Pro-Zionist Ads on

Pro-Zionist Ads on
by Sargord Pirouz

There's been some astonishing revelations here at, recently, related to an Israeli connection involving AIPAC.

First and foremost is the banner ad currently being run for Stand for Israel, a pro-Zionist group (the image to the linked site is provided above). I'm assuming this a paid advertisement, and seeing how the publisher of is constantly posting photos from his gallivanting around Europe. I assume that's how he is spending the money he receives from such. Any comment, JJ?

Then today, there's the YouTube embed on Menashe Amir, a broadcaster on Isreal Radio International.It appears that, as some have suggested, has become pro-Zionist. 

Initially, I had resisted the idea, but the ad, the editorial coverage, the AIPAC/WINEP articles unconventionally posted on the main page, it all now adds up.

This isn't unusual. The pro-Isreal groups have a lot of money and influence. That it commands the American mainstream media the way it does, it's a speck in the ocean to take hold of a mere Iranian social forum. 

Pretty sad situation. But hey, JJ, be sure to post those pics from your next European location...


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Sargord Pirouz

Anahid, it's the image taken

by Sargord Pirouz on

Anahid, it's the image taken from a pro-Zionist ad that was posted on I didn't provide a link to the Stand with Israel site, the ad directs to.

Why give the ad another link at IC? That's my reasoning for not doing so.

If you haven't seen it here at IC, consider yourself fortunate. It's depressing to contemplate. 

Anahid Hojjati

Sargord, I don't get it.

by Anahid Hojjati on

Sargord, I just don't get it. How is the ad that you have in your blog pro zionist?


No one has ever propelled d cause of Zionism than Ahmadi himself

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred


SP (cross-posted)

by Rosie. on

Whether this support is based on financial gain or political concord, either way it's a blight upon the social forum.

Blight upon the social forum would be if there were no social forum. Which would be the case if there were no google ads. Bringing us back to the issue of whether google ads can be FILTERED.

main page editorial content I'm referring to is posted at the discretion of the publisher, not forum members.

This would also apply to featuring blogs and there is no demonstrable bias. As for the published articles, you have a scientific mind. So test out the hypothesis. Get people to submit types of articles on your wave length and see if they get published.

Because you are making VERY serious allegations. And anyway if the publisher's working for Zionists, I'm the man in the moon.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


we can only conclude that is pro-Zionist, unless JJ makes some changes and explains himself on the issue.

You speak for yourself not "we". Who is this "we" anyway. The "Royal" we or all the people who read this. I don't think IC is to the least bit pro Zionist. Frankly I am sick of the Zionist garbage which you and the other IRI groupies repeat like a broken record.

Dude: this dog don't hunt no more. Iran is not about Palestine. Go to a Palestinian web site. There you will find a better home. People who are just like you. I know these are IRI talking points and you are just doing what you get paid to do.

Sargord Pirouz

Rosie, I'm not referring to

by Sargord Pirouz on

Rosie, I'm not referring to editorial content put up conventionally by forum members.

I'm referring to pro-Zionist content that is prominently placed on the main page by the management of

This represents more than mere tolerance. It's a reflection of editorial direction.


No, Sargord,

by Rosie. on

(sorry, your post wasn't there when I replied to Mola).

it's not your website, but listen up. First of all you just corroborated my Beef #1. That underlying the ad thing is the content thing. And that is NOT TRUE. Damn this zero navigability issue! I do wish there were a way to navigate easily to January 2009 during the invasion of Gaza and you would see how pro-Gaza this site was. And the publisher specifically. Your USING the ads to prove bias in CONTENT is what I find distasteful, especially since you rarely make full political submissons. And also because of those nasty travel quips of yours. Sorry, but that counts. A lot.

I'm left with the impression that JJ feels it's cool to advertise pro-Zionist ads on

I'm left with the impression that right now for whatever reasons JJ feels it's cool to ignore you. So since they're your allegations,why don't you go do the legwork and find out from google whether or not the Zionist ads can be filtered. And if they can, then blog again. You will have a very compelling case. And if they can't, consider this a lesson in table manners.

I'm sorry for being so blunt. I don't mean to disrespect you. But you can be extremely trying. To say the least.


صهیونیست دست! احمدی رقص! حالا بر عکس!


Everything is sacred

Sargord Pirouz

Look here, the pro-Zionist

by Sargord Pirouz on

Look here, the pro-Zionist ads and main page editorial content I'm referring to is posted at the discretion of the publisher, not forum members.

Moreover, we can only conclude that is pro-Zionist, unless JJ makes some changes and explains himself on the issue.

Otherwise, face facts, the management of is showing itself to be supportive of the Zionist cause in the Middle East, which advocates an attack on Iran. 

Whether this support is based on financial gain or political concord, either way it's a blight upon the social forum.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I already explained. Google ads are tailored on an individual basis. If you visit lots of rug web sites then you get rug ads. If you visit lots of Zionist web sites then you get those ads.

