Read and witness how beautifully this "subversive" answers the kiss up fascist "poet" attempting to defend the dictator of Iran from a real Iranian master, poet, and musician
The amazing story of an Iranian war hero, survivor, and freedom fighter, Captain Yadollah Sharifirad, is available in his book, "The Flight of a Patriot"
The Iran Iraq war started exactly 30 years ago. It was supposed to last several days, instead it became the longest war of the 20th century with a million dead. I hope Iran never witnesses a war again.
Reza was a peaceful protestor during the green uprising last year. Here is an xray image of Reza's head- picture captured by Hamed Saber. See if you can count the number of metal fragments that the regime blasted into it
Religion in government is the greatest threat to humanity in our generation. It undermines all rational discourse, gives priority for all decisions to a divine ideology, and competes with the universal declaration of human rights in the name of "God".
by the Iranian Cyber Army. They seem to be in the process of recovering it
Suggestion for 22 Bahman- a viral campaign using the universal declaration of human rights.
This is for waffen SS Major and other IRI apologists who have the gall to claim that AN is legitimate, that the protesters are a minority, and that most Iranians are happy with their government
our ideas for what are the best ways we can support the freedom movement in our country? HAR IRANI YEK SETAD
This resistance has not ended, it has just entered a new phase. Here are the addresses of the grand ayatollahs:
Project by the Guardian UK to collect the names of the victims
The last few weeks will be remembered in history. The torch has been passed and our people have spoken. It is only a matter of time.