینز مسیر گاه شهوت انگیز و گاه خنده دار زنان "هیستریک" و تلاششان برای آرامش جنسی را از روزهای ریاکاری ویکتوریایی تا امروز نشان می دهد>>>


Walking Along The Caspian
21-Feb-2008 (6 comments)

Meandering Through the Woods
Along The "River" ..
From The Mountains "On" High ..
Valleys Catapulting The Cry Of Wild ..
As The Leopard Growls Through The Forest ..
Assuming The safety of Cover ..
Lions Finding Prey Unabashed ..
The jealousy Of The Weak But "Obvious" ..



I'm Iranian

I'm Iranian

Photo essay

by Abbas Rahbar Horizon
20-Feb-2008 (15 comments)




A piece for fun

20-Feb-2008 (9 comments)


The Spider Killings (3)

It was a hot and sunny day, perhaps too hot

Babak could see his mother, Fati, standing across the pond at Kuh Sangi Park, one of the most beautiful parks in Mashad that he and his mother loved to stroll in whenever possible. She was clad as usual in her long chador with only her face peeking out, a tall black triangle with a small white oval in the top corner, an oddly austere figure among the colorful and fragrant tall grass and blooming flowers that covered the ground at Kuh Sangi Park like some sort of magically alive Persian carpet. Babak continued to calmly suck his thumb for a few seconds, believing that Fati would eventually see him and come towards him. But she just stood there, still as a tree>>>


وعده سر خرمن
20-Feb-2008 (6 comments)
سرما از پاهایم می آمد
و بهار از در پشتی
با هزار وعده سر خرمن
و من کنار اینهمه یا..
چنار را می کشیدم
سیگار را می کشیدم
انتظار را می کشیدم



My mother-in-law's khorooses

My mother-in-law's khorooses

Photo essay

by Siamac Naeemi
19-Feb-2008 (7 comments)



Baring it all

Baring it all


by Shafagh Zandi
19-Feb-2008 (8 comments)



Vis & Ramin

A masterpiece told in a language that is lush, sensual and highly inventive

19-Feb-2008 (5 comments)
Vis & Ramin is one of the world’s great love stories. It was the first major Persian romance, written between 1050 and 1055 in rhyming couplets. The plot, complex yet powerfully dramatic, revolves around royal marital customs unfamiliar to us today. Shahru, the married queen of Mah, refuses an offer of marriage from King Mobad of Marv but promises that if she bears a daughter she will give the child to him as a bride. Vis and Ramin had immense influence on later Persian poetry and is very probably also the source for the tale of Tristan and Isolde, which first appeared in Europe about a century later. The plot, complex yet powerfully dramatic, revolves around royal marital customs unfamiliar to us today >>>


The New Man

A young woman made a space available inside herself for the New Man

The New Man sat over the proceedings like a kind and friendly ghost, like somebody who was not only new but also old, because of how the people were like children before him. And maybe he was old, because the thing they were there to talk about fighting, the thing that the man whose face was on the tee-shirts had fought, the face that was staring at all of beauty and tragedy at once, which everybody in the room was staring at too, even if they didn't do it all the time like he did - that thing that they were all against could seem like it was what was new sometimes. It had been growing over their lives, for one thing, or trying to at least>>>


گل یخ
19-Feb-2008 (8 comments)
با تنی زخمی
از قمه های نزده
از زنجیرهائی
فرونیامده بر شانه هایم،
و سینه ای که
از داغ کربلا سُرخ نبود.


Houmayoun Shajarian & Dastan Ensemble

Houmayoun Shajarian & Dastan Ensemble

Photo essay

by Pejman Akbarzadeh
18-Feb-2008 (2 comments)






by Mina Mokhtarzadeh
18-Feb-2008 (6 comments)



Voice of Iran

Documentary on Iran's most prominent vocalist

18-Feb-2008 (11 comments)
Mohammad Reza Shajarian's voice streams out with such power and purity, embodying centuries of technique yet with such emotional texture as to leave the listener in absolute awe. It’s a voice hard yet clear like crystal, a crystal through which one can see three millennia of Iran’s history and culture, from Zarathustra at the dawn of spiritual man through to Baarbad in the Sassanid court, to Alexander’s sacking of Perspolise, to the invasion of the Arabs, to Rudaki and Avecina, to the Mongol plunder and Hafez’s great existential shrug, to Hasan Sabbah’s stubborn resistance at Alamut, the horse rides in the caucuses and the Shalimar gardens in Kashmir. It’s the voice of endurance in the face of pious repression and invaders’ brutality and regeneration through culture>>>


The threat is still there

Interview with Stephen Kinzer

18-Feb-2008 (136 comments)
How likely do you think war is with Iran? KINZER: I fear that this prospect is still very real. The recent National Intelligence Estimate makes it impossible for the US to hope for broad support for new sanctions on Iran. This could mean that some people consider a military strike the only remaining alternative. People in the White House might decide that Iran is a looming threat that must be contained before it can rise. Manufacturing an incident, either in Iran, Iraq or the Gulf, would be easy, and it could become a pretext for war.>>>


Remembering the fall

Remembering the fall

Photo essay: Anti-war memorial

by Jahanshah Javid
17-Feb-2008 (31 comments)



The Spider Killings (2)

All seven women. All seven prostitutes.

The body stunk to the point that several of the police officers had turned the same greenish shade as its decomposing skin. A smell more putrid than decaying garbage, yet with an underlying sickly sweetness that reminded Ramin of rotting flowers in unchanged vase water. As he approached, he could see that flies had already made their nests into the woman’s eyes, nostrils, ears and god knows what other orifices. The insidious insects had even found their way inside the mouth, eating away at its corners as they speedily lay their eggs, so that it looked as if the corpse was beckoning Ramin with a grotesque smile>>>


زنی که دو بار اعدام شد

نقدی بر کتاب خانم وزیر – جعل بزرگ تاریخ

17-Feb-2008 (34 comments)
کتاب خانم وزیر تالیف منصوره پیر نیا آخرین شاهکار در بدنام کردن یکی از خوش نامترین زنان آزادی خواه، روشنفکر، دانشمند و مبارز ایرانی است که نامش در تاریخ اجتماعی نه تنها زن ایرانی، بلکه در جهان نیز می درخشد. شیوه محاکمه و اعدام این زن لکه ننگی است جاویدان بر پیشانی حکومت اسلامی. خانم فرخ رو پارسای را تنها به این دلیل که هرگز حاضر نشد در جلسات دادگاه یا حتی به هنگام اعدام چادر بسر کند در یک گونی بزرگ نهاده، سر گونی را محکم گره زدند و او را به دار آویختند. این واقعه ننگین البته در پرونده عدالت اسلامی ابدی است. آیندگان اگر هیچ چیز از کمالات و مبارزات آزادی خواهانه بانو فرخ رو پارسا که من و ما شاهد آن بوده ایم نخوانند و ندانند فاجعه اعدام او یادشان نمی رود و چه بسا زیر تاثیر این رویداد به دنبال شناخت حقایق تاریخی که او و پشت سر او ما ساختیم برود.>>>