SP is obviously visiting a lot of Zionist sites. If he don't like it then he don't have to read them.

Regarding filtering I am absolutely opposed. IC needs the money and why shouldn't it have the ads. If SP objects he does not have to read them. BTW: If AIPAC wants to send me money please contact me using my mail link in my profile :-)



Look, Mola, my first beef...

by Rosie. on

My first beef is that Sargord does accuse the site of having the same bias in editorial content. And I have tirelessly explained that the political demographic varies here with the shifting sands of political events, and that this year it has changed DRASTICALLY. And that if someone wants to change that, they have to submit materials with different viewpoints and get others to do so too. 

It seems it's almost always the people who make the least number of submissions who complain the most about bias in editorial content. Sargord's blog is apparently focused on the ads, not the content. but the content issue is there. And the two go hand in hand. And I would like Sargord to acknowledge that he is wrong about alleging bias in editorial content. Or discuss it with me anyway. Otherwise this makes his ad argument distasteful. To me.

My second (and related) beef, I already said, is the tone about the traveling thing. Was it necessary? Yes, it is a two-way street but Sargord  exceeded the speed limit on that one.


The site can't function without the google ads. Period.  So then the next question about the ads is simple. Can or can't the pro-Israel ads be filtered (at a reasonable cost...)? I'm not sayng the publisher shouldn't reply. I'm just saying, well, okay, if he doesn't, then go find out, Sargord. You're the one who was obnoxious first.

If they can be filtered, then that puts the discussion in a whole different ballpark. Right now it isn't. It's all hypothetical.


Mirror mirror on d wall whos d most Zionist of them all? Ahmadi!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred

hamsade ghadimi

it's a two-way street indeed

by hamsade ghadimi on

mola's subliminal message: 

"It's a two way street. Iranian dotcom creates a forum for sargord and people (like me) to speak their mind but at the same time sargord and others (like me) create propaganda for iri. propaganda that advocates attacking iri opposition which is DISTURBING to SANE IRANIANS. It's Sargord's (and my) job to defend any and all actions by iri regime and portray them as a victim to zionist/imperialist aggression. makes money from the traffic and we make a buck, pondered hazrate shotor.

ps: it’s 5 pm in south lebanon. I have to leave now."

Sargord Pirouz

Hey, it's not my website.

by Sargord Pirouz on

Hey, it's not my website. I'm merely a forum member. I'm not the person that should be looking into "contextual" advertising. That's the publisher's responsibility.

If I were the publisher, I'd be looking into it and making the appropriate change. And I'd go so far as posting a disclaimer and apology.

But seeing how this doesn't appear to be the publisher's intention, at this point in time I'm left with the impression that JJ feels it's cool to advertise pro-Zionist ads on And seeing how these ads are putting money in his pocket, and seeing how he's spending money tavelling around Europe, put 2 + 2 together and you get 4!

Well, at least now we know that the poster that's been making the rounds claiming om various threads that IC is pro-Zionist appears to be correct. This may come as a surprise, but the fact that some in the exile community are, also, is not so much a surprise. It only demonstrates once again how out of step these folks are with the Motherland. 



by AMIR1973 on

Do Turks, British, French, Saudies, Germans or any other nationality let it happen? It's shameful, disrespectful and disturbing...

Do Turks, British, French, Saudies (sic), Germans, etc move to America and then use American inventions like the Internet and computers to spit out propaganda for an anti-American terrorist regime, like our own West-residing IRI Groupies? It's shameful, disrespectful and disturbing. Cheers  :-)

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


This is not a pro Palestinian web site. Iranians don't hate Jews. Many Jews are Iranian and are our brothers and sisters. You may be more loyal to Palestine than Iran. But a good number  of us do not share your feelings.  I have no problem with Jewish ads on IC.

Now why don't you go to a pro Palestinian web site where you are more at home. In fact why don't you move to an Arab nation where you are at home? Why live in the evil pro Jewish West. I am tried of this Arab first mentality.

I take an Israeli any day over a radical Islamist. They are a lot more tolerant and make better friends. 

None of them want to stone me for my beliefs. 

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

It's a two way street. Iranian dotcom creates a forum for sargord to speak his mind but at the same time sargord and others create traffic for ads to be sold. Selling ads that advocate attacking Iran is DISTURBING to SANE IRANIANS. It's not Sargord's job to go to Google and make his request, it's the site's managers' responsiblity to do so.

ps: I have to leave now.


Islamic Republic can't do business w/ Google or they'd done it.

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred



by Rosie. on

I wrote below to Sargord:

You can google 'google contextual advertising' and see what they have to say about it. It isn't really all that clear whether you can block such a narrow category of ad types. My guess would be no, but if you're really interested you can contact them and find out. I try to imagine if a pro-Palestinian website would carry such ads. But on the other hand websites like that don't usually use google ads.

And I really feel that until such time as he tells us that he's planning on contacting them, he DOESN'T have much of a valid point. Simply because some of Sargord's accusations were so inappropriate. This...gallivanting business.... In an ideal world the publisher would address this query about whether certain ad types can be blocked. But in an ideal world it would have been stated as a query, not an almost ad hominem. Toward smeone who's providing Sargord with free rent.

So, Sargord, are you going to find out from google whether these types of ads can be filtered?

Mola Nasredeen

Sargord you have a valid point and a valid argument here

by Mola Nasredeen on

The question is:

Do Israeli Americans let ads that advocate bombing Israel be posted on their websites?

Do Turks, British, French, Saudies, Germans or any other nationality let it happen? It's shameful, disrespectful and disturbing to see these ads here. You are not the only one who's bringing up this subject, there are many here who think like you.


And now look what you've done, Sargord.

by Rosie. on

By generating this heated debate you have caused the following ad to appear iin the upper right hand corner of this page where previously zoosk dating service was:


Care to enroll? I will if you will.


C'mon Sargord. If google doesn't tell you you can block Zionist ads, be a good boy and apologize to the nice publisher for your allegations. And if it does...don't worry. We'll expose him.




And now it's a French dating agency

by Rea on


It must be DK' sabotage, lol.  Or me, for that matter. ;o)

SP, you weren't serious, were you ? 

khaleh mosheh


by khaleh mosheh on

This is the ad I have got..oh dear..


Im off to look for a job.

Ta ta for now



Oh, yeah, and...

by Rosie. on

seeing how the publisher of is constantly posting photos from his gallivanting around Europe. I assume that's how he is spending the money he receives from such. Any comment, JJ?

Well, I guess mum's the word, Sargord. But just for the record:

Have you ever actually read the essays and blogs about these trips? The five star hotels (mostly friends' houses), the limo service between train stations, the expensive luggage (good quality backpack...), the $5000 per month luxury apartment in Palm Beach his butler is taking care of. Sargord,  if it weren't for those google ads he'd probably be 'gallivanting' by thumb. Would that meet with your approval?

Sargord, if you spend about two hours a day here, that's almost a thousand hours a year. How much has it cost you so far? But if you want to make a contribution, you could always go to the Online Store. There are some very nice AIPAC tee shirts in stock.

I know, I know. "I don't get it." _


Btw, at this very moment I've got

by Rea on

It must be Yolanda, lol.  ;o) 


Hillarious ;o)

by Rea on

SP, you do have a sense of humour.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Google ads target

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


people based on their interest and are tailored to individuals. For me they are mostly for rugs. They correctly sense that I like Persian rugs so I get blasted with rugs ads. For SP they obviously determined that he is interested in the Zionist cause. So he gets blasted with Zionist ads. Ironic isn't it?


BTW Sargord did you notice they used Ahmadi for their "ad"?

by Anonymouse on

You should've used that picture instead of the one you used here.  Karoubi said in the TV debates last year that Israel's defense minister, he called him a real life and a sworn Zionist, has stated that for Israel the best thing that can happen is Ahmadi winning the election.

Now they got their wish and are using him in every ad, every venue and every chance their get.  Just like you the Zionists love him!  Must be your infection with the Israeli cookies! 

Everything is sacred

I despise fascists and stalinists

sargo, how about your Pro-mullah posts

by I despise fascists and st... on


you have a grudge against the Pahlavi regime, which supposedly your family served; against Iranian-Americans, ironically you are an Iranian exile who can't return home; and insane hatred for freedome-loving Iranians. So, how can you complain about Nationalists who symphatised with the enemy of their enemy?

Your illogical, belind following of the most reactionary mullahs is astonishing and you are the least qualified to question anyone.



by Rosie. on

first of all, did you sign the anti-settlements petition yet?  It appeared here through google yesterday and I wanted to make a point to you with it. 

Now, you are raising a couple of intertwined issues. First of all,  if it weren't for the google ads, you might not have a site to speak out on. Before they were here, there were almost no ads. And running the blogging technology costs a fortune. Plus you would probably have no music, no news feeds and more--none of the relatively new features. It's one thing for a company to reject cigarette ads, it's another for a company to lose--what?--I'd hazard a guess at least half its revenue. Are you aware that several months ago there was a fundraising campaign here because the budget fell short? Although The Publisher attempts to avoid these campaigns so the site can be accessible to everyone for them to shoot their mouths off in, including you?

You can google 'google contextual advertising' and see what they have to say about it. It isn't really all that clear whether you can block such a narrow category of ad types. My guess would be no, but if you're really interested you can contact them and find out. I try to imagine if a pro-Palestinian website would carry such ads. But on the other hand websites like that don't usually use google ads.


The second issue--and I said so below--is that you are simultaneously criticizing the site content.Do you understand that if you got more people to write things more 'up your alley', the content would automatically change? Do you understand that when the majority of the bloggers were further to the left, the content was different?

Since the Uprising, there are a lot more blogs from people like Oktaby confusing Gaza with Haifa and calling it a non-issue but also a lot more people more like youcame too. Before we really only had Jaleho.